Begging for a sleepover :))

Korea? Blame Infinite.

Rebbeca's POV

Two days... ONLY 2 days and the boys, Minhae and I have been sooo close to eachother like we've known eachother all our lives. The day we met  Minhae, we went to TB's house.  so she could get used to coming to his house anytime. Well... it was Ricky who suggested that cause he REALLY looked like he wanted to get close with her. Anyways, Today TB So badly wanted to have a sleepover at his house but my sister had a hard time deciding wether to let me go or not, cause she says it's a BOY's house. I mean Come on! i've been going to his house like ... i dunno.. FOREVER? why can't she make up her mind already? 

"Ria!! Hurry up1 its only  Cody's house!!! just say yes already! its's not like i am going to be alone with him! His mom is going to be there, Minhae is ALSO going to be there! just make up ur mind already! I'm, friggen getting late!" I yelled. Chincha~ this girl! Just say YES!

"Aish!! Aright! GO. Go to that stupid sleepover of yours! You've been yellling at me for past hour already." She frowned and covered her ears with her palms.

"Well thats because you took a LOGGG time deciding whether to let me go or not!." I huffed and ran to my room to pack my clothes reall quick, incase she changes her mind."


Rianna's POV

*Well that went well. At least she did not suspect anything. Good acting Ria.* i smiled and patted myself. Well here is the thing, I was supposed to go to infinite's dorm to spend a day with Myungsoo oppa. We had some "stuff" to discuss about. So that Rebby did not find out the ''stuffs'' i was talking about i was talking about, i had to put up an act. 

"Ria comeon! stop daydreaming and LETS GO!" Rebbeca yelled... again. I rolled my eyes. Grabbed my bag full of things needed, my car keys and i dashed out of my house not forgetting to lock the door. we dont want robbers in our house, now do we? 

I Went to the car. It was brand new. Not too fancy nor plain. Just perfect. 

( I have NOOO idea which car that it :P)

I unlocked the car. We went inside and i drove off.

"Rebby, I am going to infinite's dorm o? We havn't talkied to them for a WEEK they are too busy so i will go and make food for them ok?" I asked her.

"EH? Not fair!! why are you going without me?" She whined.

"Look, you either go to Cody's slumber party or go to infinite's dorm." I reasoned.

" Humphh.. fine. But next time im going to ok?"

"Sure." I laughed.


Today is CHEN's birthday!!

Our lovely Kim Jongdae is 21 years old now!!!!!

Saengil Chukkaheyo oppaa!!!!


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yasha-kyeopta #1
Ohh!! annyeong! wahh!! that is daebak!!! nice to meet you Cameojoah!! :)
cameojoah #2
Annyeong!! i am a new reader and i LOVE your story!! pleaseee update soon! and hey i've noticed our birthday's are on the same day!! October 28!! ain't that daebak?!?!
iaminori #3
WOW!! Dongsaeng-ah you write DAEBAKLY!! =)