Ch. o12

Up Here Where Nothing Matters

Miyoung’s POV


Sitting at my kitchen table I smile at the thought of having my first guest, L.Joe, Nina is still on some flight attendant thing so no go there, but I’m really surprised by how quickly I got all my things unpacked and set up, I mean sure it’s a little empty but I can fill it or something.

Hearing a knock at the door I jump out of my seat and run across the apartment, peeking through I smile seeing the now blonde L.Joe at my door, opening it I smile at him.

“Hey there.”

The smirk on his face drives me insane, I‘d love to just pull him in, but my manners are better than that. “Hey” Allowing him in I smile as his face turns into a grin. “This is a nice place.”

“Isn’t it.” I mumble looking around. “I still need to add some furniture and what not, but it has real potential.”

“It does, what have you been up to?” He asks me suddenly. “Miyoung?”

Blinking I take a seat. “Oh moving my stuff, taking time off work. You?”

Sitting across from me L.Joe lets out a sigh. “We’re on a break right now, so I can actually relax a little, but Cap is having us practice regardless.”

“You’re an idol it’s expected.” I say tilting my head as he closes his eyes. “You look tired. L.joe you could have came over later.”

“I wanted to come over now; I’m finding it easier for me to relax with you near.”

The statement confused me, partly because I found myself a little worked up whenever L.Joe and I were in the same room or even just talking on the phone, the effect is apparently not transferred. “How so, we’re never really together that long.”

“It didn’t take me that long to figure it out.” He whispers eyes still closed.

Nodding my head I try to relax a little bit, try to feel the same thing he does, that relief, soon though his phone comes to life, and an irritated look following from him.

“Hello?” He growls, obviously someone he knows, and wasn’t expecting a call from. “Yeah, yeah. Alright.” He mumbles hanging up. “Miyoung I’m sorry, but I have to go, Cap is having us practice now instead.”

“Alright.” I say smiling. “We can catch up later.”


“Always.” I say standing up, following him to the door. “See you around L.Joe.”

“You too Miyoung.” He whispers waving to me as he pulls his hood up; watching him a moment trek down the hall I slowly close the door. Falling into the couch I let out a long breath, feeling myself return to normal, the heartbeat slowing, and my muscles relaxing, everything was becoming chill, except for my mind. “Why? Why do you have this effect over me?” I whisper gripping a pillow.

I worked myself into a place where I could be alone, but here I am fighting me, trying to stay alone but a make a friend. How am I supposed to this? I’ve made myself comfortable in my little slice of serenity.


L.Joe’s POV

Waking into the practice room I glare at Cap. “What is so important that you had me rush over here?” I snap at him glaring.

“It’s just we thought you should know that, we’re going to be going on tour again.” He says sighing. “L.Joe, the company feels that you should focus on this, and forget about the girl.”

Staring at him in disbelief I stumble into the wall behind me. “What?”

“They want you to forget all about Miyoung, like you never met her.” He says a pained expression. “It’s what they want.”

“Hyung we tried explaining, but I think we made it worse.” Rickey says guiltily, as I slide to the floor in shock. Forget Miyoung?

I'm going to be ending this soon, I've lost a lot of ideas for this and that with the fact that I'm not too sure where this is goign anymore.

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Such a fantastic story c: I loved it <3
It's a nice story to read :D
Awwwwwwww so cute I liked it finally he told her ~~~~ Nice story by the way ~~
Shaiya #4
This story was amazing. I loved it xD
he tore the picture of his last love? is that it?<br />
gagagagagaga ~~~~~~
dragonholic #6
Aw, how sweet. c:
missKlover #7
This is really interesting! I will be waiting for an update!
awwww hehehehee the kiss! that's sweeet!
Not read a Teen Top fic yet, but I'm loving this!~<br />
Changjo is so cute and adorable~<br />
L.Joe seem so... hurt? Is that the right word? I love L.Joe and I hope they both become happy with one another and I hope he trusts her :3 She seems to trust him! <br />
Can't wait to read another update!