Ch. oo2

Up Here Where Nothing Matters


Taking our seats near them we sat in an awkward silence. “I’m Nina.”

I glance over at her nervously she nudged me again. “Park Miyoung.” I say bowing.

“I’m Min Soo, call me CAP.”





Nina and I turn our bodies so that we’re facing the last boy in their group. “L.Joe” His name is L.Joe; these kids have some strange names. But the name is cute, L.Joe.

Looking at each other we just sit, until Nina asks “How was your stay in America?”

They exchange glances before grinning happily. “It was amazing, but the weather was so hot!” Neil complains.

“Well it is summer and you did go to California right?” I ask them giggling at how they all nod their head, looking around I see Miss Kim making her way over. “We should get back to work, come on Nina.” I whisper pulling her up as we bow to the six boys before scurrying down the aisles to our station.

“Alright girls, we’ll be hitting the hour mark, we’ll be serving dinner in an hour, Nina, help me with second class, and Miss Park handles first class.”

“Yes Miss Kim.” We say bowing, grabbing the menus I walk calmly back to the six boys all chatting.

“Hey boys.” I tell them smiling, six menus in hand. “We’ll be serving dinner soon, here are your menus, and please let me know what you’d like for dinner.”

Passing them out they all thank me, looking through it, just watching them interact, they’re close, anyone could tell, the way they joke around and tease each other. “Niel cut it out.” Cap scolds him.

“Sorry hyung.” He mutters grinning over at Ricky, I think. “Umm…You’re Noona right?”

“I’m eighteen.” I tell him smiling waiting for them to decide, if they were some other passenger I think I might want to ring their necks, but with these six it’s just endearing.

“OH, you’re the same age as Cap hyung.” Changjo says smiling. “Hyung isn’t that right?”

“Neh.” Cap says rolling his eyes. “Sorry, they’re young.”

I just nod my head understandingly, I haven’t really been around people my age, or talked to many other people excluding taking orders and being polite, and there is of course Nina, plus I guess if you consider me reporting to Miss Kim, I don’t really talk to people, let alone know how they’d act. “Its fine, it’s nice.” I tell them tilting my head waiting for them to order still.

“AH!” Ricky squeals. “Noona is so adorable!”

Smirking I nod my head. “Order, I’d like for you to get your dinners on time.”

Nodding their heads they all focus on the task of choosing their food, after a bit more deliberation I submit the orders to Miss Kim. “Alright, Miss Park, Nina, you can take a break for a little bit.”

“I don’t mind tending to second class Miss Kim.” I volunteer, Miss Kim is a great deal older than me, not old but she could use a break. “Really.”

“No, no you work too hard.” She says pushing Nina and I forward. “Besides why don’t you go make friends your own age?” She says smiling. “I’ll call when we need to set up the trays.”

“Yes Ma’am.” We say giving in. No point in arguing I suppose.

“She works hard.” I mutter unhappily. “I wish she’d let me help.”

“No one works as hard as you do Miss Stay-in-the-Sky.” Nina mocks me. "I know you got on this flight from Hawaii right after you got in LA."

“I like being in the sky, is that wrong?” I ask her a yawn forming.

Nina gives me the same reprimanding look she always gives me when we have this conversation. “It is when you’re killing yourself trying to run.”

Chuckling we I take a seat near the back by a window. “Well I’m gonna take a nap.” I say yawning.

“You need it, how many flights did you cover?” She asks me.

Shrugging my shoulders I look out the window, the sky now dark, and water under us, I’m one of the Flight Attendants that’ll fly anywhere, I’ve been to too many countries to count, but never stayed more than a couple of days. Being on land sort of makes me feel nervous, it makes the bruises long gone now ache, the skin where cuts used to be burn, I hate it, I hate it for reminding me of him, of all the pain he caused me. I like being up here in the air. It’s the one place I’m safe, where I know everything that happened to be was in the past and not coming back, I’m safe as long as I stay airborne.

Drifting to sleep I’m vaguely aware of someone putting a blanket on me, “Thank-you.” I mumble before falling asleep.


Revealing more of her past, it's a bit dark and I'm finding that it's a bit more difficult to go into, but I will try my best for you guys! The next few chapters I think will be better [than this one] at least that's what I think ha-ha, I needed to get them all introduced.

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Such a fantastic story c: I loved it <3
It's a nice story to read :D
Awwwwwwww so cute I liked it finally he told her ~~~~ Nice story by the way ~~
Shaiya #4
This story was amazing. I loved it xD
he tore the picture of his last love? is that it?<br />
gagagagagaga ~~~~~~
dragonholic #6
Aw, how sweet. c:
missKlover #7
This is really interesting! I will be waiting for an update!
awwww hehehehee the kiss! that's sweeet!
Not read a Teen Top fic yet, but I'm loving this!~<br />
Changjo is so cute and adorable~<br />
L.Joe seem so... hurt? Is that the right word? I love L.Joe and I hope they both become happy with one another and I hope he trusts her :3 She seems to trust him! <br />
Can't wait to read another update!