twenty nine

A Taste of Temptation

SHC profusely apologized for everything and promised to return all former job titles to everyone. I guess it would be nice to go back to the comfy job that I was sufficiently good at. Back to the nice, organized life filled with documents, routines, and caffeine addictions. But honestly, I don’t think I could ever be comfortable anywhere really. I don’t think I could look past the fact that SHC killed dozens of innocent vampires during my time underground just so that they could try and rid of a possible threat without any real basis, either. And, regardless of all that, I still don’t think that I’m the same person who used to work there. I’ve changed considerably in the amount of time underground, hiding away. I’ve…realized a lot of things. There are more important things out there that I need to face, like being with the family I chose to walk away from all those years ago and making up for that lost time. 


Some have gone back to SHC, which is necessary since the public still has to be protected. Of course they were very adamant about reformations that SHC needed to address before they fully cooperated, and they’ve all reached a negotiation that everyone is content with. I had promised not to be sad and cry like a baby when I said goodbye to Chen, Minseok, Luhan, Kris, and Tao, but it didn’t really work out. I bawled until even the tears dried out and I couldn’t cry anymore.

Baekhyun and Yoonmi have decided to go travel the world. Together. Actually, I lied when I said I couldn’t cry anymore. I cried even more when they hugged me, wished me luck in life, and, with a bittersweet expression on their faces, rolled their suitcases away to the airport. It wouldn’t be the last time I saw any of them, but for some reason I still felt half empty when I, myself, started to pack away my belongings. There was something lonely about closing a chapter in my life.


Of course, I didn’t feel that way for long. Jongin made sure of that. 


His cheeriness fluttered around me and was a constant reminder that I wasn’t alone even though I would be leaving many things behind for the time being. He was a new chapter, ready for me to open. 


However, Sehun is one of those that decided to stay behind. He feels a deep sense of obligation to the community to prevent anyone from becoming like him, or the old him. The uncontrollable him. It’s good that he’s found something to devote his life to, but at the same time I can’t help but feel a little sad as we start different lives apart from each other. It’s not like we won’t see each other again, but continuing on in a life that doesn’t always mean he’ll be right by my side is a little disheartening.


He knocks on my door a few days before I’m set to leave and stands in the doorway looking more uncomfortable than ever. “So, you’re going to see mom and dad?” He starts as I let him into the apartment.


“Yeah, that’s the plan.” I answer and we sit on the living room couch.


“What about after?”


“Not sure yet. But Jongin wants to help Danmi open up another branch of the dance academy in a different city, and maybe eventually in the States.”


My brother nods and looks around at the blank walls and boxes. “You okay with that?”


“Of course. It’s his passion. I’m not going to get in the way of that. And as much as I loathe to say it, maybe I’ll just stay home, you know? Be a diligent girlfriend and do a lot of the chores or something like that, I don’t know. I could use some peace at the moment.”


Sehun laughs, the tension relieving in his shoulders. “Yeah, you could definitely use some of that.”


The door creaks open and I look up just as Jongin enters the room. When he sees me, a smile lights up his face and warms my heart. Then he turns to Sehun and they engage in one of those “manly” handshakes that guys like to do a lot. Before settling into the sofa next to Sehun, he brushes a finger along my cheek. I hear Sehun briefly complain about PDA as I go into my closet to bring out the last of my clothes. 



Today is our last day in Seoul. 


Jongin and I have already said our temporary goodbyes to almost everyone that has ever mattered in our lives. The last people we visit are Danmi and Woomin. Danmi goes about her kitchen making us some tea while we sit on the living room couch and watch Woomin run around with little action figures in his hands. It’s comfortable just like this and I’m starting to feel the pang of loss before we’ve even left, but Jongin, as if knowing my inner thoughts, squeezes my hand reassuringly. I lean into his side, content and relieved. 


The tea is prepared and all four of us fall into an easy conversation about little things. I for one am overjoyed that no one even mentions the word Pure One. Thrilled to have another guy to talk to, Woomin hogs Jongin’s attention as they start to play around with toy soldiers and little plastic cars.


“How are you holding up?” Danmi asks while the boys are out of earshot.


“Good, really.” I answer honestly. Jongin catches my eye and he winks before returning to race a car along a miniature track. “We’ll miss you all.”


“You talk like we won’t see you ever again,” she smiles. “Don’t worry, I plan to bother you two often.”


I laugh. “Please do.”


We sit in a moment of silence, quietly observing as Woomin’s toy car finishes the race before Jongin’s does. Jongin accepts bitter defeat and slumps on the floor. 


“Daeun,” Danmi suddenly whispers and I turn to look at her. She gazes at the opposing wall, seeing something that I cannot. “The original…he’s not gone. He still has his army of resurrected vampire humans that are waiting for his return. They are dangerous and can only be stopped by the blood of the Pure One. And he will return, not in this lifetime, but definitely in the next.”


My blood runs cold as I digest what she’s saying. “How can I make sure he doesn’t come back?”


For a little while, Danmi just sits there, staring blankly at the wall. Then she turns towards me with a sad smile. “You can’t. Not in this life. But in your next body, you will meet more hardships than ever before. You will have to sacrifice many things to save this world and to stop the original. You must prepare yourself for these sacrifices in your reincarnation.” She glances briefly at Jongin, a detail that I don’t quite understand yet. “You must prepare yourself."

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135 streak #1
⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author elysian_visions-!!

What a pretty poster!! Looking forward to reading!!

Chapter 33: OMG THIS WAS SO GOOD!! and the fact that you started this before wolf era??! Man, exotics were wild!!
vujuha #3
Chapter 35: Damn this was freaking good.
vujuha #4
Chapter 15: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/378095/15'>!!!!</a></span>
I like to say that I am extremely picky person when it comes to ffs, but this is just perfect in everyway; romance,mystery,action. I read bunch of stories end up losing fate in my choosing abilities and found this.
Chapter 4: So far so good. Nah good is not enough to describe how well this story was written.
Chapter 8: when Jongin say hes already home to Daeun damn it i felt that!
Chapter 6: aww!im lovin this way too much im sacrificing my nap??
Chapter 35: I like it like it like it! Like this story so much even afer reread~
Chapter 35: I'm super happy right now...thank u ; )
Crystal55rose #10
I'm done reading