Chapter 47

If That's What You Want



With my head down and hair dripping wet, I sat still at the edge of the bed as my best friend held my towel and dried my hair. We were silent since we entered the room. KiBum assisted me to the bath tub and to wear my clothes like some nanny. It would have put me off to be treated like an invalid but for now, I just let it be. Especially since I knew just how worried I made him. KiBum just acts like a fussy mother towards me when he feels guilty about something. And I know exactly what he is guilty about and it is making me feel ten times worse because it is not entirely his fault. I knew it was my doing that we fought; it was my stubborness why he got mad at me so really, KiBum should not act this way.


"You know, mom, I think you should help me brush my teeth too," I teased, trying to lighten up the mood.


Thankfully, I heard him chuckle softly.


"Bummie?" I tried again, and slowly lifted my head, peeking through my hair.


"I'm sorry," came the heavy reply and I gasped as I finally saw my best friend's face. Tears were running down his cheeks, and from the way he is biting his red lips, I could tell he's been holding back a sob. Not wasting another second, I reached out my hands and wrapped them in his neck, bringing him close and resting his forehead on my shoulder.


"Shh," I soothed as I felt my bestfriend shaking, and my sleeve getting wet. My right hand slid on his back, running soothing patterns to try calm him down as we stayed in that position for quite some time until his crying ceased. "Are you alright?" I asked, when his sobbing quieten.


"Yeah. Just---" he ended, bringing his arms aound my waist to bring me closer. "I am so sorry, Hae," he whispered against my neck.


A smile grazed my lips as I was wrapped around my best friend's arms before answering, "Oh come on, Bummie. Nothing was your fault."


"But I---I got mad at you and I---"


"You had every right to get mad. I was being stupid and you're just trying to protect me," I cut him off before slightly pushing him away to be able to look at his eyes which are still red from crying. "Besides, I should be the one apologizing."


"Oh DongHae," he whimpered and once again hugged me so tight I felt like I was suffocating. "We're okay, right? We're alright already?"


Chuckling, I answered, "Only if you make me pancakes again."


And I got a slight pinch on my side that got me trashing around amd pulling away from my meannie best friend. He was now all smiles, a happy glint on his face as he stuck out his tongue at me. Now that is my KiBum. Returning his smile with a teasing smirk, I changed the subject, "So, you came here with Siwon, huh?"




"You really should just let me do the dishes, HyukJae-ssi," came that polite tone beside me as the said person passed a plate that I took and wipped.


"Nonsense. If anything, I should be the only one doing these since you are a guest," I countered. 


"Oh this is nothing. I've been washing dishes for those two since I am not good with kitchen," Siwon replied with a fond smile.


Watching his nostalgic face, I asked, "You know, the way you talk tells me you three are really close, huh?"


He nodded, eyes on his task as he answered, "We were."




"Yes. I am just really glad that we got to be together again, the three of us," he replied. I could detect some sadness in his tone but let it slide. I am really in no position to be nosy with this person even if he's DongHae's best friend. It's not like I am sll chummy with his other evil best friend. Sighing, I just focused on drying the dishes and thinking just when DOngHae and KiBum would get down from upstairs.


"So, you and DongHae, huh?"


It's a good thing that I got a good reflex or else I'd be cleaning up a broken plate. I heard him chuckling and I felt myself getting irritated as I answered haughtily, "Yeah. So what?"


"Oh, nothing. Just letting you know that KiBum's not the only one you should be caustious of."


"What do you---"


But the words were stuck in my throat as I turned to give him a glare, which changed to wide eyes as I saw what he was holding. In his right hand was a butcher knife in which he seemed to be examining closely, and the empty look he got on his face send chills down my spine and unconsciously swallowed a lump in my throat.


"You would not like it if you see me get angry, Hyukjae-ssi," he said with an ominous tone that I feel my knees slightly trembling. "So if you know what's good for you, you better not let Hae hurt."


And before I could decipher his words, he turned his face towards me, his deadly expression replaced by a happy grin, "Okay?"



I nodded my head with one thought in my mind,


DongHae's friends are totally wackos.




To say that it was amusing how Hyukjae came barging in my room in haste, latching himself in my arms and whimpering how I have the weirdest friends was quite an understatement. KiBum just excused himself to get a call when HyukJae came in, a horrified expression on his face. And before I got the chance to ask him what's the matter, he had both his arms around me, his chin on my shoulder and started muttering some weird mantra.


"Why are you friends with such weird people? They're so scary. Remind me not to mess with them---ugh, I still have the chills. DongHae~" he whined and I chuckled at my husband's adorableness.


"Now, now, Hyuk. Calm down, will you?" I told him, nuzzling my cheek against his to sooth him and since I can't really move my arms from the way he's hugging me tight.


He let out a sigh before  felt his frame slump down. "Now tell me what happened?"


"Well, I was washing the lates with Siwon-ssi and then we were chatting and then he asked me if we're together and said we are. Suddenly he soulded so scary with a knife on his hand and that deadly look as he threatened me not to hurt you but in a poof he returned back to that friendly person. He is so weird! Why are you even friends with those people?!" He childishly whined.


"Are you saying Hae is not supposed to be friend with us?" Came a cold reply from the other side of the room where KiBum had that cold glare directed at my husband. HyukJae gasped, and hid his face at the crook of my neck once again as I glared back at KiBum.


"Stop playing with him, Bummie," I warned him as an evil smirk was seen on his lips.


"I am not doing anything, my dear DongHae," he told me with that suspiciously innocent tone that I squinted my eyes at him.  "Oh anyway, I've got to go. The restaurant just called telling my one of my chefs are sick so I had to fill in his place." He informed me, walking towards the bed where Hyukjae clutched at me tighter. KiBum smirked at my husband's scared form before leaning down to place a kiss on my forehead, "Call me?"


"Of course," I said with a smile and then he was gone.




As I heard the door close, I peeked from DongHae's neck and asked in a hushed tone, "Are they really gone?"


DongHae lets out a soft giggle before a hand started playing with my hair, "Hmm."


"Good riddance," I muttered, relaxing with this comfortable warmth in my arms as I felt him pinch my cheek.


"You're so rude," DongHae told me, amusement in his voice. I slowly looked up, staring at those lovely brown eyes that I came to love combined with that sweet smile on his lips. It's still morning so the room was well litted that I can see every detail of his face up close; his cute button nose, eyelashes, unmarred skin, full cheeks and those soft lips. Not able to stop myself, I leaned in to capture those thin lips into an innocent kiss. I felt DongHae sigh into the kiss as his arms snacked around my neck. My own arms found their way around his waist to birng him closer. Reluctantly ending that sweet bliss, I stared into his chocolate eyes and smiled.


"What was that for?" he asked me in a whisper, his fingers idly fondling with my hair.


"That's for being beautiful," I whispered back and my smile widened as I got to see his cheeks painted in red.


"Oh my god, you're such a sap," DongHae whined, burying his face at the crook of my neck to hide his flushed face and that got me chuckling at his cuteness.


"I like it when I make you blush like a ," I retorted and I felt the body next to me tensed. "DongHae?"


No answer. 


"Hey, what is it?"


Still no answer.


"Hae, would you please---"


"I am," came the soft reply that I almost didn't catch it.


"Pardon me? You are what?" I asked, not sure what he is talking about.


"I'm a ," he said.


I smiled at my husband's innocence over such a trivial matter. "It's okay, Hae. Being a is not something to be embarrassed about. If we're ready we could---"


"It's not about that. I am not embarassed about being a ," he cut me off, his tone hardening.


Frowning, I asked, "Then what is it?"


"It's just---I'm upset that you are no longer one."


And that made me shut up, because really, what am I supposed to say to that. I can't tell him he is wrong because me and almost the entire campus knew that I am not pure when it came to that category. I had a bad boy image to uphold, remember? So hearing DongHae feeling upset about this is making me feel a big jerk.


"I'm sorry. I'm being unreasonable about this," DongHae said that cut me off my thoughts as he turned to face away from me, sitting up. "Just forget I ever said that. I'll go get water."


Hearing his voice sounding so---down and the way he refuses to meet my gaze just snapped something inside me. Before he even had the time to reach for his crutches, I grabbed his arms and made him flop down the bed.


"What are you---"


But he stopped once I straddled him, my hands in between his face as I leaned down, faces so close that I almost got cross-eyed from staring at his brown eyes.


"I won't deny it, Hae. I am not a ," I told him and my heart clenched painfully when he looked away. But I still continued, "But whatever happened before is different from now. Everything was too fast, I was so hasty back then because before it was just to me, it's nothing special but with you---" I reached out a hand to carress his cheek, trying to make him look back at me. "---with you, I want to take things slow until we reach that part in our relationship. Because with you---" I cupped his cheek, this time forcing him to look back at me, and when he finally did I uttered softly, "---because with you, it is making love."


And with that, I captured his lips into a passionate kiss. I got his lower lip and nipped at it before he slowly granted me entrance with a soft moan. When our tongues mingled, there was that electrifying tingling in my entire body. My hands started moving on their own, roaming around DongHae's body before I finally sneaked my hands inside his shirt. His moans got louder as I pinched his s and he arched his back a bit and the sight of it was so beautiful I feel so blessed to have this person in my arms. I let go of his lips and started peppering his neck with butterfly kisses.


"H---Hyukkie," came that breathy moan that I sat back down with a groan. The sight right under me was enough to drive me insane; DongHae's flushed face, his eyes looking so hazy as he stared at me with confusion and need, his shirt crumpled that it showed half his abs and his hair astray. "Hyukkie," came that soft voice again and I let out a louder groan before rolling to the side and trying to keep my breathing in a normal level.


"What's---did I do something wrong?" Donghae asked, and even from that tone I could feel his insecurity.


I turned around and hugged him instead, "You we're perfect, baby. It's just that---"


"What is it?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me and placing his head on my chest as he waited for my answer.


"You just sounded so y and I was afraid that if we continue, I won't be able to sto myself and you're injured so I just---ugh," I reasoned.


"It's okay, I guess---if we continue. Only one of my legs is injured and it's just a sprain, it's not like I have to stand up when we---"


Damn it.


I did not let him continue as I caught his chin in my hands and silenced him with a kiss. When I let go, I uttered, "I swear, Hae. You'll be the death of me."


He pouted at me before resting his head back to my chest.


"Do you want to slee some more?" I suggested and when he hummed in approval, I closed my eyes before whispering, "I love you."


I was almost asleep when I heard the faint, "Me too." And a smile grazed my lips.



It's been so long! :) I miss this fic <3 This is not proofread though :(

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162 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
162 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god