Birthday Gift!

Korea? Blame Infinite.


October 27

Rianna's pov

" Its Rebbeca's birthday tommorow. What should i get her... umm... umm... Ohh i know!!"

Ring Ring Ring Ring!

hello"  a voice said.

"hey! Ria hear" I said.

" Oh hey Ria wassup?" Suri says.

" nuthing much .. i wanted to ask u a favor. " I asked her.

" yeah what u want?" Suri replies.

I told her the plan and she agreed. Yay!! im sure Reby will like it.

"Oh and Suri dont forget to come to her party tommorow." I told her

" Oh i wont forget... ill be there good night Ria!" suri says.

" Heehee.. Ok .. Goodnight suri!"  I replayed.

AT Rebbeca's birthday party

"Hey sis"  i heard a voice behind me and i knew it was Rebbeca.

" Hey Rebbeca ... Ummm about your gift it will arrive in few minutes." I told her

" Oh .. thank you"

Rebbeca's pov

*what does she mean by my gift " will arrive soon"?? wierd girl .. obviosly she cannot order my gift .. Maybe she doesnt have a gift to give me. Ohh thats usuall .. we dont realy talk to each other anymore .. so i guess its normal. ugghh!!*

I got out of my thoughts and went to talk to my friends when i suddenly heard a car "Honk". I turned aroung to see & boyswearing normal T-shirts and jeans singing " happy birthday to you"  in a wierd english accent, coming towards me . At first i thought it was Infinite because they looked familiar but then i thought it was the trick of the son ... Wait im not outside the house im inside the house so how can it be the son. Oh My God is it really INFINITE!! What the heck is Infinite doing here?! . i could feel my heart thumping so fast and loud. I turned to my family and friends to ask them whats going on. I saw Rianna smiling at me and mouthing the words " Happy birthday Rebbeca". That moment i knew my sister invited them. Finally i got myself back and i went up tp Infinite. I tried Talking to them but stupid me .. I kept stammering!

" Annyeonghasayo" I bowed formely and told hello.

" Ehh? you know korean ?" hoya asked in korean launguage

" umm yeah i guess a little bit because im a kpoper." I shyly replied.

they nodded thier heads.

" Umm you know u dont have to be formal with us." Dongwoo told me

" ehh?" i asked not knowing what he meant"

I guess the others also did not understand Dongwoo because they were also staring at him with a confused face.

" When we entered u came forward and said "annyeonghasayo" bowing .. u dont have to be very formal with us" he explained.

"ohh.. if u say so" i replied.

" umm if u dont mind.. i want to go and speak to my older sister .. so would u give me a minuteplease" i asked them.

" ohh yeah sure" they replied.

i went to Rianna and i saw she was talking to Suri. Her best friend.

" Ria! how?" i asked her

" Suri" she replied

" suri?" i asked not understanding what she meant.

" ohh come on ! dont u get it! Ria called me yest-" Suri was cut off bye Rianna.

" I called Suri because i knew u like koren music and your favorite group is Infinite. Lucky for me Infinte was here in America doing thier performance and Suri is Woolim entertainment's owner's daughter. I told her to beg her father to let them come here and it worked. So thats my gift for u." Rianna told me.

My eyes and mouth was wide open. *I mean what else could i do after hearing this?* i heard Rianna and suri laugh. * I guess it was a little bit funny*. I hugged both Rianna and Suri  gave them a kiss  them on the cheek.  I said thatnk you and went back to Infinite. I started introducing Infinite to my family and friends when i noticed Myungsoo was missing. I looked all around me to look for him and finally i found him chatting with Rianna. Wait if myungsoo is next to Rianna where is Suri. I looked around and saw Suri getting food for herself. *Aigoo that girl gets hungry soo fast!* I went back to see Myungsoo and Rianna. I wanted to go and pull Myungsoo away from her but I thought that wouldn't be nice so i let them talk togather.

Myungsoo's Pov.

I was bored so i was looking around when i saw the birthday girls elder sister. She was alone so i went to talk to her.I approched to her but i guess she did not notice me because she was like .. like a statue .. she did not move. So i sat next to her and asked.

" Hey, Umm.. are you alright?" I asked her.

"Huh? Ohh yea." she Replied.

" what's your name?" I asked.

' Rianna... Ria for short." she replied with a smile."Your's?" she asked my name. *Ehh? she doesn't know me?*

" L.. But u can call my Myungsoo." I replied.

"ohh.. ok." she replied.

" why were u not moving u seemed like u were.. shocked.'' I asked her kinda nervously

"Huh? ohh that... Because Rebbecca rarly hugs or gives me a kiss thats all" she said.

I looked at her in a wierd way.I guess she saw the look on my face because she told.

" Rebbeca and I dont get along with eachother, We... we argue ALOT!." I understood what she ment.

Rianna's Pov.

He is talking to me!? I mean what the heck he is not supposed to talk to me, he is supposed to talk to Rebby.He smiled .. his  is .. cute. 

"Huh? ohh that... Because Rebbecca rarly hugs or gives me a kiss thats all" I said. i really should stop day dreaming

He looked at me in a wierd way.Isaw the look on his face and understood what it meant.

" Rebbeca and I dont get along with eachother, We... we argue ALOT!." I told.

" Don't worry it happens... Siblings fight a lot really." He said that with a smile.

He ruffeld my hair and went away. When he went i felt empty inside, but my mood lit up again when Suri came back with 2 PLATES FULL OF FOOD!!!.

'' What were  you too talking about?" Suri asked me

" ohh nothing much" i responded with a smile.

" Suri!! u eat a lot off food andd u still dont became fat why? I asked her.

" I have no idea." she replied with a funny laugh

And our day passed by .. I really could tell this time that Rebbeca's birthday party was fun heehee!
















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yasha-kyeopta #1
Ohh!! annyeong! wahh!! that is daebak!!! nice to meet you Cameojoah!! :)
cameojoah #2
Annyeong!! i am a new reader and i LOVE your story!! pleaseee update soon! and hey i've noticed our birthday's are on the same day!! October 28!! ain't that daebak?!?!
iaminori #3
WOW!! Dongsaeng-ah you write DAEBAKLY!! =)