Ch. oo9

Up Here Where Nothing Matters

Stepping off the airplane isn’t too bad, I mean sure there were a few too rowdy people but that’s normal. Every flight has its irritations.  What was strange was how unsettling it was to be up in the air, I felt disconnected and out of place, well more so than I have felt in a long time.


“L.Joe you couldn’t have had this effect on me could you?” I whisper undoing my hair, shaking it out I step out of the break room, checking in I smile at the lady there, leaving the airport I quickly hail a cab, directing him to take me home. It’s been a while since I’ve actually stayed in Korea for a while, now that I’ll be looking for my one place I’ll be here even longer…


Stepping out of the cab, quickly paying the driver I head inside, my backpack slung over my shoulder, my hair a bit messy, and I’m overall tired. “I’m back!” I call out dropping my key in the bowl.

“Thank-goodness!” Nina yells hugging me tightly. “I thought I was going to pick you up.”

“No need.” I tell her smiling. “Anyways I’m just going to put my stuff up and change.” I say walking into the apartment, stopping when I see them, all of them just staring at me like I’m a ghost or something.


“Mi Young!” Chunji says standing up breaking the silence. Nodding my head at them I quickly run into my room, locking the door.


That was more than unexpected and plain dirty on Nina’s part. Quickly changing into a blue plaid shirt, skinny jeans, and a grey hoodie quietly slipping on my black TOM’S I slip out the window and climb up to the roof to clear my thoughts.


 He shouldn’t be here, he should be where ever, and L.Joe shouldn’t be a few floors below me. He shouldn’t know where I live. Why…Why?

Turing around I see L.Joe stepping towards me slowly. “Nina said you like to get up as high as possible to think.”

The two of us just stare at each other for a little, L.Joe moving closer and I’m staying perfectly still trying to phrase my question.


“Neh?” He asks quietly taking a seat next to me.

“What are you doing here?” I ask him quietly, I don’t want to be disappointed, I’m tired of feeling like I always have to be on guard, and I’m sick of pretending I’m ok.

“I wanted to see you, and Nina said this would be my last chance.” He says looking over the city. “That you’re moving on in life.”

“I’m moving out, I’m gonna start looking for my own place.” I explain looking down at my hands. “Something to force me to come back you know?”

“So you’re going to be staying in Seoul?”

Biting my lip I look up at the sky, looking at how clear and nice it is. “I don’t know, maybe for now, I haven’t decided where I want to be. I just…Talking to you on the plane made me face the fact that I can’t spend all my time up in the air, I can’t just pretend life doesn’t exist on the ground, I have to try and make my life somewhere other than on a plane.”

“So you’re done flying?”

“No, I’m not done flying.” I tell him giggling. “L.Joe I love it, I just can’t be up in the sky as long now.”

“Mi Young why didn’t you get on the plane?”

Looking at him I let out a long breath. “L.Joe Miss Kim told me the flight was packed.”

“So you just let everyone on thinking we’d see you?”

Nodding my head I look away. “L.Joe I am terrified that you’ll leave me in worse shape than I am in already. It scares me that in the short amount of time that I know you I’m ok with finally moving past everything that happen to me.”

L.Joe is silent, scaring me even more, whatever reason I don’t want him to leave, but I don’t want him to stay close. “You got to trust me; I’m not going to hurt you.”

Taking in a deep breath I nod my head. Holding out my pinky I look at him. “Promise?”

“Promise.” L.Joe says taking my pinky in his.

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Such a fantastic story c: I loved it <3
It's a nice story to read :D
Awwwwwwww so cute I liked it finally he told her ~~~~ Nice story by the way ~~
Shaiya #4
This story was amazing. I loved it xD
he tore the picture of his last love? is that it?<br />
gagagagagaga ~~~~~~
dragonholic #6
Aw, how sweet. c:
missKlover #7
This is really interesting! I will be waiting for an update!
awwww hehehehee the kiss! that's sweeet!
Not read a Teen Top fic yet, but I'm loving this!~<br />
Changjo is so cute and adorable~<br />
L.Joe seem so... hurt? Is that the right word? I love L.Joe and I hope they both become happy with one another and I hope he trusts her :3 She seems to trust him! <br />
Can't wait to read another update!