Ch. oo1

Up Here Where Nothing Matters


When I saw him it was as though time seemed to have stopped, his faded pink hair softly framing his face, he obviously wasn’t the average flyer, that and he and a few other boys were the only ones in first class, hell the plane even, this was one of the smaller group of flyers. They walked on and took their seats all talking animatedly about whatever. I was completely captivated by him. This was something because this didn't happen to me. This wasn't happening, I couldn't.

Nina nudged me while we sat in the stewardess room. “This flight is going to be easy.”

Nodding my head we head out with Miss Kim, the eldest of us all, to help the passengers into the seats, and to putting their things up properly. Easy, this flight will be easy; it’s just another flight just like any other. I mean who cares that there are a strange group of boys flying? Not me that’s who.

“Excuse me miss!” Some says tapping my shoulder. I fight the urge to smack them, but this is a part of the job, annoying passengers that don’t have any respect for personal space. Instead of smack the living daylights of whoever tapped me I turn and smile.

Turning around I’m faced by the pink haired boy. “Yes?” I ask him still smiling the smile we’re paid to smile, faltering for a moment, I’d become entranced by his eyes, how welcoming yet not, his general appearance sort of screaming tired, but up closer I feel a surge of energy wave over me.

“Could you help me with this?” He says gesturing to the overstuffed compartment.

“Of course.” I tell him pulling out a few bags and moving them to the one across from it. “Just remember they’re over here.”

“Thanks,” He pauses to read my name tag. “Miyoung.”

“It wasn’t a problem.” I tell him quickly moving on to help the other passengers, please let this be like any other flight, please. I don’t need any surprises; I don’t need anything from anyone.


As we wait for pilots to go through the checks, and whatnot we go through the whole buckling your seat belt, masks routine before we get cleared. Nina and I shuffle to the stewardess room, only for Miss Kim to point for us to take seats elsewhere. More attendants than room in there, you’d be astonished by how often this happens.

“First Class?” Nina asks me shrugging her shoulders. She’s always been eager to enjoy the comfy seats, not that I blame her any. They are enjoyable seats after all.

Nodding my head we take seats in the back, buckling up. “So back to Korea huh?” Nina asks smiling. “Home?”

Shrugging my shoulders casually “I prefer the sky.”

Nina just giggles, “You know, if you stay suspended in air nothing will ever happen to you.”

“Just how I like it.” I whisper closing my eyes as we take off. Praying that she’s right, nothing will happen to me. I like it up here, everything is so calming, the silence that accompanies a perfect flight, the sensation of being free, being detached from the world even only for a few hours.


Once we’re cleared Miss Kim directs me to cover First Class, and Nina to help her with the rest of the passengers. Great, I’d have switched but, when Miss Kim says something you follow it to the dot. After all she’s the senior attendant, so she’s the one who says who gets paid and how well.

 Walking up to the only six people in first class, one of them being the pink-haired boy. “Could I interest you in something to drink or perhaps a snack?” I ask them smiling, three on each side.

“I’d like water.” One with black hair with the front white in stripes.

“Bottle or in a cup?” I ask him smiling.

Blushing he mutters out “B-b-bottle.”

“Coming right up.” I tell him as I pull out the water bottle, breaking the seal I hand it to him. “Anything else boys?”

“Could I get some crackers?” A white blonde boy asks part of under his hair a brownish color.

Nodding my head I hand him a packet. “Here you go.” Looking at the other four boys I smile openly.

“Nothing right now.” I guess, the oldest, at least he looks like it, says.

“Sure thing, call if you need anything.” I tell them pulling the cart away.

 Once I secure the cart away I take a seat in one of the chairs to relax. “Done already too?” Nina asks taking her seat next to me.

“Yeah, looks like this will be an easy flight.” I say looking out the window, the sun is just setting, smiling I look up ahead at the six boys all conversing. “They’re flying alone.”

“So? What’s strange is their hair.” Nina says sighing. “Although you know for jail bait they are pretty cute.” I forget Nina is older than I am, by a couple of years.

“Jail Bait for whom now?” I joke with my Unnie.

Glaring at me she lets out a sigh. “I keep forgetting you’re only eighteen.” She says as one of them passes by. “You’ve been working here for how long now?”

Looking at her oddly I answer her. “Two years?”

She nods her head, it’s only strange because she knows all this, and I didn’t get a glance at which of the boy that walked past us into the lavatory five rows back.

“Excuse me.” One of the boys say, looking up I smile at the one that asked for water. “Could I get another bottle of water, my hyungs stole mine.” I couldn’t help but gush over how adorable he is, poor kid getting picked on.

“Sure thing.” I tell him standing up. “Should I get some for everyone then?”

“Please?” He says laughing uneasily. “I’m Changjo, by the way.”

“Miyoung, it’s nice to meet you.” I tell him giggling slightly from how nervous he appears to be.

Picking up five bottles I look back at him. “Do we need six or just five?”

“Six please.” He says looking down at his feet.

Nodding my head I pick up another one, walking back with him in front of me, and then now the one coming out of the lavatory behind me.

“Here you three are.” I say handing them one, allowing of course the boy to sit down. “And you three, anything else I could get you?” They look around each other hesitantly. “I’m here to make your flight enjoyable and comfortable.” I tell them chuckling at how they’re scared to ask for anything.

“Would you mind if you and your friend sat up here and talked with us?” the one that asked for crackers asks me.

“OH.” I say surprised, ok, that’s an understatement, but they misread that.

“You don’t have to; we just thought it’d be nice to talk with some new people is all.” The boy stumbles with his sentence.

“Oh, that’s not it, we just have a couple more hours until we switch, but I suppose a couple minutes won’t hurt.” I tell them waving Nina over.

So the first chapter, let me know what you guys think ><

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Such a fantastic story c: I loved it <3
It's a nice story to read :D
Awwwwwwww so cute I liked it finally he told her ~~~~ Nice story by the way ~~
Shaiya #4
This story was amazing. I loved it xD
he tore the picture of his last love? is that it?<br />
gagagagagaga ~~~~~~
dragonholic #6
Aw, how sweet. c:
missKlover #7
This is really interesting! I will be waiting for an update!
awwww hehehehee the kiss! that's sweeet!
Not read a Teen Top fic yet, but I'm loving this!~<br />
Changjo is so cute and adorable~<br />
L.Joe seem so... hurt? Is that the right word? I love L.Joe and I hope they both become happy with one another and I hope he trusts her :3 She seems to trust him! <br />
Can't wait to read another update!