Chapter 29

My Jerk , Yook SungJae

Haejin POV


I was brought back to reality .

" Haejin. Are you alright? " Concerned eyes were around me , but i couldn't find the pair of eyes i've been longing for

i turned to my right and saw a body beside me bed.

I squinted my eyes and saw that it was Sungjae


" I've never cheated on you Haejin.. I was being framed. You've misunderstood me"

"If you did , why didn't you explain? "

" You didn't gave me a chance to explain. How was i able to explain? "

" Oppa..."

" Haejin...... Please forgive me...." he slowly faded

" OPPA! Where are you? Don't leave me!"

How can god do this to you? Just when the misunderstanding was cleared, god takes him away from you.

" Daddy God! How can you do this to me! " you shouted

" Haejin.. Even when i am not around... I will be up here looking after you. " you heard his voice

" Sungjae!!! " You called out....

"If your given another chance , will both of you cherish it? " you heard another voice

But before you could reply , you regain conscious



" Sungjae... " was the first word that i spoke

I reached out my hand to hold his hand...

I stared at the tubes in his nose and needles inserted into him

" He is going to be fine.... " That voice........

" Kevin oppa... " i called

" Neh?? Don't worry ... He will be alright... "

I felt reassured.. I stared at him...

' God gave us another chance right? That is why your still alive right? '


I looked over to the crowd infront of me

" I am sorry everyone.. SOrry for making all of you worry..."

" It is ok Haejin.. So long as your fine... We are glad that your fine... " my father in law told me

" Abeoji.... How is Sungjae's condition? " i asked

" He... he'll not be waking up so soon.. He is now in coma.. " everyone looked down

" He isn't going to wake up soon? " my voice cracked


' Daddy god.. How is this another chance? Are you trying to test our patience? Please god.. Don't do this to us? '


" haejin... You need ample amount of rest now!!! You need to quickly get well soon... Don't make us and Sungjae worry anymore. " I heard Mijin told me

" I will.. Unnie.... Thank you... "

" You remembered all of us? " Minhyuk asked

" Yes... I don't know how and why.. But after a dream i've made , everything seems to flow back... "

" Sungjae? "

" My child's father? "

" yeah. he misunderstood about Sunghyun though.. "

" I know.. I will resolve this... "

" haejin" Sunggyu oppa called

" Mmm? " i asked

" Whatever happens , remember that Infinite oppas will be here for you. We love you like our sister. " he told me

" Gomawo oppa... Thank you for being there for me ever since i knew you all.. "

" Your welcomes my dear.. " he smiled

i scanned through the room.

Infinite , Btob , Kevin , Mijin and both my parents and in-laws were here...

Seeing the hurt Sungjae and i caused for everyone , i can't help but to feel remorse

" I know this is a little bit too much but can you guys help me to Sungjae's bed and let me have my time alone with Sungjae ? " i requested

" Arrasso.. I bet you want to do some catching up right? " Sungyeol oppa teased

Slowly , one by one , Infinite oppas , my parents and in-laws , Mijin and Kevin each gave me a peck on my forehead before they left.

Btob oppas get me to Sungjae and told me to get well soon before they left


After they left , i stared at the cold body infront of me.

I held his hand up.

" Oppa... Did you have the same dream as i did? " i asked

" Daddy god gave us a second chance right? But it seems like he has left a challenge for us... This challenge needs both of us to persevere..." i paused

" Oppa.. I am sorry i misunderstood you.. I'm sorry for not giving you any chance to explain . I am a horrible wife right? " i laughed

" oppa... Did you know i have another dream? " i asked " You grandmother talked to me"


" Haejin uh.. Remember me? "

" Halmoeni? " I called out

" Ahh my granddaughter-in-law... I missed you.. "

"Halmoeni.... " I ran over and hugged her

" Where am i ? " i asked her

" We are now at a place where heaven and mortal world links..."

i stared at her curiously..

" It is a place where i'll be able to meet you through you dreams my dear.. "

" Ah... But why so sudden? "

" I've seen a lot of what is happening between you and Sungjae.... These few years , it must have been tough for you"

" It is really tough.... "

" Do you know that Sungjae didn't do anything wrong? he didn't cheat on you? "

" halmoeni... what are you trying to say? "

" That girl! She made you misunderstand that Sungjae dumped you. "

" But how can it be true? "

" Do you believe in me? " she asked

" Neh.. Of course i do! " i exclaimed

" Here is the past... Memories of what exactly happened" She passed me a glass jar

" Pour this into the water... Put your head inside.... You'll see what exactly happened"

I hesistated of what to do.. I stared at the bottle of jar...

I opened the lid and poured it into the water.

I slowly dunked my head in.

Everything inside was so real. The events that took place...

After what seems ages , I realised the full picture...

I seen the whole story of what happened....

I really did misunderstand Sungjae.

i pull my head back up and i saw halmoeni.

" Halmonii... " I cried

" Now you know what exactly happened.....???? "

" neh... I am such a horrible wife... "

" Don't be... Now since you know.. Are you going to make up for your mistakes? "

" Neh!"

" Now.... come here ..... We are going to part for now.... I will be back to find you one day... Till then..... please stay safe"

I hugged her.

She slowly faded from my view...


" You know halmoeni did something amazing? " i told him " She made me realise the full story.. "

" i am sorry for misunderstanding you and caused so much distress to you... "

" Will you ever forgive me? "

I stared at his face....

I regretted

I am such a horrible wife.

A wife that doesn't believe her husband

A wife that doesn't allow her kids to know who her father was and let them spent time with their father

A wife that doesn't deserve to even be his wife

But what can i do? These mistakes were already fault

" oppa... from today onwards , i am going to be a better wife and mother.... I will do anything to safe this family from falling apart.. I won't let anything to harm the trust we have for each other.... oppa... Trust me alright? "

i talked more till i was tired.

i held onto his hands and dozed off beside him





" Your only way out is to fight with yourself and win.. If you want to be with your wife again , this is the only way... "

" Aren't there any other ways? " i asked

" I am sorry my child. This is your chance i am going to give you , but to get it , you need to overcome this battle... "

This was my only chance.. To fight the battle within myself

Daddy god.... I know this is going to be tough.. But i will fight this through!


I heard a voice. An angellic voice

" Oppa.... Did you have the same dream as i did? "


i heard her talked about a lot of things.

She reaccount her dream to me....

Was this really her voice?

She said she knew everything.

She realised what exactly happened

I know i am elated. But i can't do anything..

I can't get myself to wake up

Just then she said something.....

" Sunghyun is our child... He isn't Kevin oppa's.. There wasn't anything going on between Kevin oppa and i... It was all a misunderstanding. Please wake up soon.... "

after that sentence , there were no longer any more  from Haejin.

" Have you heard what your wife said? " a voice called out?

"Neh! Is it real? "

" You'll be able to hear whatever is said but your loved ones in the reality..... " he continued

" Here is your first task......Are you ready? "

' I am forever ready so long as i get to see my wife and family again... '



Hello subscribers!!


I am finally back eh?^^

Missed me? How is life everybody?

Today! I finally updated with a longer story right?

Well this story is slowly getting a little fantasy Haha!! Should i make it fantasy or keep it something that is more realistic?

Comments appreciated!

Thank you all for waiting.. Your waiting paid off.. I took the extra time and studied for my nationals...

It was pretty easy in my point of view^^ Thank you all for being my motivation^^

I'll update another chapter soon^^ Keep you eyes peeled^^



hueyelaine : Why not?^^

Blue27: Hahah! nice comparision i've used right??^^

RangerDita : Is the story slowly unfolding for you??^^

KimTeeNa : Thank you^^ Your my motivation to do well and also provide more quality updates^^

Nami_97 : I am backkk^^ Thank you for waiting my dear dongsaeng!!

cuteheartbreaker13 : will sungjae die ? hahah not sure yet.. Thank you for supporting me!! And thank you for the upvote^^



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Sojung-han #1
Chapter 41: Omo!! ('.')
Is this it?
if it is... please make a sequel :)
nice story ^^
RangerDita #3
Chapter 41: Ommo.. finally, he's awake. . . it's been long time sungjae-ah for u to went to the journey.
Make ur family happy,.

Is this the end authornim??
Blue27 #4
Wah! I missed your fic so much..
Haha~ Gud Luck with School!
Chapter 41: The end? Omo :)) authornim ur the best !!! Sequel!! Haha xD. HAPPY ENDING ^^
oohlina #6
Chapter 41: Awee yay :) he woke up !
Chapter 41: omg this update T.T Make me cry...Its ur fault for making me cry author-nim! *lol xDD jk* LOL DAE TO THE BAK!!!! ^^b
Chapter 39: Author-nim :)) I miss u :)) it's ok :) haha! Update soon pls. I'm crying now T_T I hope sungjae will wake up soon ..
hueyelaine #9
Chapter 40: Omg was that a cliffhanger TT
WHO is he? Sungjae woke up? Or...stalker? Affair? Omg no