Something Matters

Up Here Where Nothing Matters

Sitting in the van looking at the boys all looking at me I begin to wish I hadn’t accepted coming. “Look would you guys stop staring at me?” I ask them turning to look out the window. “You’re weird-ing me out.”

“Sorry it’s just we didn’t expect to see you on the plane.” Niel says apologetically. “To be honest we’ve been hoping to see you.”

“Oh how strange, you could have all easily have seen me if you’d given me a call somehow.” I snipe glaring out the window at all the happy people in Tokyo.

Hearing Cap clear his throat I turn to look at him. “We really couldn’t get in contact. Our phones were taken up so that we’d be focused.”

“Thanks, but you know I don’t really need to know the details.” I tell him uninterested.

L.Joe places his hand on my shoulder. “I really am sorry I couldn’t tell you.”

“He really wasn’t and still isn’t allowed to see you.” Changjo says pleading at me. “We all don’t agree.”

“Hence why I’m here.” I mutter brushing his hand off. “Look I know that you’re busy and have crazy rules and what not but L.Joe I’m not some mind reader.”

“So what are you saying?” He asks me looking at me. “Miyoung I really wanted to see you but I couldn’t get away.”

“I’m saying that next time a heads up or getting me a letter even wouldn’t be a bad idea.” I whisper looking over at him. “I like being around you guys and I understand when you can’t see me, but what I don’t understand is that you couldn’t think of some way of finding a way to tell me that.”

“See she’s sensible.” Chunji says smiling over at me. “Miyoung you know L.Joe here has just been so down.”

“Yeah, thanks.” L.Joe says blushing. “You guys sure know how to embarrass people.”

Giggling I squeeze his hand. “It’s fine. I wasn’t doing too well either.”

He smiles a little. “You’re really different from the first time we met you know that?”

“Yeah.” I tell him smiling. “I’ve been on the ground for a few weeks.”

“How is working out?” Ricky asks me smiling. “The whole new apartment thing and all.”

“I like my place, and I actually don’t hate being down here as much as I thought I would.”

L.Joe chuckles squeezing my hand back, I’d totally forgotten that I was holding it. “You’re making really progress with it.”

“You too.” I chide him smiling. “You’re making real progress.”

“Oh yeah?” He asks me raising a brow.

I nod my head. “Your head isn’t pink. It’s an improvement.”

“I thought you liked my pink hair.”

Smiling at him I brush some of his hair over. “It wasn’t bad but I like you better without it.”

He grins at me. “Well I guess you might have to get used to being around then.”

“Oh will I?” I ask him laughing. “What makes you say that?”

“We like having you around.” Cap says happily. “Company or not you’re part of our group.”

“Nina too?”

“Of course!”  Chunji says happily. “You both are important to us. Some more than others.” The last part directed at L.Joe.

“Would you quit it?” L.Joe whines. “I get it I get it!”

“Get what?”

“I like you, and they all won’t stop teasing me about it!” He rages looking at the others. “There I told her.”

The seven of us laugh, wrapping my arms around L.Joe I kiss his cheek. “I like you too.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Smiling at him I lean against his body thinking after all this something matters after all, something important.

A short ending but I liked this better than dragging it on. :/ Sorry for the rather crappy writing at the end, I might come back and edit it up some, and add a few chapters or something. I don't know but for now I'm ending this.

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Such a fantastic story c: I loved it <3
It's a nice story to read :D
Awwwwwwww so cute I liked it finally he told her ~~~~ Nice story by the way ~~
Shaiya #4
This story was amazing. I loved it xD
he tore the picture of his last love? is that it?<br />
gagagagagaga ~~~~~~
dragonholic #6
Aw, how sweet. c:
missKlover #7
This is really interesting! I will be waiting for an update!
awwww hehehehee the kiss! that's sweeet!
Not read a Teen Top fic yet, but I'm loving this!~<br />
Changjo is so cute and adorable~<br />
L.Joe seem so... hurt? Is that the right word? I love L.Joe and I hope they both become happy with one another and I hope he trusts her :3 She seems to trust him! <br />
Can't wait to read another update!