Chapter 16

My Jerk , Yook SungJae


HaeJin's POV

" You aint joking right? " i questioned

" I aint... I ran away not because you stole my lolipop.. I left because of my personal reasons. " she replied

" Because of that stupid Kris. I seriously hate him. How could he hurt you like this.. Unnie.. I am really sorry " I apologized to her

" Ani.. its alright my dear sister.. It's all in the past. He didn't hurt me intentionally. Did you know he came back to Canada too? He came back to see his parents. I met him. and..." she trailed

" And? " i wiggled my eyebrows

" He left me for another girl because he wanted to protect me from that girl. She wanted to hurt me... " she stared into space

" WOOOH! what do you mean? " i asked

" well..... That girl named Hyosung had fallen for him since they were young. And when she knew i was with him , she was boiling.. She came over and told me off.. She started going near Kris. Not only that , she threatened me daily and also layed her finger on me... It lasted until one day when it stopped. It was also when Kris became really cold to me.. It was like days after he proposed to me.. He started treating me coldly , constantly telling me he wasn't free. I thought he was just playing a joke on me since we always give each other 'cold' shoulders whenever we mess around. It will never last more than a day. But at that time , it lasted 2 weeks before i confronted him . As i gained the courage to confront him, i saw him in school with Hyosung . Hand-in-hand. Thats when reality struck me.... He left me for Hyosung. " she sighed

" I was heart broken. I stared at them. They looked back... His eyes were cold and piercing yet there was a hint of sadness. i thought that he felt guilty.. I went up slapped him in the face and ran away.. " a tear slide down her eye

" unnie..... " i called out

" Later when i ran to Canada, I found out that they were about to get engaged. The day that they had their engagement ceremony , he came to Canada. He actually escaped and ran away. He came over and find me. He told me what happened.. But i didn't want to listen to his explanation because i can't face reality. And it was also because i didnt want him to know that i was pregnant with his child already. I wanted the child just for myself. And now it has already passed 3years" she trailed off

" WAIT! You what? " i shouted

" SHHHH! Yes your an aunt now... You have a beautiful niece now... " she carried a little girl , aged about 3 years old , from a pram beside our table...

" omo... unnie....... " i cried

" What did you do? why didn't you abort her away?" i said angrily

" I can't bring myself to do so.. She is someone i am carrying. She is a life. God gave her to me. I can't just throw her away like this... " She lowered her face

" Unnie... What is her name? " i carried her to my hands

" Wu Hui Juan. 吴惠娟. It means Kind and graceful. Just like how Kris was. Kind and exquisite . "

" Why did you use his surname? "

" Because it is his child. I can't bear to make her not know her actual roots. " She said understandingly

" unnie.. your too kind hearted . " i told her as i looked at my niece " Hui Juan ah.. Be a good girl and don't omma any trouble alright? " she giggled

" She speaks chinese , english and korean. I taught her... " My sister told me

' Chinese? "

" her roots remember??? " she re-emphasized

" ahh! But unnie , when are you ever going to tell him? I mean.. You can't just let her be fatherless.. " i asked

" Don't worry , i have my own ways to get her both father and mother love. " she told me

" Hyunsik oppa? " i suggested

" He is a really nice guy, a good friend of mine that cared for me since the day i broke down.. But as much as he is willing to accept me and my daughter.. I doubt his parents would.. I mean , i am a single mother.. I can't just be selfish and make him accept a child that isn't his.. "

I stared at Huijuan and thought , 'unnie does have feelings for Hyunsik oppa.. But her heart still have Kris.. Even though Kris had treated her badly , she still loves him..Am i suppose to find a way to make Kris and unnie back together or with hyunsik oppa? '

my thoughts was taken over when unnie excused herself

" where are you off to? " i asked

" Some hotel.. Omma and appa doesn't know bout HuiJuan... " 

" Unnie.... what about my house? I can take care of her with you.. I mean , this way , omma and appa wont know about this..." i suggested

" Good idea.. But Sungjae will allow? " she asked

" He will.. He loves kids.. Knowing that we also have a new member in our family , he will be excited... Unnie.. we will go through this together.. Whatever it is , i will always be by your side. " i assured her

she smiled as i led her off to my car and drove her to our house.


On our way back home , unnie asked many things about omma and appa..

" Where are they exactly off to after i just landed from the plane? "

" Holiday... They dumped the whole company for me to manage.. What a trouble... " i laughed

" Aigoooo.. I will be finding a job soon.. "

" what about working at our family company? "

" no.. I want to work outside and gain experience before i get into our company.. I don't want others to talk behind our backs... "

" But unnie..... "

" no buts! thats final.. Anyways , i will be going on an interview to Sm entertaintment as a finance advisor and Auditor... I heard they needed more workers.. the salary given is quite high.. USD$8000 a month.. More than enough to live with Hui juan... "

thats when it struck me

" You do know that Kris oppa is from SM entertainment..." i told her

" I am out to work.. Not to care about his prescence. I need to be professional... I am working for HuiJuan's future. I cannot be afraid over that guy. " she told me confidently.

As much as i wanted to pull her back , her decisions will never change and stand firm. She is a girl that doesn't change her mind easily. Nothing can ever change it .

" As you wish.. But at any point of time if your ever needing any help , i am here for you.. " i assured her the second time

" arrassso..!! "

Unnie went to her room and started unpacking while i sat on my bed thinking.

 'First Hyosung ruining my unnie's relationship with Kris oppa.. Now Jieun is ruining mine with Sungjae oppa..
Why are they doing so? What benefits them ? If nothing had ever happened , Unnie must be living happily
with Kris oppa.... '

' Tomorrow , i shall take a visit to find Kris oppa..... '  I told myself as i fished out my phone


" Kris oppa. Are you free tomorrow? " i sent a message over to him


I sat in my bed as i waited for Sungjae oppa to come home


" Hyunsik oppa... You free to chat now? "

" waeyo? "

" Do you like my sister? "

" erh...."

" Just tell me.... "

" I love her.. But i know that I will never be with her. My parents will be strongly against it. I am slowly forgetting about her already. I need to move on from this. "

" Don't you want to just break away from what your parents might think instead? "

" Korean culture is to never marry a foreigner if possible.. And it will be even worse if they knew she is a single mom. "

" my sister isn't a foreigner.. But what is so bad about being a single mom???? "

" I am sorry... I cant disobey my parents. "

I sat and sighed of how gutless oppa was..

If you love someone , you would do anything just to be with that person.. No matter what happens , you will only care for that person.

Hyunsik oppa... Your a coward.... Just like Kris oppa..


-Kris Wu

" yes i am free tomorrow . Only after 3pm. What is the problem for such a rare text? "

" Nothing.. I just need to ask you some things. Can i meet you? "  i replied his text

" yeah sure.... SM company at 3;30pm? "

" Sure.. see you tomorrow"


Thats it... I am going to clarify many of my doubts.. I need to get things in my hands..

Since Hyunsik oppa can't cherish unnie... Since he is not courageous enough to catch his love..

I will give this chance back to Kris oppa..

But before that , i need to know his heart....



" YEOBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! " sungjae barged into my room

" What? " i scolded

" sorry.... " he apologized

" Nothing.. oppa come here. " i signalled him over

" Waeyo? "

" we have a niece.. her name is HuiJuan... Unnie gave birth to her ex-fiance's kid... Pleasse keep this from my parents.. And oppa... Take care of my niece alright.. Unnie will be staying with us from today onwards... "

" what happened? "

I filled him up with whatever unnie told me and explained everything in detail..

" WHAT THAT JERK??? " he exclaimed

" Don't call others a jerk when you were once ! " I scolded

" but baby! i am not now.. right?? I love you more than how he does for Mijin noona. " he exclaimed

" Your saying yourself too.. Anyways , i will be finding Kris oppa tomorrow.. Please send me to SM entertainment ok? " i pleaded

" AISH! FIne! For your sister and our niece's future! i will... And make sure you come back in one piece... " he agreed


After our small chat , i went over to unnie's room.

She was clutching onto Kris oppa's picture... Tears were spreaded all over her face..

' she must be still upset over Kris oppa.. ' i told myself

Not far away , i saw a book..

A diary she kept all these while...

I opened it and read till i reached the diary she wrote for today.

Oppa.. Will i ever get to see you again?
How am i going to face you again?
Will you still treat me coldly?
Do i still love you?
Oppa... I wish everything was back to the time 4years back...
When you still love me..
Do you still remember the night we made Huijuan?
I hope you do.. Because i never did forget.


I slipped her book back on her study table as i stared at her

" Unnie... You still love Kris oppa like how you did 4 years back.. Your love never changed for him.. You dont even love Hyunsik oppa.. You just made yourself claim so... You hiding away from reality... Unnie.... i am going to make sure you get back to reality " i whispered as i covered her with the blanket.


I will make sure Kris oppa will come back to you........

Everything is going into plan.. I will make this Romeo and Juliet back together..... I can't let anyone break their previous 4 year relationship apart.. They are meant for each other.........


I told myself that as i drifted of to sleep.................


Misson : Get Kris oppa to admit he still love unnie even though he always claim to me previously that he doesn't.




This is part one of the plot:D Hope you guys like it.. I know this is dry... But i will make sure the next chapter would be more interesting than this alright?

Sorry that i can only update once a week now as homework and test are piling up.. I will continue to write more chapter before hand i possible.. I am drafting every chapter in my phone so i can copy and paste it to upload... Please wait for my updates:D Dont unsubscribe ok?^^

I hope you guys will help me with this poll..




comment replies:

Mysehunnie : Aww sorry for keeping your hopes so high.. But Mijin isn't going to be with Hyunsik at all...

BTOB_Lover : Don't kill me><


beasteubaby  : Cliff hangers are fun ^^  Make you my subscriber be held up for whats next:D Thanks for supporting me:D

Nami_97 : Don't mention^^ Its your credit:D Awww namsam tower scene was nice???:) and nope they are not a couple.. and wont be.. Just like the foreword goes .... best friend only:D




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Sojung-han #1
Chapter 41: Omo!! ('.')
Is this it?
if it is... please make a sequel :)
nice story ^^
RangerDita #3
Chapter 41: Ommo.. finally, he's awake. . . it's been long time sungjae-ah for u to went to the journey.
Make ur family happy,.

Is this the end authornim??
Blue27 #4
Wah! I missed your fic so much..
Haha~ Gud Luck with School!
Chapter 41: The end? Omo :)) authornim ur the best !!! Sequel!! Haha xD. HAPPY ENDING ^^
oohlina #6
Chapter 41: Awee yay :) he woke up !
Chapter 41: omg this update T.T Make me cry...Its ur fault for making me cry author-nim! *lol xDD jk* LOL DAE TO THE BAK!!!! ^^b
Chapter 39: Author-nim :)) I miss u :)) it's ok :) haha! Update soon pls. I'm crying now T_T I hope sungjae will wake up soon ..
hueyelaine #9
Chapter 40: Omg was that a cliffhanger TT
WHO is he? Sungjae woke up? Or...stalker? Affair? Omg no