Off to Korea!

Korea? Blame Infinite.

Rianna's pov

We were all so happy that we are finally going to KOREA!! yuppie~. It is today, in the evening that we are going to korea. Ahh I am gonna miss this place, this room, mom and dad. AISH!! "Think of the good things that will happen Ria, you will be living with myungie~, you will start a whole knew life with Rebby! now seriously you wanna be sad about this or happy?"      

Right then someone entered my room and obvioulsy the one who comes in WITHOUT knocing is none other than WOOHYUN. "Look who is talking to herself now?" he said with his teasing voice. " UGHH oppa how many times have I told you to KNOCk the door before entering in my room!!!" I shouted with a frown on my face. " Aishh ok ok mianhae, no need to shout. I just came to tell you to come down for lunch. Umma made something special~" he said the last word with his singy songy voice.

"Special? I'll be down in a minute oppa." I said. He then nodded and went out of my room. I went outside after typing my hair up in a messy bun.

Rebecca's pov

We were all at the dining table waiting for Ria unnie to come down so we can start eating lunch. Aish she is sooo gonna get it for making me wait. Mom prepared my FAVORITE meal. Dudbokki! Well you dont really get dudbokki in Philippines but u can prepare it if u have the right ingrediants!.  i looked up the staircase and FINALLY she came. she sat down next to myungsoo oppa (as always -_-) and then we said our grace before meal, and then we ate finally!!!

After we finished eating, me and Ria unnie helped mom wash the dses scince it would be our last day with her we wanted to spend girls quality time (with our mother).

"Rebby and Ria, you guys are gonna skype us every week okk?" She said with a cracking voice. i knew that she was gonna cry soon. Ria looked at her, patted her back ad said " ofcourse mom, even though we are going away.. Doesn't mean we are going to forget you and dad" Mom smiled looked at ria the at me " Haha i know that but still you two might go and i will be alone, your dad goes to work at 7 in the morning and comes back late, who will keep me company then."

Now we both Ria and myself knew what she was trying to do. We looked at our mom with one eyebrow up and all three of us started laughing soo hard. Mom was trying to do some excuses so one of us will fall for it and stay back. Cheekie mom of min ;).


4 HOURS LATER (still rebbeca's pov)


"iT'S IN THE UPPER DRAWER HONEY!" she answered back, more likely shouted. I went there and found it, i wore it and then went to the mirror to check up on myself. I was wearing black jeanes with a slip off T-shirt. My hair was tied high up. "Okk now i am ready." I said to my self. Wore my black converse and ran downstairs to see everyone waiting for me.

Wow it is the first time  I am late and Ria is early .. WOWW!.

I looked at everyone Ria wa wearing blue jeanes and a White T-shirt with random desings on it. She was wearing  a cute heart chain and long earings. I looked at Infinite oppa's the were all wearing jeanse with Different T-shirts and a black jacket. Well because it is COLD!! brrr. Mom and Dad dropped us of at the airport, mom hugged EACH ONE OF US 2 TIMES. I guessed she is sad because we are leaving. We said our good-bye's and went insinde the airport, did our check in. Finally our flight was announced and we went inside our privet jet (yayy!!) and the jet lifted of to the air and we were on our way to  KOREA!! Yes finally. I looke outside the windo and looked at Philippines  and  wved " good-bye Philippines  imma miss u " then i lay back down on my seat. looked all aroung me. I am sitting next to sungjong oppa and Sunggyu oppa. Ria siiting next to Myungsoo oppa and Hoya oppa. Dongwoo oppa, Woohyun oppa and Sungyeol oppa were sitting next to each other. I smiled and went to my lalaland (dreamland :P)




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yasha-kyeopta #1
Ohh!! annyeong! wahh!! that is daebak!!! nice to meet you Cameojoah!! :)
cameojoah #2
Annyeong!! i am a new reader and i LOVE your story!! pleaseee update soon! and hey i've noticed our birthday's are on the same day!! October 28!! ain't that daebak?!?!
iaminori #3
WOW!! Dongsaeng-ah you write DAEBAKLY!! =)