Chapter 33

My Jerk , Yook SungJae

Haejin's POV:


This cant be true right?

I stood up from my spot and went forward to the now closed door..

" Oppa.. please be fine? " i talked

I looked around my surroundings. 

Everything seems so blur...

Thats when i realised that i was on the bridge of brawling.

A reassuring hug enveloped me

" Sungjae is going to be fine my dear.. Everything is going to be fine. " Kevin oppa hugged me

I let go of oppa's hands and sat down.

" Oppa is going to be fine.. I know... But what if something goes wrong? I can't help but feel afraid. I can't live without him... Remember how i survived when i left him.... Watching all his performances and shows again and again.. I don't know how i would survive without it. And moreover , my kids needs him too.. they need a father. I am really afraid that something might happen to him... " i cried in my hands

Just then , the doctors came out

" How is Sungjae? " Ilhoon oppa asked

" We are glad to say that we managed to revive him. And he will be fine. He is out of danger already.. " The doctors smiled and walked off..

" he is going to wake up ! oppa is going to wake up" i muttered to myself

I ran inside the room and held his hands.

" oppa. can you hear me? If you can , i want you to know that i am here waiting for you. Please do not leave me. Faster wake up. Our kids misses you. Your fans misses you. Your members misses you.. And especially me.. I miss you too.. I can't wait for you to wake up. So please quickly wake up ok? " i shook him

" Yah! Jinnie.. He is going to be disturbed from his rest if you keep shaking him. " Eunkwang oppa peeled me away from Sungjae

I stared at my kids whose eyes are red , they must have cried a lot. 

" Come to mama.. " i extended my hands out to them as they ran over to me

I hugged them tightly.

" Appa is going to be fine.. Don't cry already alright? Omma will make sure appa wakes up. "

SungJin nodded her head and said , " omma.. i want to see appa. "

i carried her up and sat her on the bed. 

She held onto her dad's hands and said " appa... you have to wake up ok?" she lunged forward and gave him a kiss on his cheeks

'what a sweet scene' i cooed in my head and smiled







" yah! jinnie where were you just now? " Peniel oppa asked

" I brought the kids out for lunch. "

" Why did you take so long then? " he asked

" Well, i met his fans. His fans started interacting with us , and they played with the kids. They had so much fun , can't bear to pull them apart from such fun right?" i laughed.

" Tsk! your always so soft-hearted. The haejin never changed since the day we met you." Minhyuk joked

" Anyways , why are you guys still here? No need for practice? " i asked

" Sajangnim let us off today to accompany SungJae. He knew that we felt empty without Sungjae. " Hyunsik stated

The surrounding started to tensed up , till Changseob spoke.

" ITS THE DRAMA SUNGJAE ACTED IN! TODAY IS THE FIRST EPISODE! " he exclaimed and pointed at the tv screen.

Omo.. i stared at the tv.

Eyes glued to that wonderful scene of him acting .

But i can't help but to feel jealous as his script for this show involves him kissing another girl that isn't me nor Sungjin..

I stared at his perfection. 

I miss his voice. 

His smile

His eyes when he looks at me

" Daddy god! do you hear me? I wish Sungjae will wake up now. " i smiled

I surfed the net and saw that Sungjae was trending on Daum and twitter. 

Everyone was complimenting his acting and some hopes for his speedy recovery. 

I was so thankful for all the wishes.. 

Everything was positive. 

I open his homepage and started typing a message to everyone out there who were concern over him.


Hello All , I am SungJae's Wife , Yook HaeJin.

Firstly , i would like to thank all of you for wishing Sungjae a speedy recovery.

Secondly , I would like to thank those who complimented Sungjae's acting. It means a lot to us.

Thirdly , I didn't expect his name to be a trending topic today. I am really happy for it as 

this was so called one of Sungjae's wish in his bucket list.


Well , he can scrape that off from his bucketlist already right? *laughs*


Lastly , I would like to share with you all what happened recently.

Today , Sungjae nearly shocked me to death when the doctors found out that his heart stopped beating

that was when i realised how i couldn't live without this amazing guy.

It is because of all your prayers for him that allows him to be saved from this incident

Some of you may not know this but , Sungjae and i had gone through a tough path to be where we are today

and truthfully speaking , we were on separation for a few years due to a misunderstanding

It was only recently that we reconcile.

No before this incident , we won't officialy reconciled yet. But now , we are. /i hope he knows/

I know he hasn't been constantly active and participative since i left him

And i am very apologetic towards that.

I hope that now , with my return , i will be able to bring you back THE SUNGJAE you've knew since debut

I promise that everything will be fine and i hope that you would like all of you to continue to pray for him. 

Pray for his safety. Continue to show him much love and support.

Without you all , he won't be where he is today. thank you all so much.

As his wife , i will continue to do my best to let Sungjae have the best performance for all of you

I will be constantly updating you all Sungjae's condition here on his homepage or my twitter.

I'll make sure you guys will get to know all details at the quickest time possible.

Till then , Please continue to support him.

Thank you..


                                                                             Yook Hae Jin



I hit the sent button and relaxed on the sofa..

I hope the fans get the message.


" sungjae.. saranghae" i closed my eyes



Back in the ward , as the group were having their dinner.. 

A twich of the hand and a frown on the face replaced with a smile quickly was surfaced.

" Haejin.. nado saranghae. " he spoke




i am sorry for not updating for 3 weeks. I am really busy,

Have been having tons of homework to do and ending school late is a torture..

Thank you for staying with me and not leave , i'll be updating soon again.( wont be leaving you all hanging for 3 weeeks ever again )..

Thank you! 

I am sorry for making all of you wait for so long



lovemyotterprince77 : i feel you babe>< sorry for the long wait><

NurulAina : he will persevere!!! ^^ Yeah... you too.. sorry for the long wait

Blue27  : i've updated again^^ Sorry i disappointed you right? made you wait for so long

cuteheartbreaker13 : it is alright ^^ you can start commenting again heheh^^



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Sojung-han #1
Chapter 41: Omo!! ('.')
Is this it?
if it is... please make a sequel :)
nice story ^^
RangerDita #3
Chapter 41: Ommo.. finally, he's awake. . . it's been long time sungjae-ah for u to went to the journey.
Make ur family happy,.

Is this the end authornim??
Blue27 #4
Wah! I missed your fic so much..
Haha~ Gud Luck with School!
Chapter 41: The end? Omo :)) authornim ur the best !!! Sequel!! Haha xD. HAPPY ENDING ^^
oohlina #6
Chapter 41: Awee yay :) he woke up !
Chapter 41: omg this update T.T Make me cry...Its ur fault for making me cry author-nim! *lol xDD jk* LOL DAE TO THE BAK!!!! ^^b
Chapter 39: Author-nim :)) I miss u :)) it's ok :) haha! Update soon pls. I'm crying now T_T I hope sungjae will wake up soon ..
hueyelaine #9
Chapter 40: Omg was that a cliffhanger TT
WHO is he? Sungjae woke up? Or...stalker? Affair? Omg no