Ch. oo3

Up Here Where Nothing Matters


“Do you honestly think you could escape me forever?!” He yells slapping me across the face, the pain stinging where it made contact with my face, biting tears back I look away, I don’t want to see his face and I don’t want to remember, just make it go away please, please…

“MIYOUNG?!” His voice screams, rage vibrating from his voice, it so strong it brings me to tears just hearing it. “YOU MADE THIS MESS!” No, no I didn’t I think to myself pressing myself closer to the wall, it wasn’t me. It wasn’t me. I promise it wasn’t me, really.

“You’re so selfish.” He says rubbing my back, I try to shrink away from him, God please just get him away from me. “Look at you; do you really think that you stand a chance in the world without me? You don’t here on the ground you can’t run, you can’t leave you have to stay. You’re too worthless for anyone else to care about.”



Jolting awake I wipe the tears away. “Yeah?” I whisper looking up at Nina, her giving me a concerned look. Despite how close I am to her, and the fact that I live with her, I still haven’t been able to tell her everything. I’ve told her the short story, the pain doesn’t come back as much with that version. The memories are blurred, I hate him, and I really do.

“Never mind you rest.” She says starting to walk away.

Standing up I quickly run to the stewardess room, fixing my make-up I help set the trays up. ‘None of that matters up here in the air, none of it. I’m safe here; no one can hurt me here.’ I repeat in my head. ‘I’m not on the ground, I’m in the air’.

Taking a deep breath I set the six meals on my cart, and wheel them up to the boys that have mellowed out. “Dinner!” I call cheerfully, forcing a smile I hand them out to them. “Drinks?” I ask them looking down at the cart.

“Water please.” They all chorus, of course.

Nodding my head I hand them each a bottle, before walking to put the cart back, then going to help Nina and Miss Kim, them both giving me worried glances as I serve drinks. Obviously Nina’s told Miss Kim about my little episode.

“Miss Park, take your break.” Miss Kim commands in a motherly voice. Nodding my head I grab a bottle of water, “Go ahead and change. You’ve been working how many flights straight?” She asks me with knowing eyes.

“Five or six.” I whisper, flights start to meld together after a while, grabbing my bag of clothes to change out of my uniform, it’s hard to see myself in anything else, I’ve been rotating between my uniforms and nothing but for a few days now, I don’t even know what time zone my body is accustomed to.  Letting my hair out of the bun I have up on my head I shake my hair out, it falling to my mid back in a wavy mess, my bangs sweeping across my face. Changing into a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, a white shirt with red crosses like designs all over the front, slipping on my white fuzzy slippers I lean over looking to the mirror to take my contacts out, replacing them with my black rimmed glasses; my fingers lingering on a small scar on my jaw line, it’s become habit to search for it when I look at my reflection or any other sign of what I went through. Sighing I look through my backpack I pull out a pair of earrings, quickly putting them on, I place a white watch on my left wrist, a sterling silver ring on my thumb and swiftly placing my headphones into my phone I play some music to distract me from the nightmare I’d woken up from. Finally shrugging on a gray hoodie saying ‘GLMR KLLZ’ I place gray slouchy beanie on my head, fixing my hair to hid the pink headphones I step out throwing my bag over my shoulder, and my uniform on a hanger I place it in the small closet quickly taking my seat back in first class, looking out the window I just stare out into space as Lucifer by SHINee begins to play.

A few songs pass before I feel a tap on my shoulder, pulling an earphone out, I look up at L.Joe, him looking at me seriously. “I’m off duty, Nina should be around.” I say trying to shrug him off and the fire I feel where he touched me, like that one part of my body is suddenly alive.

“Actually I wanted to talk to you.” He says rocking back on his feet, I gesture to the seat next to him. “I saw you earlier.”

“I saw you too?” I ask him confused, he chuckles shaking his head. “Oh.” I whisper catching on. “Were you the one that put the blanket on me?”

“Yeah.” He says scratching the back of his neck nervously. “You were mumbling for a little bit.”

Sorry this chapter is short D: but it didn't flow so well with the next chapter, I'll post it later today as well since this one is so short, that and the longest part is just me describing her outfit XD, oh if you want to see it Click Here Thought I'd try something new, actually posting the place to see the outfits ><;;

This is a look into Miyoung's past ;o more to be revealed later~~ (:

OH, thank-you guys for commenting and subscribing! It really makes me want to update more

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Such a fantastic story c: I loved it <3
It's a nice story to read :D
Awwwwwwww so cute I liked it finally he told her ~~~~ Nice story by the way ~~
Shaiya #4
This story was amazing. I loved it xD
he tore the picture of his last love? is that it?<br />
gagagagagaga ~~~~~~
dragonholic #6
Aw, how sweet. c:
missKlover #7
This is really interesting! I will be waiting for an update!
awwww hehehehee the kiss! that's sweeet!
Not read a Teen Top fic yet, but I'm loving this!~<br />
Changjo is so cute and adorable~<br />
L.Joe seem so... hurt? Is that the right word? I love L.Joe and I hope they both become happy with one another and I hope he trusts her :3 She seems to trust him! <br />
Can't wait to read another update!