Chapter 12

My Jerk , Yook SungJae


' Isn' this the plave where i first met Haejin? The place where our parents introduces is to each other? ' i thought.

As i walked further around , there were stares around me.

Someone caught hold of my arms as i freaked out

" Waeyo oppa? " Haejin questioned

" Ah. Nothing. You scared me !" I smiled

" Ah... heheh.. sorry.. Let's go for some ice cream treat??? My treat ok? " She pulled me eagerly

We walked into a shop that i never took notice off..

I didn't seem to remember that this shop exist previously

As Haejin approached the counter to order , I decided to hunt for seats outside.

" here! " I called out to her as she walked out of the shop with our ice cream.

She sat down and we inhaled those ice cream quietly

The silence wasn't deafening , neither wa it awkward... We were just enjoying ourselves with each other

I looked over at the sunset and commented, " Beautiful lovely sunset there"

She turned towards where i was looking and replied , " It's amazing to catch such a sight in Seoul. "


After we finished out ice cream , we went for a walk at a nearby park , hand in hand.

The sight infront of us were mesmerizing

" A butterfly...... " Haejin gasped as she reached out to touch it.. It didn't flew away , as if knowing she was no threat.

" As beautiful as you " I commented as blood dominated her pale cheeks.


As we moved along , i caught sight of a group of guys trailing behind us. A group of 5.

I immediately explained the situation to Haejin and we dashed off to the end of the park , nearing the main road

Before we could make it , a guy caught up and caught hold of Haejin's hand and smirk.

" Where do you think your going? " he questioned

That's when i knew it , we are in deep


Suddenly , a fist flew in our direction.

Haejin let go of my hand and managed to dodge away from getting beaten.

The situation tensed up , fists flew everywhere...

Because Haejin was a black belt , she could easy pine one or two guys down.

But because there were 5 , the situation was beyond control. 2 vs 5

We managed dodge most of the punches.

But suddenly , there were 2 more guys.

Haejin and i were totally dominated.. As much as it tried to defend Haejin, i could barely fend for myself.


" AHHH! " one guy hit my leg with a bat...

I landed on the floor. Clasping my leg in pain.

Haejin ran over and helped me , but was being kicked by another guy.

She flew to a corner.

" Haejin! " i called out in horror as i saw was bloody,

From that moment , her eyes turned into a menacing looking one.

It was as if she was about to eat those guys up alive.

Each punch she threw , she got another back.

Soon , blood was trickling down her face.

I stood up with all my might and started wrestle with one of the guy who seem badly injured alr...

I punched the guy harder on his face till he bled.

One of his friends saw and started attacking me.. I gave my all and beared the pain.

I successfully knocked out a guy...

I turned around and saw a guy behind Haejin about to attack her.. I dashed forward and took the hit...

" AHHHH! " i screamed as he punched me

The next thing i knew was that i was on the floor.

Haejin was shocked with the sudden attack .

Because she was too shock , i saw her being beaten up by those guys.. I tried reaching out to her , then...........


" Are you ok? " a familliar voice called out

" Haejin! " i said to ilhoon hyung

As i said , I saw infinite hyungs and btob hyungs punching the hell out of the guys infront of my eyes... Minhyuk hyung was carrying Haejin to one corner.. Blood was coughed out from as she moved.

As Haejin neared me , she touched my face and cried..

She held me tightly as i did the same to her..

Finally i was in her embrace again......

But before i knew it , i was pushed away as i slammed onto a light pole..

" BAMM! " i heard a plank hitting onto something , which followed by a voice... " AHHH "

That was the last scene i saw , Haejin Collapsing on the fall . Hyungs all caught hold of her and the rest went to catch those guys.

I called out.. " Haejin !" With all my strength. But i was unheard .

I let out another call before darkness overcame me....


In my darkness , i saw a figure ....

I neared it , it lookedd like.... Haejin...

As i walked forward , she retreat one step..

" Haejin! Haejin ! Haejin! " i called out

" HAEJIN! " I woke up and found myself on the bed....

I looked around.. This isn't my room....

I remembered about Haejin

I looked around the room, but Haejin wasn't there.

' Was it a dream? ' i thought

Suddenly , Ilhoon Hyung rushed into my room

" Sungjae! "

" hyung!  "

" Are you feeling better? "

" What do you mean feeling better ? Where is my wife? I had a bad dream about people beating me.. I need her.." I told him

His eyes turned wide

" You thought it was a dream? "

" what do you mean by that ? "

" Haejin and you were beaten up just now.. It wasn't a dream sungjae! She is in the hospital having an operation now... Your in patient room.. You just got your wounds cleansed.." He told me

" Bring me to see Haejin now..... " I stood up and dragged my sprain leg...

" No.. Your not well now... SIT! " he ordered

" Hyung.. Please? " i begged as tears rolled down my eyes

" Stop! We will bring you there later. " Dongwoo said as he walked in

" HYUNG!!! WHERE IS HAEJIN!!! " I shouted as i burst into tears

" Sungjae.. Don't cry. Haejin is having an operation now.. She'll be fine. Don't worry... Are you ok.?? Anywhere else pain?? " he asked

" No... Hyung can you please bring me there now?? Please hyung?" i begged

" Hiaz.. Ok. Why did those people do this to you and Haejin.. " he said as he touched my bruise on my face..

I could tell he was not only concern about Haejin but me also.

" Hyungs will get to the bottom of this.. We will get that person out and make sure the person gets pay back. " He growled


Operation theatre

Hyungs led me towards the operation theatreon a wheel chair.. Afraid that i would injure myself further

We waited for hours and hours.

Nervously waiting for the red light above the door to switch off.

We were afraid for Haejin life. She might just leave us suddenly without us knowing.

I wheeled myself to Infinite hyungs.

" I am so sorry for causing this problem... " I apologize to them.

" It's alright . Our Haejin will be fine. " The maknae Sungjong came forward and comforted me..

Dongwoo hyung and Sunggyu hyung came forward and gave me a hug.

" Hyung knows that this isn't your fault. Neither was it Haejin's. Both of you are not the cause of it. Hyungs won't accept the apology from you. Because it isn't your fault. Hyung knows how much you wanted to help Haejin. Haejin is a strong girl , she've been through all odds. This is going to be nothing to her.. "

He pulled out a picture , he showed me.

" she is a tough girl.. SHe has been through a lot since young. " Dongwoo hyung told me

"She will be fine .... She will.. Hyung is sure... " Sungyeol hyung assured


The red light switched off hours later and a doctor came out

i wheeled myself to the doctor immediately

" How is she ? " I asked

" the patient is fine now. she has moved out of the critical zone.. She is stable now. Patient has fractured one of her rib cage bone , thankfully it did not pierce into her lungs. She also fractured her right leg . Lastly , it is a miracle that no blood clots are clotted in her head during the impact of hit. Please take good care of her. She'll br transferred to the private unit for closer supervision. " He said and left.


We headed to the room . Hyungs questioned me about the attack . The police also took my statement and assured that the guys were under arrest.


Just then ,

      " Sungjae. This was all instigated by Jieun. " Ilhoon hyung

" We should have talked to her weeks back after the incident where she met an accident. We shouldn't have called off the meeting with her " Minhyuk hyung said

My fist tightened around my hand as anger rosed within me.


" Hyung. We caught her ! " I heard myungsoo hyung telling sunggyu hyung

" Let's go and give her a lesson " Sunggyu hyung said as i called out to him.

"Hyung !! "

" Yes? "he looked at me..

" can i go? " I pleaded

" NO! Your injured. Hyung will make suer she gets it back. Hyung will take revenge for Haejin and also for you.Hyung's heart hurts to see you and Haejin like this. I'll settle this " He rubbed my shoulders and left with infinite


" Hyung!!!" i held Eunkwang hyung's hand i cried

" Why? " he asked

" I can't een do anything to tale revenge for Haejin. Im so useless "

" Your Not! Just remember to never ever EVER let Haejin down after what she has done for you ? " He reminded me

" Sungjae ! She's awake " Changseob called out.

" Oppa! " She called out

I wheeled myself towards her as i carressed her bruised face...

" Are you alrigt? " that was the first thing she asked

" Why are you only caring about me? What about youself ? " I reprimanded her

" It's good that your fine " She replied as she held my face

Her gaze turned towards Ilhoon hyung

" Thank You my saviour Ilhoon oppa " She smiled at him

" Your welcome , Im just doing my part of protecting my sister in law. In return , can you give me a niece or nephew soon ? " He teased .

All she did was chuckled.

" But oppa. Im not fit enough to do it yet... Once i recover ok?? " she said it openly... Not afraid or embarrassed

Soon it was time for her to rest , i instructed to bring Haejin home and have a 24-hour nurse and doctor looking after




-slaps- " ! You think what you did was amazing. Your going to taste blood today.. " Sunggyu hyung said to secret members who were at basement of Infinite's L's mansion

Payback was returned

Secret were beaten up so badly by infinite members.

They left secret in the middle of streets


This may be the end but it isnt

" We will have to stay low for quite a while until we recover." SungHwa said as the nurse applied medication on her.

The payback was horrible , they were punched and slashed by belts till their skin tore


As secret was walking back home ,

Jieun screamed , " I'LL MAKE THEM REGRET FOR DOING THIS TO ME TODAY!  THEY ARE GOING TO GET IT FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " 

As she screamed , she lost her footing and fell out of the pavement.

An oncoming vehicle came..............................................................................................................





A/N:  HAHAHAH! CAR ACCIDENT FOR THAT BIJ^^ happy???:D im like super happy hahahah!1



NurulAina  : DONT DIEEE>.< HAHAH:D  stay alive...

MirrorMirror97 : JIEUN WILLL DIEE

ftkyles : HAHAH:d isn't putting a lot of emotions good??:D



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Sojung-han #1
Chapter 41: Omo!! ('.')
Is this it?
if it is... please make a sequel :)
nice story ^^
RangerDita #3
Chapter 41: Ommo.. finally, he's awake. . . it's been long time sungjae-ah for u to went to the journey.
Make ur family happy,.

Is this the end authornim??
Blue27 #4
Wah! I missed your fic so much..
Haha~ Gud Luck with School!
Chapter 41: The end? Omo :)) authornim ur the best !!! Sequel!! Haha xD. HAPPY ENDING ^^
oohlina #6
Chapter 41: Awee yay :) he woke up !
Chapter 41: omg this update T.T Make me cry...Its ur fault for making me cry author-nim! *lol xDD jk* LOL DAE TO THE BAK!!!! ^^b
Chapter 39: Author-nim :)) I miss u :)) it's ok :) haha! Update soon pls. I'm crying now T_T I hope sungjae will wake up soon ..
hueyelaine #9
Chapter 40: Omg was that a cliffhanger TT
WHO is he? Sungjae woke up? Or...stalker? Affair? Omg no