Chapter 45

If That's What You Want

not proofread



My eyes fluttered open as I heard the door getting opened and closed gently. I could hear light footsteps going towards my bed as I have my back facing the door. A smell also invaded my nose and I could almost hear my stomach grumbling since its been hours since the last time I ate. A sound of something being placed on my bedside table was heard then the bed shifted a bit as someone sat down. There was no question anymore to who the other person was. The moment he entered the room and sat down on my bed, I can already tell. Just by the way the room suddenly seem so bright---ugh, I'm talking like a lovesick fool again.


I know I should have been colder to him, should have shown him the tough side of me, should have ignored him. But I can't. Hearing him say those three magical words, his tone as if begging me to keep on holding on, to not give up my feelings for him---it was enough for me to succumb to his spell once again. And it scares me. It scares me just how strong Hyukjae's hold on me is; just how he could control me in his palms and I am not doing anything about it. I never would have thought that falling in love deeply to someone could feel this way. It's as if he's the only one holding you down to earth; as if he's that certain factor that keeps you moving forward. And that's just how Hyukjae is for me. Without him, it seems as if the world is not worth anything anymore; that I am not worth anything. Just imagining life without him is enough to send shiver down my spine because the world seems so dark without him; because now, he's like the light that scares away the darkness surrounding me.


A voice inside me, the one who seems to still have a hang on reality, has been nagging me that this is not  a good idea; that giving Hyukjae another chance could only mean pain. And yet, another voice in me, the one who's been holding on to that love I have for this monkey, is coaxing me to give it another shot; one last chance...just one more and then if he breaks it, then enough.


And because I'm an idiot, I listened to the second one.


It's a risk, I know. It could even be dangerous or suicidal in other peole's opinion, but what do I care, really? Sure, I'm scared that anyday, anytime, Hyukjae could make me cry again, that he could shatter my heart into bits for the nth time but all those worries are just thrown at the back of my head as I felt that warm hand on my head, slightly ruffling my hair in that gentle manner.


"Hae? Wake up, baby, I made you something," Hyukjae whispered in that soothing voice.


And once again, I am under the spell of HyukJae.




"Say aaaah."


My brow rose as I skeptically eye the spoonful of food infront of my face before I turn to see HyukJae who was watching me with expectation and worry. A soft chuckle left my lips as I find it amusing just how much of a fuss Hyukjae is making just for a simple meal before finally opening my mouth and taking the food the monkey was offering. I chewed for a few seconds, delving on the way the flavors mixed inside my mouth before I swallowed with a sigh.


"How---how was it?" HyukJae cut my thoughts as I directed my gaze to him. He was clutching the spoon near his chest with both hands, with his eyes painted with worry as he waited for my answer.


I smiled at him, before leaning forward to place an appreciative kiss on his cheek before I retreated and answered, "It's delicious. Thank you, Hyukkie."


His eyes were slightly wide, and he was gaping at me like a fish which was weird considering that I should be the only marine creature between us and it was amusing to see his cheeks get tinted with pink as he looked away and stuttered, "I---You're wel---welcome."


I chuckled at his cuteness once again before I reach out for the bown on the bedside table together with the spoon. I'm hungry, and the food is delicious and it's making my stomach grumble so I'd forget about Hyukjae for now and eat before it gets cold. But before I could even have another spoonful, my spoon was snatched away, causing for some of its contents to spill on the bed and the bowl was also out of my grasp in a few seconds. I glared at the culprit who has a sheepish grin on his face.


"HyukJae, you're wasting food," I told him seriously.


"I could always make another one," he replied haughtily and I really want to smack his head; just because he managed to make some decent meal doesn't mean he has to be such an airhead about it.


"Look, I know you managed to make a curry but you made it for me to eat, didn't you? So give me that bowl and let me eat it in peace," I told him, a pout unconsciously forming on my lips.


"No. I'm spoon-feeding you," Hyukjae replied.


"I sprained my ankle, Hyuk, not my hand. I can manage."


"Don't care. I am feeding you," he said stubbornly.


I sighed with exasperation, getting annoyes at how harheaded Hyukjae is acting right now before I let out a whine, "I am not a baby!"


"Of course you're a baby!" He answered back with a shout too, and he eyed me with a teasing smirk, but at the same time, it was pure of love.


"You're my one and only, adorable baby."


And as he said the words, I looked away as he told me to eat more; and I obediently did.




"What are you doing?!"


I jumped, hearing Hyukjae shout as he stood with rubber gloves on and the apron still tied on his waist. He was eyeing me worriedly and I don't know what it is all about so I continued limping towards the living room.


After eating, Hyukjae told me he'd go down and wash the dishes and send our cousins away. I told him I wanted to say atleast goodbye to Sungmin and Jong Suk but he told me seriously to stay in the bed and rest. And I did. I really tried to sleep again but I just couldn't and I felt so bored---doing nothing but stare at the walls so with a determined mind, I went out of the room with my crutches. It was annoying as hell; not only because my armpits are hurt because of these things, but also because it took me like ages to finally go down from the stairs in one piece.


So back to the present, I was on my way to the living room, ignoring Hyukjae from the kitchen. Just a few more steps and I'd reach the couch just a few more---


but then, my left crutch slipped, making me lose my balance and I winced as accidentally put pressure on my sprained ankle. I staggered, biting my lower lip to stop myself from howling in pain and closed my eyes tightly. Ugh---it hurts so bad!


And before I could even fix the position of my crutches, I was suddenly lifted of the ground; bridal style.


I squeaked in surprise. Automatically, wrapping my arms around his neck as I felt my cheek land on a sturdy chest. Slowly opening my eyes and lifting my gaze, my eyes met with a completely worried eyes of Hyukjae.


"Are you okay?" He asked me.


"Yeah. It just stung a bit...but it's okay now," I replied, smiling softly at this creature.


"You're so stubborn, I told you to stay up in your room and rest," he scowled, as he started walking forward. He sat down on the sofa, but he didn't let me sit down beside him---because he made me sit on his lap. He lifted my injured leg gingerly, making it lie on the space beside him. I was watching him all this time; as he trace my swollen ankle with a finger, running up and down, placing butterfly touches on it. And as simple as the gesture was, it felt amazing; as if the pain was slowly dissipating.


"Does it hurt?" He asked, still staring at my foot.


A smile was on my lips as I continued watching him and answered, "Just a bit. But it's getting better."


Hyukjae looked up and met my gaze and asked, "Do you want me to kiss it better?"


I scoffed, turning my eyes as I just laid my head on his shoulder. "Yeah right."


But he placed me down gently on the couch as he kneeled down on the floor. I watched him with wide eyes as he started touching my ankle with gentle hands. He was eyeing it with care, before he lifted it up with both hands. He was drawing sooting circles on it with his thumb before he brought it closer to his face.


"Hyuk---what---what are you doing?" I asked in a surprised whisper.


"I'm making it better," he replied with that sweet voice, looking gazes at me before he kissed my ankle softly.


"I love you, DongHae," he uttered.


And it was as if the pain from my ankle really went away.











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162 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
162 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god