Ch. oo5

Up Here Where Nothing Matters


The worst part about flying though is that you’re trapped for a little while, that’s why being left alone to think hurts me the most, it gives me time to remember, time to wish that nothing happened to me, that I was still that girl that could smile without a care in the world, yawning I lean against the window…

I still remember everything so vividly, his voice that always struck fear into me, his powerful gaze, the way he’d roughly grab my arm throwing me around like I was a Barbie doll. God, how I hate him, feeling another tap on my shoulder I jolt upright. Pulling my headphones out, I turn slowly to face the person. “Chunji!” I say gripping my chest.

He smiles apologetically taking a seat. “Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.”

Shaking my head I wave my hand trying to catch my breath. “It’s fine,” I say pausing my music. “Anyways did you need something?”

He nods his head. “Cap has L.Joe busy, Ricky, Niel and Changjo are all sleeping, and I just wanted to talk with someone.”

Nodding my head I smile turning to face him, and not stare out the window blankly. “L.Joe says you just found out who we are.”

“Yeah, I don’t spend too much time in Korea.” I explain chuckling.

Looking at me he chuckles. “Do you always take on flights?”

“That’s what I did to get here, only for them to boot me off my job for the flight.” I mutter smiling at him. “I like being up in the sky.” I explain.

“You like flying?” nodding my head he chuckles. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”

Letting out a yawn I grin at him. “It isn’t a big deal, it’s a long flight.” I whisper nodding off. “Sorry my sleeping patterns are all messed up.” I mutter fighting to stay awake.

“It’s fine, do you need a pillow?” He asks pointing to his shoulder.

Nodding my head I lean against him, moving the armrest I get comfortable moving my body closer to his, taking in more warmth, swinging my legs to the side I begin to close my eyes, them becoming very droopy as I fall asleep again, only this time Chunji singing to me softly, his melodic voice lulling me into peaceful dreams and memories of the good times in my life.

Waking up for the first time in a long time I feel completely refreshed. “Morning sleeping beauty.” He jokes smiling.

Stretching I look out the window, the sky getting lighter. “Did I sleep all night?” I ask yawning.

“Neh, but I got some decent sleep too, so it isn’t a big deal.” He says shrugging his shoulders. “How did sleep?”

“The best I have in such a long time.” I admit smiling. “Thanks.”

“It’s nothing, although I feel like L.Joe is going to murder me.” He says glancing over somewhere. “I’m gonna go send him over here.”

“Alright?” I say slightly confused.

Before leaving Chunji sits looking at me seriously. “Things are turning around for him, and I can tell they are for you, I want him to be happy so please just treat him like a person, and he deserves it.” He says smiling he leaves, letting me sit there even more baffled.

“Hey, so you and Chunji?” L.Joe asks me sourly sitting next to me.

“It’s my question.” I whisper to him, L.Joe looks at me surprised, I don’t want to pry but no judgment right? “What happened to you before to make them worry so much?”

He obviously hadn’t expected that he stares at me hard for a moment, pursing his lips he lets out a bitter laugh. “I was dating this girl before I got to be in Teen Top, long story short. She used me, cheated, left me after rubbing it in my face that she thought I wasn’t much. After her, obviously it’s harder for me to trust.” He says, bitter. “You and Chunji?”

“He’s nice, and what seems like a good friend.” I whisper smiling at him. “Nothing happened.” I whisper to him.

L.Joe looks at me a bit perplexed. “Nothing at all?”

“Nothing, he came over to talk but since I don’t really have a set sleeping pattern I passed out and he offered to allow me to sleep on his shoulder so I’d be more comfortable.” I explain to him chuckling. “Are you glad you’re an idol? I mean you don’t regret giving up everything for it.” I ask him sighing, I couldn’t imagine giving up my privacy, being forced to keep my distance from people I’m attracted to, but I guess I’ve been distant ever since…

“It’s not so bad all the time, I mean there are perks to being an idol and all. I wouldn’t change my mind though. It’s my dream, I got to fight for it.” He says chuckling. “I like the feeling of being on stage and getting to share my talents with everyone, to hear all the people cheering for us, the people that believe in us, want us to do the best that we can so that we can continue to do the very best we are able.” L.Joe says slowly. “You made it sound like you were with the one guy for a while…Did he hurt you that bad that you were afraid to leave? Or was something else keeping you there?”

Taking a deep breath I look out the window, the sky getting lighter and lighter; sunrise. “I was with him for a while, two years. It sounds stupid, but he didn’t start out that way, just a lot of drama, then when my parents just left me, I didn’t have anywhere else to go.” I’m telling a complete stranger my life story, I couldn’t stop telling him though, something made me want to tell him, wanted him to know. “So I stayed…After all the…” I pause to look at him, he’s just staring at me a blank look. “After all the stuff started to happen I started getting fed up with it.”

“And left?” He asks nodding my head he just stares, not the look of pity that I normally get when people find out about this, and not too many people know, but he just looked at me like I wasn’t someone to be messed with. “You came out alive.”


Sorry for the late update >w< I'm just not figuring out this story, I promise to update more, and commenting really helps to get me too c:

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Such a fantastic story c: I loved it <3
It's a nice story to read :D
Awwwwwwww so cute I liked it finally he told her ~~~~ Nice story by the way ~~
Shaiya #4
This story was amazing. I loved it xD
he tore the picture of his last love? is that it?<br />
gagagagagaga ~~~~~~
dragonholic #6
Aw, how sweet. c:
missKlover #7
This is really interesting! I will be waiting for an update!
awwww hehehehee the kiss! that's sweeet!
Not read a Teen Top fic yet, but I'm loving this!~<br />
Changjo is so cute and adorable~<br />
L.Joe seem so... hurt? Is that the right word? I love L.Joe and I hope they both become happy with one another and I hope he trusts her :3 She seems to trust him! <br />
Can't wait to read another update!