Chapter 13

My Jerk , Yook SungJae


18 year old girl met a knock and run accident yesterday night.


Haejin's POV;

" Oppa... Take a look at this , Jieun met a knock and run accident last night. Wonder what exactly happened... She was reported to be cursing at someone before she lost her footing and fell into the main road.. " I called out to Sungjae oppa who was at the toilet applying his stupid makeup for his schedules..

' AGHH! Why must he put on make up.. He makes me look uglier than him ' i heaved a puff and blowed my bangs fringe

" Yes yeobo?? " he came rushing out from the bathroom , in a mess.

As I glanced over to look at his face , an explosion of laughter overcame me...

" What are you laughing at? " he questioned

" your---hahahhaha-fa-ce-hahahah! " I was laughing and saying it out at the same time..

He stood there and gave me a poker face. I calmed down slowly , still giggling in fits as i explained to him

" Oppa.. Did you use my BB cream? " i asked

" Ani... Why? I dont think i used it... " he gave me a blur look

" I bet you did! You face looks like a ghost! The BB cream doesn't match your face colour at all... " I laughed aloud

He ran towards to the toilet again to double check..... A loud shout was heard next....

As i heard his cursing in the toilet over the use of make up.. I couldn't but to pity him...

He had to remove his makeup again.. Reapply moisturizer , in short , redo everything that he had did for the past 15mins inside.

After waiting for him for about half an hour later , he finally came back

" As you were saying? " he came back out as if nothing had happened before

" As i was saying.. Jieun has met an accident and is now in the hospital. Her condition was serious as before she met the accident , she was beaten him terribly.. Wonder what exactly happened to her... Kind of pity this young girl.. She is now in ICU... Wonder when will she ever wake up...." I pondered.. The thought of her landing in the hospital had totally eliminated my hatred towards her

" She is better off dead.. She has been not only torturing you , but everyone around me. She deserves such retribution... " He retorted angrily

" Are you involve in any part of her injury or accident?? " I questioned curiously as he seemed suspicious...

" A-ani.. I wasn't.. I was with you all the while. How could i have been able to do so? " Well he has a point.. i choosed to not question further

" Oppa... Can we go out later? Like for a breeze walk or so? " I asked

" But your not well yet! " He reasoned

" Ani.. I just wanna breathe the air outside.. "

" What about a walk at our backyard park? " He offered a suggestion

" Good choice... But can you push me around?? " i pleaded him with an innocent look... -totally-not-my-style-

" Aigooo.. Sooo cute!! Alright.. Come on.. I'll carry you down to your wheelchair... " He carried me bridalstyle downstairs.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.. I loved that moment.. It was so romantic and something i always dreamed of.


We strolled around our backyard . I looked over the city that set infront of our eyes. A beautiful sight..

" Look to your right.. " Sungjae told me.

As i turned over to my right. A miniature poodle ran towards my direction.

" A miniature poodle.. " i trailed

" I know you want a child. But with this body of yours.. I doubt we can have--"

I cut him off.. " YAH! Dirty minded! "

" What.. i thought you wanted? " He teased as he layed the poodle on my lap

" Annyeong nurrungi.... " i hugged him

" Nurrungi??? "

" Yeah.. our poodle's name... " I said as i carressed my nurrungi's back.

" Yeobo... He will take our the place of our kids first alright? Wait till your better... I'll make sure we will have a complete family with kids.. " He said grinning from earr to ear

" KIDS? " i exclaimed in horror. Thinking about the pain i have to go through , it nearly freaked me out

" Yeah.. KIDS ! I love you.. "

I admired the surrounding around me.. Looking around the magnificient view. The greeneries around me made me extremely calm.

" What are you thinking of? " Sungjae asked

" I am thinking about our future. Will there be any mishaps? Will be live happily ever after... " I answered

" Believe and trust oppa alright? Everything is going to be smooth sailing.. Everything will be under my control. I will never let anybody hurt you. Never ever again. " He smiled and hugged me from the back...

We admired the view.. That amazing view that will lead us somewhere one day.


One an a half year later....... (explanations later)


I finally got a degree in commerce, International Business. With the help of my parents who made me got into an express way to get a degree quick.

Now ,

I am strolling down the streets of Gangnam.. Taking notes over what is on demand and what are the all-time best selling items.

I did analyse over what benefits one's company.

As i looked around , there were many things to take notice of.. So many , yet so little time.

On my wheel chair , I ride myself towards my car.

I had hurt my spine. I'm currently temporary bottom paraylse.

Doctors has assured that my condition would be better if i continue to do my therapy..

Though i am half paralyse , I still didn't miss out many exciting things.

Things i'll never forget.

" Yeobosaeyo? " i answered my call.

" Where are you now ? Can we meet? " He pleaded

" Arrassso... Usual place! Now! See you! "

If you was curious who that was , it was Sungjae. We have been working in our company for a month already. We are now not only marriage partners but also business partner.

We have been so busy that we decided to drop out of school and completed an express degree quickly..

We barely scraped through our degree.. Merely passing by a couple of marks..

As i drove over to our usual place , I suddenly had cravings for pig trotters.

I am so sure that I HATED PIG TROTTERS! i feel like it is an insult to malays religion whenever i see people eats it..

I wiped that thought away.. Must be my stress life over taking my brains

I sat on my wheel chair as i alighted my car and assisted myself towards the cafe..

As i entered , there i saw , my husband..

He has grown up to become a real man.

He had started to be more mature as he started becoming famous in both the music and business industry...

I was proud of him. I married my dream guy.

" Jagiya... " i called out to him.... I decided to call him that since one faithful night..

" Yeobo... " He smiled back

" How was your day? " he asked

" Tiring. I was looking around at those shoes.. GOSH! I can't believe those shoes are back intrend. "

" Which? " he had no knowledge about shoes... He is dusgusted about how i actually drew shoes again and again..Designing and perfecting my drawings again and again

" DInner together later?? " He told me..

" Alright.. I need a break anyways."

" Yeobo ah.... I heard that just days ago , Jieun woke up already... Everything has been more or less perfect ever since she was in coma.. I wonder what will happen now that she is awake... But whatever it is , she can never ever hurt us.. We have our body guards. We are protected by them. No matter whatever happens , remember to inform me alright? " I knew he was really concerned about me. He was aalways there for me when i needed him

When i was totally vexed out during our degree exams , he was the one who brewed soups after soups to replenish the lost of nutrients in my body.

Though he had both music and business matters to handle , he juggled them absolutely well...

He was born for this.. Like god made him to do this. .

" Jagiya.. Don't worry alright.. I'll be fine, Anyways,, It has been two day since i last saw you.. I missed you a lot... " I said as i carressed his face

" aww.. miss me that much? Tonight i can finally have you back in my embrace.. I love you my dear. " He said as he held onto my hands tightly.

" annyeong Sungjae oppa... " a group of fangirls came over

" annyeong Haejin unnie " they also called out to me

" oh.. annyeong" we greeted back

" Can we have both your autographs and a picture with you guys? " they pleaded

" arrasso... " we tooked turns to sign on the polaroid pictture we took with them

" Thank you.. " we thanked them before they left

" Haejin unnie.. Hwaiting! Take care of sungjae oppa for us.. If he ever bullies unnie , tweet and tell melodies! His hyungs and melodies will help you.. Unnie , we want to see you back on your feet soon... Get well.. " they shared their concerns to me.

I laughed it off and told them that i would as Sungjae was pouting at one corner mumbling i-dont-know what.. surely cursing at those fans.

" Yeobo! Your present.. " he changed topic immediately as soon as those girls left..

I couldn't help but to laugh at his sudden change in his mood.

" OMG! My favourite pair of shoes ! Where did you get it? The last time i saw  , they said that it was sold out island wide.." I stared at my gift like it was my precious..

But before he could reply , i felt like vomitting...

" gwenchana?? " he asked as i almost vomited.

" Neh.. I don't know what has gotten into me this days.. I keep feel like vomitting... " i commented

" must be stress? " both of us agreed upon

As we headed of for dinner , the wide spread of meal was sumptuous.. I glared at those food infront of me.. As though i was going to gobble all down completely.

" Yah! SLOW DOWN PIG! You'll get choke! " he was astonished with my sudden big appetite

" arrasso..... " i said...

" Whats that? " i pointed at the a plate of desert..

" Chocolate mocha cake. " he told me as he pushed the dish towards me...

I inhaled the smell of the cake.. A sudden gush of nausea overcame me again..

I felt disgusted towards the chocolate cake.. It smelt like rotten rubbish to me

I declined the offer as Sungjae told me how amazing the cake was when he tried it

We settled our bills as we left back home...

" yeobo... Are you sure your ok?? You have almost vomited like gazillion amount of times since we met just now... Are you sure your ok??? "

" Yes i am your naggy guy!  I'll go and bathe first " I was irritated about how he always nagged about me.. I wheeled myself towards the toilet.


When i was in the toilet , I tried to stood up. I managed to walked a few steps a few days back when i went for my therapy.. It was like an achievement for me as my hopes for walking and wearing those heels I've deisgned were back up.

As i stood up with the aid of holding onto the basin table for support.. I tried to move myself to the toilet bowl to seat..

As the toilet bowl was much further away , I had to use more strength to walk over..

As beads of sweat trickled down my face , I finally managed to move my right leg forward..

Slowly i made another step with my left leg , but before i knew it , i lose my footing and slammed down on the floor...

I tried to move but my stomach hurts.. I saw blood oozing out from my ..

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! JAIGYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! " i screamed for him as i saw the blood coming out non stop

" WAEYOOO? " he barged in

As he saw a pool of blood , he immediately brought me to the hospital

I felt inmense pain throught the torturing journey towards the hospital

" NURSE NURSE! MY WIFE IS BLEEDING PROFUSELY!! PLEASE AID HER IMMEDIATELY!!! " he called out to a nurse as as team of nurses and doctor came forward and helped us...

I was wheeled into the operation room.. The doctor started checking my body...

He told me that the bleeding his stopped after he did something to my i-don;t-know-what-he-did-

He brought me to a scanning room and checked my body...

As we entered a room , he took my pee sample and ran some test as i was brought to a single patient room adn waited for the results from the doctor..

Sungjae held my hand tightly , he too was shocked with the sudden bleeding from me..

" Im sorry... " I apologized as he he looked into my eyes..

" Don't be.. It is not your fault alright? " he kissed my temple.

The doctor came back in within a few hours.

" Mr and mrs Yook... The results are out and i am sad to say that.........................................................




 YOOOO! I am a horrible author.. I didn't update for the past 2 days.. I am really feeling terribly now... SO here i am with a new chapter... I know story is progessing really fast. But please bear with me alright???

So why the sudden rush of one and a half year... Because there is nothing much to write about until Haejin actually recovers and Jieun waking up.

Please do understand that this story is getting into the point of really soon.. I really wish you guys enjoy thi story as much as i do..

Thank you to my amazing 46 subscribers , I really aprreicate your support:D

This is my first time having soo many subscribers.. I thank you guys for being here for me and Supporting me till today... I will do my best to continue doing more updates.. I will always do my best to do quality updates and not quantity updates. As im in my fianl year studies , i need to prepare more.. I'll still update no matter what.. Because i don't want to leave you on a cliffhanger too long either... . I know all of you wants to read a good and nice story.. I'll do my best.. Thank you guys soo much...




ftkyles  : Noted:D not too much emotions...^^ I'll do my best:D Thank you for your feedback:D

Baekyeol_12 : I thank you for admitting that i'm evil:D hahah ! Another cliff hanger again for you today:D

hueyelaine : Jieun isn't.. She is awake alright.. -shocks- Peace wont stay ... Having a real life character dying is really scary as i wrote it out.. feels like im cursing the person.. OMO>< -i feel bad- ><

KimSuYeon : ANNYEONGGGG:D Yes I love having you guys on a cliffhanger:D i am evil hahah:D Thank you for loving my story:D Support me to the end :D Thank you soo much:D

NurulAina : Bad people don't die early:D hahah;D Aigoo.. I just crashed your hopes><

MirrorMirror97  : Jieun didn't dieeeee... HAHAH:D yes i am evil to put her back into the story:D I had a thought of killinh her at first

beasteubaby  : NEH:D THANK YOU MY DONGSAENG:D  She isn't deaddddddd


thanks to ♔ The Eye Smile Queen ❖ Advertisement And Review Shop for the advertisement.

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Sojung-han #1
Chapter 41: Omo!! ('.')
Is this it?
if it is... please make a sequel :)
nice story ^^
RangerDita #3
Chapter 41: Ommo.. finally, he's awake. . . it's been long time sungjae-ah for u to went to the journey.
Make ur family happy,.

Is this the end authornim??
Blue27 #4
Wah! I missed your fic so much..
Haha~ Gud Luck with School!
Chapter 41: The end? Omo :)) authornim ur the best !!! Sequel!! Haha xD. HAPPY ENDING ^^
oohlina #6
Chapter 41: Awee yay :) he woke up !
Chapter 41: omg this update T.T Make me cry...Its ur fault for making me cry author-nim! *lol xDD jk* LOL DAE TO THE BAK!!!! ^^b
Chapter 39: Author-nim :)) I miss u :)) it's ok :) haha! Update soon pls. I'm crying now T_T I hope sungjae will wake up soon ..
hueyelaine #9
Chapter 40: Omg was that a cliffhanger TT
WHO is he? Sungjae woke up? Or...stalker? Affair? Omg no