DAY 3: Park is a girl?

The Prince of VENOA


“My prince...” Someone shook my shoulder.

I groaned in annoyance and slapped the hand away. How dare this person disturb my sleep? I, prince of Venoa, deserve to sleep for as long as I want, and wake up whenever I want. I thought I already made this clear to everyone!

“My prince...” The annoying voice called out again. “My prince... You have to wake up now or else you’ll be late for school.”

I rubbed my eyes groggily and slowly opened them, only to see VI’s lips mere inches from mine. “What are you doing?” I said in disgust, quickly pushing him away from me. “Just so you know VI, I have no interest in men.”

He snickered and straightened his shoulder. “Of course not my prince. Neither am I. In fact, just to let you know, I went out last night with the girl by the counter.” He said with a smirk.

“What?” I exclaimed incredulously. “How dare you find someone before me!”

“My prince, it is not my fault that I am better at charming the ladies than you are.” He said, a wicked smile on his annoyingly arrogant face. No one can wear that look except me! I really ought to teach him a lesson!

“My prince, you have to get ready.” YB suddenly said from the doorway, interrupting the daggers I was throwing at VI with my eyes. I could throw him real daggers, but it was too early to conjure up at the moment. Besides, there were more pressing matters at hand, like the fact that I’m not going to that forsaken school ever again.

“I’m not going.” I said stubbornly.

“Why my prince?” YB queried in confusion.

I glared at him and crossed my arms, sitting obstinately on the bed. “I’ll tell you why! The fact that you think Park can be my potential wife is absurd! He’s a boy! I do not like boys! In case you’ve forgotten YB, father wants me to find a bride, not a groom!”

“Ahh... about that. DS just came back to report to me that Park is actually a girl my prince.” YB said, bowing his head.

“What? That’s impossible!”

“We do not know the reason as to why she dresses like a male, but I assure you my prince, DS is right. Park is a girl.” YB said just as I heaved loud sigh. How can he be so sure when she wasn’t sure about it herself? I can never understand women, here and in Venoa. Why do they have to live in the gray area between white and black?

“Here you go my prince, I’ve chosen your outfit for the day.” VI said, emerging from the closet.

“Forget it VI. I’ll choose for myself. For all I know, you might make me look like a peacock today.”

“But that’s not so bad is it my prince? Peacocks are proud creatures, just like you.” He said before running away.

I gaped at his flying figure. “Did he just insult me?” I asked YB who was still standing by the doorway.

“Err... my prince. You know how he is...” YB said, scratching his head. “Anyways, please quickly get ready. If not, you’ll really be late.”

“Hey! The prince does not wait for the world, the world waits for the prince, understand?” I said, wagging my finger at him.

“Err... yes my prince.”

“My prince, I suggest you start courting your potential wives today. There’s no time like the present.” GD spoke on the way to school a while later. He was driving the God-forsaken vehicle today. When in the world did he learn that? I don't have to learn too do I? I’ll be damned if I have to.

“You... all of you are crazy.” I said through pursed lips.

“Oh, why is that my prince?” DS said, his smile almost blinding me. Really? I just said he was crazy and he could still smile at me? Was he in his right state of mind? If people said I was crazy, I wouldn’t smile at them the way DS is right now. But then again, who in the right mind would call me, the prince of Venoa, crazy?

“First of all, Minzy is too young for me. Second of all, regardless of what you tell me, Park is a boy. Thirdly, CL is much too friendly. And lastly, Dara is just downright mean. Do you think I should have her whipped?”

VI gasped. “My prince, if I may... we cannot whip people here! We are not the law!”

“It doesn’t matter VI!” I said exasperatedly. “I’m the prince! And as the prince, I’m allowed to do whatever I want!”

“But my prince, as instructed by your father, I am to constantly remind you that you are not a prince here on Earth. You are just Choi SeungHyun, a student majoring in music.” GD said as he parked the hideous vehicle.

I cursed under my breath and grabbed the bag DS was holding. “That’s enough. I don't want to hear anymore. Just get out of my sight, all of you.”

“Wow... and here I thought you were crazy yesterday.” Dara smirked. “Are you usually like this? Were you a lonely child?”

“I’ll have you know, I had a hundred servants taking care of me when I was a child!” I said, fuming in anger. How dare this lowlife creature call me crazy? Even VI, the bravest of my servant, dared not talk to me that way! How dare she?

“Careful my prince. This is not the time to lose your temper. She is a potential wife.” YB said quietly from behind me.

“Potential wife my foot.” I whispered angrily under my breath as I watched her walked away. I wanted to click my fingers, I have planned a nasty surprise for her in my head, but one of the servants must’ve seen the expression on my face and grabbed my hand.

“No, my prince. No magic.” VI said.

“Just this once! There’s a really angry bear in my head that wants to chase her.” I said through gritted teeth.

“There’s CL my prince. Now’s your chance to woo her.” GD said, pointing at CL who was... talking to herself. So she can do it, but I can’t? What an injustice place Earth is! I cannot tolerate this! I must do something about it!

“Do you see that? She’s talking to herself too!” I exclaimed.

“Err... She’s not my prince. She’s talking on the phone with someone.”

I furrow my brow in confusion. “What’s a phoon?”

“Not phoon my prince. Phone. It’s what humans use to talk to people that are not around them. Quite a useful device if I may say so.” YB said.

“Are you saying they don’t have birds to deliver messages?” I said in shock.

“Birds on this world are not as trained as the ones we have in Venoa my prince.”

 “Ah... TOP!” CL said, waving her hand. “Hi! Wanna go to class together?”

“Err... sure.” I said reluctantly, eyeing the device she was holding in her hand. “CL, can I see that?”

CL looked at her phone, before handing it to me. I took it very carefully, just in case it decided to explode on me or something. I mean, you never know what this weird device might do to me.

“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” CL said with a smile. “I just bought it. Hey I know! Why don't we exchange numbers?”


“Yeah, then we can call each other!” CL said brightly.

“This is the perfect chance my prince. Give her the room’s phone number.” DS urged.

“And what the hell is that?” I said frantically, trying not to open my mouth. “I don't know it!”

“Err... my prince, neither do we!” GD squeaked from behind me.

Before I had to chance to throw a few favourite cursed words at my servants, because I honestly thought they were going to take care of everything, the small disastrous device emitted a loud sound, scaring the living daylights out of me. I told you it would explode on me didn’t I? Quickly, I dropped the device and stared at my palm. I wasn’t infected or anything was I?

“Yah! What did you do that for?” CL yelled in my face before collecting her phone from the ground. “It was just Park calling!”

“Hey! No one, not even my father, speaks to me that way!” I said, narrowing my eyes at her. How dare she shout at a prince? “I demand an apology! Now!”

“My prince!”

“Stay out of this YB!” I shouted, forgetting momentarily that they were invisible.

“Err... Are you ok dude?” CL said, looking at me weirdly. “Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. Anyway, I’ll see you in class.”

“Well, I think we can now safely rule out CL as a potential wife.” DS said after a while of silence.

“Send word to father. Tell him I’ll marry whoever he wants me to. I don't care. Just let me go back. Human females are dreadful creatures.” I said as I fumed in anger. 

“I don't think that’s wise my prince. He sent you on Earth for a reason. You are not a quitter. You can do this.” GD encouraged.

I stared into the distance, hating the fact that he was right. Why can’t they back me up just once? Why do they have to be right all the time? How hard was it to just say ‘yes, my prince’? It’s not like I was asking them to move mountains or change the weather or anything! God! Aren’t I the prince here? Wasn’t I allowed to do whatever I want?!?

“Hey! TOP! You ok? Why are you still standing here? You know we’re late for class right?” Someone suddenly said from beside me.

 I turned to look and gasped in surprise. There was a girl smiling at me. A beautiful, beautiful girl. I must be dreaming! I just have to! I honestly didn't think I’d find anyone half as beautiful as Venoan females but here she stood, ten times better than Miss Venoa! Her hair was the colour of chestnut, her eyes as big as saucers. Her smile was perfect, just as her pearly white teeth were. But there was something really familiar in the face. I’ve seen this face before, and I’ve heard the voice before too. Not a second later, another gasped escaped my lips. “Park? Your hair! It’s long! You’re a girl!”

“Yeah... I’d appreciate it if you don’t tell anyone about this.” She said as she covered her long, beautiful hair with another.

“Why are you dressed like a boy?” I asked, baffled. Damn the servants! They were right again! Curse them!

She let out a laugh. “It’s a long story TOP. I’ll tell you some other day. Shall we get to class?”

“Err... ok.” I said, following her footsteps. Now this... this is queen material. That’s it. The search was officially over. I must begin my plan to seduce her. But how should I start?

“Told you she’s a girl.” DS said with a snicker.

“Shut up DS! He’s thinking on how to court her!” VI said.

“How’d you know that?” I whispered to VI as I followed Park to class.  

“Because my prince, I have the same expression on my face when I see beautiful ladies.”


Chapter Posted on: Jan. 11. 2013

Here is the next chapter!!! Hope you guys enjoy this one too! ^^ Happy reading! 


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lily-leo-vvip #1
Chapter 14: Please i seriously need more chapters until the loving this story so far... you are amazing and i hope you continue your story and fighting
Annyg88 #2
Chapter 14: Liar Tabi!!!
I had so much fun reading this story :D but i thought the flow is too quick? Nevermind. Prince seunghyun is totally not fashionable in earth lol. And i like how you write seunghyun pov all the time kkk. Can't wait to read next chapter :)
auroramikaela #4
Chapter 14: Ohh Top you're a bad prince.....Liar...
Chapter 14: Yo top!! Stupid prince!!! Why would you lie to her when its goin to cause more and more bad problems.. Seriously I'm going to take your phoon and make it explode over your face so you can know about how explosive Bommie can get of you piss her off... Tchhh I'll be watching you Seunghyun.. Keke see you soon authornim! ~~~
thunderblood #6
Chapter 14: Uh oh! I smell trouble! Congrats on 100 subscribers authornim!
whitepaper #7
Chapter 14: Oh no... Liars don't end up well... I smell trouble!
haneul024 #8
Chapter 14: Ohh TOP being a liar ???? Update... update.... update....
auroramikaela #9
Chapter 13: GD be a girl.... it's like secret garden parody.. heheheheh..
haneul024 #10
Chapter 13: Yeaaaahhh a new chapter and please keep update Authornim I like it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ