DAY 1: My arrival on Earth

The Prince of VENOA



“Oof!” I said as I landed on the very top of a pile of bodies belonging to my servants. Lucky I had them to break my fall. But then again, I couldn’t very well be seen at the bottom now could I? I stood up and brushed my jacket, eyeing my surrounding curiously. Where the hell did father send us? And to land on Earth in such a way, it’s degrading!

“Are you alright my prince?” One of my servants asked me as he entangled himself from the pile.

“I’m fine.” I said as I turned to look at him. I tried not to laugh at his expression as he got up, but he looked too damn funny. “GD, this is humiliating! Why did father have to send us through airless space? Why couldn’t he use a spaceship?”

Before any of my servants could reply, a muffled yell was heard. “Get off of me you crazy bastards! I can’t breathe!”

Hurriedly, the rest of my servants stood up and revealed a fat, balding middle aged man at the bottom. When he finally got to his feet, I crinkled up my nose in disgust. I supposed all human males look like him. He certainly didn’t have the appeal that all Venoan males have. Oh, who am I kidding? He’s human!

“What is the meaning of all this?” He asked, taking a step towards us angrily.

Standing in front of my servants, I narrowed my eyes at him. “You dare speak to me that way?”

“Hah! Why should I care how I speak to you? You’re all good for nothing kids trying to rob me!” He yelled, throwing his fist into the air.

“Rob?” I mumbled under my breath. What does that mean? Sensing my confusion, my oldest servant stepped forward and whispered in my ear. “We are peaceful people my prince and therefore the word rob is not in our dictionary. It means to take someone else’s money without their consent my prince.”

I turned angry eyes towards the man once I realized what he meant. “How dare you accuse me of such a thing? Do you have any idea who you’re speaking to?”

“No! And quite frankly, I don’t care!”

“I am the Prince of Venoa you stupid human! Bow to me and show your respect!” I bellowed threateningly.

It became silent all of a sudden and he stared at me like I’d just sprout a second head. I might as well, just to show him I wasn’t kidding. Before I could snap my fingers however, he burst out laughing. He laughed so hard he was practically spitting on my face. I looked at him in bewilderment.

“That… that… was a nice joke kid!” He sputtered in between his laugh. “And I am Prince of England!”

“My prince… It is unwise to waste your breath on such a human. We should get going.” GD said from behind me.

“Wait a minute! You can’t be serious! Are you in on his joke too?” The man said with a snicker. “I must say, you guys are a bunch of pranksters.”

And with that he walked away, his laughter still ringing loud and clear in my head. My jaw dropped open before I turned to stare at my servants. “Did he… did he just insult me? Did that pathetic excuse of a human insult me?”

My servants gazed at one another, willing the other to speak first before the youngest one cleared his throat. I smiled inwardly. He always had more guts than the rest of them.

“I believe he just did… my prince.” VI said with a bow.

“Well then, we should get even don’t you think?” I said with a raise of my eyebrow. I spun around and saw the man making his way towards another human male. Ugh, they all look the same… ugly and revolting. I shook my head slightly before focusing on an image in my head. With a satisfied smirk, I snapped my fingers.

All at once, his pants fell down and all the humans in the vicinity pointed and laughed at him. It made me feel extremely good, considering what he was wearing underneath. Venoan males wear boxers too you know but hell, nothing like that yellow mustard color he had on. Whatever, he got laughed at, not me…

“My prince…”

I sighed. YB was always the one to ruin the fun. “Yes YB?”

“You are not permitted to use your power my prince.” He said quietly.

I looked at him, horror struck. “What are you talking about? Who gave you that order?”

“Your father of course, the King of Venoa, my prince.” YB said, furrowing his brow.

“Are you telling me that I can’t use it for thirty days?” I asked incredulously.

“Well… maybe under a few circumstances you can.” DS said finally.

“This is ridiculous! Let’s just get out of here!” I said and was about to snap my fingers when VI stopped me.

“What now?” I said angrily.

“We have to travel the human way my prince.”

“Fine! Lead the way then!”

I know I’m being difficult, but what do you expect me to do? I’m a prince! I’m supposed to be spoilt! And besides, I can’t use my power at all! Why wasn’t I warned beforehand?

I let my eyes wonder before they landed on something big and white. It looked a lot like a bird but why wasn’t it moving? Was it hurt? Shouldn’t I go heal it or something? Not to brag or anything, but I do have great healing powers…

“Hey GD.”

“Yes my prince?” He said from beside me.

“Is that bird hurt? Why isn’t it flapping its wings and flying away?” I asked as I pointed at it.

“That’s not a bird my prince. That’s an airplane.”

“A what?”

“It’s something humans use to fly long distances.” GD explained. “Just like our spaceships.”

“Oh. We’re not going to go on that are we?” I asked a bit hesitantly. Just so you know, I’m not scared. It just doesn’t look anything like the comfortable spaceships we have back home.

“No, we’re not my prince. We’ll be taking a car.” DS chirped in.

“Now what the hell is that?”

“Humans use it to transport themselves from one place to another my prince.”

I shook my head slightly as the throbbing began. I hate having no knowledge whatsoever about humans… how do you expect me to live with them?

“Right. Well, enough human lessons. Just get me to a good resting place.” I said as we stepped out of the building.

“This is a car my prince.” YB said with a smile as he pointed at something big and black.

I eyed it warily. “And what exactly do we have to do with it?”

“We have to get inside my prince. This gentleman will take us to our destination.” DS said as he gestured towards an elderly man.

“Are you kidding me? I am not getting in there! What if it tries to eat me? Do you want the future king of Venoa dead?”

“My prince, it’s not going to eat you. Look, GD is already inside.” VI said as he tried to keep a straight face.

Reluctantly, I stepped into the enormous… thing. I clutched my seat tightly when it began to rumble and move, all the while keeping my eyes shut. Mind you, I am not scared! I just don’t feel comfortable being in it. Lord knows what it’s doing to me, rattling my bones like crazy…

“We’re here my prince.” VI said from somewhere in front of me.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked outside. We were in front of a huge building, nothing like my palace of course, but good enough to stay in I guess. With shaky legs, I stepped out of the car and placed myself in between YB and DS, the two with the most muscles. I don’t exactly need their protection but since I can’t use my power, I might as well use their strength to my advantage.

“Is that all gentlemen?” The elderly human said with a smile.

“Yes, that’s all sir. Thank you.” GD said as he waved him goodbye.

“This language we’re speaking…” I started as we headed in.

“Korean my prince.” VI interrupted.

“Right. It’s… strange.”

“You’ll get used to it my prince.” YB said under his breath.

I nodded my head, avoiding the humans that seemed to fill the place. “Are we getting a room here?”

“Yes my prince. It’s the best hotel in town.” YB replied as GD and VI dealt with the human female behind the counter. She seemed to be eyeing them with appreciation though I doubt either one of them noticed. But then again, VI might… 

“Oh, I spoke too soon.” I mumbled as VI flashed his heart stopping smile to the female.

“What was that my prince?” DS asked.

“Can you believe him? Already hitting on a human female before I do.” I said as I shook my head.

“You know he’s always like that my prince.” DS said with a small smile.

I rolled my eyes as GD made his way over to us, unaware that VI was still by the counter.

“Right. C’mon then. Our room is at the very top. I believe it’s called a penthouse.” GD said as he gestured towards the nearby door.

“Let me guess, this thing is going to take us up right?” I said, already bored with the human things I don’t and can’t be bothered to know.

“Yes my prince. It’s an elevator.”

“Why can’t they do things in a simple way like we do?” I asked as we stepped inside the small space.

“They don’t have powers like us my prince.” VI said as he smiled.

“Right. Like you’re the one to talk. Got her name yet?” I said with a raise of my eyebrow.

“Of course my prince.” VI smirked as he went out.

“Do you like it my prince?” GD asked once we were all inside the room.

I shrugged as I made my way towards a nearby seat. “It’s nothing like the palace but I guess it’ll have to do.”

YB smiled. “Don’t sulk my prince. Look out the window. I’m sure you’ll find the view breathtaking.”

“Don’t tell me what to do YB.” I said as I wagged my finger at him. “So tell me, what do I have to do tomorrow?”

If I had looked up at my servants then, I would have seen the grins on their faces but I didn’t, so I guess they were let off easy.

“Tomorrow, my prince, you’ll be going to school.” DS stated.

I frowned. “School? I’m wise beyond my years DS. And besides, I don’t see how school is going to help me in finding a wife.”

“In school my prince, you’ll see plenty of human females.” GD said.

“You’re kidding. You want me to find my wife at a school?” I asked incredulously.

“Yes, my prince.” They answered simultaneously.

“Well… then, will you guys be coming with me?”

“Do you want us to my prince? We could be invisible and guide you through the day.” VI suggested.

“Hmm… I guess we can try that.” I said as I leaned back and closed my eyes. “Now quiet, let me get some rest. I don’t think my head can take anymore of this Earth today.”

Father, how will I last thirty days without my power? And on Earth nonetheless! I cannot stand all these human contraptions that my servants seemed to know better than me. Will I even be able to find a wife under these circumstances? I haven’t yet seen any intriguing human females. But oh well, let the countdown begin. One day down, twenty nine days to go…



Chapter Posted on: Jan. 6. 2013

Here's day 1!! Thanks for subscribing everyone! Hope you guys like this chapter! ^^ Please enjoy! 


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lily-leo-vvip #1
Chapter 14: Please i seriously need more chapters until the loving this story so far... you are amazing and i hope you continue your story and fighting
Annyg88 #2
Chapter 14: Liar Tabi!!!
I had so much fun reading this story :D but i thought the flow is too quick? Nevermind. Prince seunghyun is totally not fashionable in earth lol. And i like how you write seunghyun pov all the time kkk. Can't wait to read next chapter :)
auroramikaela #4
Chapter 14: Ohh Top you're a bad prince.....Liar...
Chapter 14: Yo top!! Stupid prince!!! Why would you lie to her when its goin to cause more and more bad problems.. Seriously I'm going to take your phoon and make it explode over your face so you can know about how explosive Bommie can get of you piss her off... Tchhh I'll be watching you Seunghyun.. Keke see you soon authornim! ~~~
thunderblood #6
Chapter 14: Uh oh! I smell trouble! Congrats on 100 subscribers authornim!
whitepaper #7
Chapter 14: Oh no... Liars don't end up well... I smell trouble!
haneul024 #8
Chapter 14: Ohh TOP being a liar ???? Update... update.... update....
auroramikaela #9
Chapter 13: GD be a girl.... it's like secret garden parody.. heheheheh..
haneul024 #10
Chapter 13: Yeaaaahhh a new chapter and please keep update Authornim I like it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ