Chapter 7

If That's What You Want




“So, how’s the house?”


Right now, Hyuk Jae and I are being the center of attention. The moment our relative set their eyes on us, they’ve been ratting at how good we look, how we complement each other, etc. My lips feels so rigid from smiling too much; it is not fake though, I am quite happy from seeing my family, and I think I kind of like what they’re saying, just a bit. Hyuk Jae is also doing his part well, being the good husband and never leaving my side, holding my hand tightly. Maybe because we’re comfortable with each other, because we’re friends that were pulling this off without a sweat. It is quite fun acting now that I don’t hate him like I do, it makes me feel like were filming a movie of our own.


“The house is superb,” I answered Uncle Soo Man, dad’s cousin, with a smile.


“I am glad you like it, I was the one who designed it,” he informed me. Oh, he’s a renowned architect in Europe, by the way. “Your mother said you like music, and since I am a music lover myself, I designed the music room that way, hope it suits your taste.”


“It is my favorite part of the house, actually. Thank you,” I answered, knowing very well that the others are listening; they are not good in pretending they are not.


“Are you guys sleeping in one room?” Sungmin asked.




“You are, aren’t you?” He pressed with a teasing voice and I heard the others chuckling from his question and the sudden awkwardness I’m feeling, since I don’t know how to answer to that.


“No, we’re not Sungmin. We’re too young to share a room and I am sure Heechul-hyung won’t like me sharing a room with Donghae, besides, there are lots of rooms there, it’d be a waste to not put those into use,” HyukJae answered calmly, and I am so thankful he did since Sungmin’s been teasing me the moment he introduced himself as Hyukjae’s close cousin.


“It’s good you know,” Heechul said; he’s sitting in front of me, just beside Sungmin and I am so happy to see him, I sent him a smile and his face seemed to soften as he smiled back, then I looked at Hyukjae who just saved me from his cousin, and we smiled at each other for a bit before turning back to our plate.


There are two tables at the center of the room, all filled with the Lee family; I know, I never thought we were that many too. In our table, there is my family, HyukJae’s, uncle Lee So man, Sungmin and Grandpa Hyuk So. In the other table, it’s filled with Sungmin’s family, and my dad and Hyukjae’s dad’s cousins, I’m having a hard time memorizing their names but so far Sungmin is the one who made an impact on me. Who wouldn’t though, if the first thing he did when he saw me was kiss my lips? Like, I know right? I know I’m gay, and I figured out that he is, but kissing me in the lips after meeting for the first time is something mind-blowing for me.


“Donghae, I have to warn you about Sungmin,” HyukJae said as we made our way to where our family is.


“He’s my cousin. We’re close and all, but he gets too touchy sometimes, especially to cute people,” he finished his sentence and looked at me up and down, before shaking his head lightly.




“Nothing,” he whispered, still holding my hand tightly, then that’s when it hit me. Smirking, I stopped walking, and so did he. But before I even start teasing him, fast footsteps were vibrating through the walls, and I looked up only to find my lips touching another. I was too shocked to move, my eyes are too big it felt like it’d bulge out. Thankfully, HyukJae pushed the person who just kissed but I still remained there standing, I think I even stopped breathing.


“What the hell Sungmin!” HyukJae shouted and that broke me from my trance; I was suddenly scared of the guy who’s smiling sweetly at me so hid behind HyukJae, my hand still in his and my other hand clutching his shirt, I’m hiding my face and only peeping through his shoulder blade. This one he called Sungmin is, no doubt, a good looking guy. I would’ve mistaken him for a girl because he’s covered with pink all-over; pink skinnies, light pink shirt, white and pink checkered socks, and a pink scarf.


“Oh, monkey, you’re there. I didn’t notice you,” Sungmin said and stuck his tongue at HyukJae before turning back to me, now wearing that innocent-looking smile of his. Once again, I hid behind Hyukjae and I felt his hand squeezing mine.


“Hi there. You’re Donghae aren’t you?” He asked me with a cute voice.


“Ye—yes,” I answered back, not looking at him.


I heard a chuckle, “Hey, don’t hide. I want to see that cute face of yours.”


“You’re freaking scaring him, Sungmin, stop,” HyukJae hissed at his cousin, I felt his voice turn cold.


“Oooooh, why my beloved mutated monkey cousin? Jealous much? It’s just a kiss,” Sungmin teased HyukJae.


“Ofcourse. He’s my wife, you’re not supposed to touch other people who’s already taken, much more, married,” Hyukjae answered back and I felt myself smiling from his answer. This is the first time he ever declared that we are indeed married and it felt nice hearing his say it.


“I know, I know,” Sungmin chuckled, “But your wife is just too cute to resist! A beauty like him shouldn’t be tied to one person, he’s meant to be shared, HyukJae.”


All of a sudden I was turned around and HyukJae was the one at my back, his arms around my waist; I don’t even know how he did it without letting go of the hand he’s holding, I was taken aback from the sudden change that it didn’t process quickly that he’s holding me tightly, but I just let him, then I felt myself blush.


“You know very well that I don’t share, Sungmin. So back off,” he snarled at his cousin who’s now wearing an amused look.

“Fine. I’d let you off for today since Donghae looks so irresistibly cute from blushing like that,” Sungmin chuckled. Then, HyukJae looked at me, but I avoided his eyes; I can’t let him see me like this, damn it.



“Donghae?” Sungmin said and I looked at him slowly, finally my blush is leaving my cheeks.


“Sorry about earlier, I can’t help it. Sorry, I’d like us to be friends, since HyukJae’s your husband and I’m his cousin,” he said, offering a handshake. He’s smiling at me sweetly that I find myself easing up at his calm eyes and took his hand with my free hand, not letting go of Hyukjae’s.


“Ok. I’d love to be your friend,” I told him.


He squealed, “Oh my god! You really are a cutie pie! I want to take you home with me!” I chuckled awkwardly.


“Sungmin,” HyukJae said warningly.


“Yeah, yeah, I know. HyukJae, you can release him now, I won’t take him from you,” Sungmin said and Hyukjae slowly put his arms down, but not letting go of my hand. Then, Sungmin took my other hand and dragged HyukJae and I into the dining hall.


After the dinner, Heechul and I walked in the garden. He’s being quiet for some reason and I don’t think it is something good. Heechul is rarely quiet, especially if I am the one with him, but right now, he’s giving an aura that he’s thinking hard about something, and usually, when he’s like this, it only means he is suspicious, and when he’s suspicious about something, his assumptions are always right.


“Chullie, what’s wrong?” I asked my brother who’s looking away from me. When he did not answer, I asked again, “Hyung.”


“You fell, didn’t you?” He started, and I tilted my head to the side, not quite getting what he’s saying.


“Chullie, what are you saying? Come on, look at me,” I said, grabbing the hem of his shirt and tugged it a bit, a habit of mine. Slowly, Heechul faced me with serious eyes that caught me off guard; there’s not teasing in his eyes, just, seriousness.


“Lee Dong Hae, you like him, don’t you? Your husband?” He repeated and this time I looked at him with big eyes. What’s he talking about? That’s not true, we’re just friends.


“Chullie, what are you saying? I don’t like HyukJae. Is it because we’re comfortable around each other than we were before? That’s because we’re friends already, Chul. Nothing more than that,” I explained, but something in me twisted, as if not accepting the words I said just now.


“You think I didn’t notice, Hae? You’re my brother, I know you like the back of my hand. The way you look at him is different from the way you look at your friends, you don’t look at Bummie or Henry like that, Hae. It’s just HyukJae. And the way you seem to hold each other’s hand naturally, how you’re letting him baby you, and your expression shows me that you’re enjoying it. I know Donghae. I freaking know what that means, so be honest with Hyung and tell me.” He said, serious and worried at the same time judging from his voice.


What’s he talking about? I’ve never looked at Hyukjae differently. He’s my friend, and I am his friend, so it’s normal that we’re comfortable around each other, right? So comfortable that we didn’t notice we’re doing things naturally even if it’s meant to be an act. It’s true that I have some trust issues, but I think, no, I know I can trust HyukJae, and that fact makes me feel so secure when I’m with him. Ofcourse, in a friendly way, nothing more. Right?


“Chul, its---I---I don’t like him that way. We’re really just friends,” I ended in a whisper. I don’t know if I am saying the right words anymore, because as absurd as it is, I feel hurt saying it, I don’t even know why. I looked down, not wanting to meet my brother’s knowing gaze as my thought run wild. Do I like him? Do I? All of a sudden, I was wrapped in Heechul’s arms, I don’t know why he’s hugging me all of a sudden, but I feel like I just needed the comfort. And it confused me more. Why am I upset?


“Donghae, it’s okay to be in love you know. It’s a beautiful thing. And you’re married anyway, there’s no point denying it, honey, and even if I hated that HyukJae the moment I saw that monkey face of his, if you love him, maybe I can learn to be good to him,” he crooned at my neck, and what he’s saying just added to the things I don’t understand.


I---I like HyukJae? Like, really?

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160 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
160 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god