Chapter 30

If That's What You Want




I was wearing a deep frown while my hand was massaging my throat.


"Are you alright, hyung?" Kyuhyun asked in a worried tone and I simply nodded before pulling down my hand and staring out the window. My frown deepened as I saw the starless sky, followed by the light rumbling of thunder. It wasn't raining, but I was sure it would judging by the way the sky is acting right now. Kyuhyun remained silent beside me as he drove me home after our session with the club members and I am starting to realize why he isn't attending the meetings.


I groaned, "Why is he so mean?" I spoke in a whiny tone that made Kyu chuckled.


"Jaejoong-noona is always like that. That's why I never attend their meetings," KyuHyun said.


"And why did he appoint me to be the head singer when they have you?" I whined a little more, but stopped since I remembered I shouldn't strain my voice. So I just scowled and folded my arms in my chest, probably looking like a stubborn 5-year old who wasn't granted a candy but I don't really care. I am just annoyed.


"Let's just quit the club, hyung. If you hate it so much, let's just leave them be," KyuHyun suggested, looking at me with expectant eyes and I sighed.


"As much as that offer is tempting, I can't. And I kind of don't want to," I answered and added in my head, because it keeps me busy and make me stop from thinking. "Besides, I think I'm just not used to it yet. I'd be over it," I ended and smiled at Kyuhyun as the car halted in front of my house. Giving Kyu a hug, I grabbed my stuff and went out the car, shivering a bit as the cold breeze of the night hit my face. I looked up again, only to be disappointed to see that the sky has not cleared out, although I was expecting that already but still. With a sigh, I entered the house and I was surrounded by silence. Walking forward, I passed by the living room and Hyukjae was not there just like the other nights; the television was not on, and he is not sitting on the sofa.


"He must be asleep," I told myself before proceeding to the kitchen to get a glass of water to sooth my aching throat. I flicked on the switch and dropped my things on the counter before opening the fridge to get water, just as I was pouring it on a glass, there was a loud thunder and I was startled that I dropped it, making a quite loud sound before the lights went off. Staying rooted on my place, I felt my hands trembling as I reminded how much I hated the dark. I hut my eyes tightly, silently wishing for the lights to turn on but I jumped from another thunder and I crouched down, hugging my knees, too afraid to even move.


Ring. Ring.


My phone is ringing, I can hear it and it's just inside my bag which is on the counter but I am too afraid to move, too scared to even reach out a hand. All of a sudden, I can feel light being directed towards my direction and I looked up, seeing a figure holding a flashlight and moving towards me and I let out a soft cry.


"Donghae?" I heard HyukJae's voice and in a flash, he was beside me, arms around my shoulder and I naturally leaned in to his warmth, not wanting to let go as my body is still shaking.


"Hey, what's wrong? Are you sick?" he asked, his breath hitting my cheek as he whispered on my ear.


"N--no, I'm---" I started but another thunder grumbled that I brought my hands around HyukJae's neck and hiding my face in his chest, closing my eyes tightly. I can tell Hyukjae's surprised, just by the way he isn't moving an inch but a second later, I felt his arms moving their way around my waist as he let out a soft chuckle.


"Are you scared of thunder?" he asked in a gently tone and I just nodded my head a bit.


"Let's get you to your room," he told me and helped me up but my legs are shaky that I almost collapsed in his arms again if I didn't grab the high stool. "Can you walk?" he asked, worried and I nodded but when I took another step, my legs gave away again and this time, I landed perfectly on his strong arms, supporting my entire weight as he clicked his tongue. "This won't do. Place your arms around my neck, Hae," he instructed and I can't do anything but obliged as he handed me the flashlight and carried me in his arms; bridal style.


"Light the way, Donghae," he said softly and I obliged, holding the light forward in a shaky hand while my other hand was around HyukJae's neck. Just as we took the first step to the stair case, another thunder sounded and I whimpered slowly, closing my eyes.


"Shh, relax Hae, I'm here," HyukJae whispered in a hushed tone and I kept my eyes tightly closed but Hyuk's voice calming my nerves a bit so I leaned in to his chest instead as he continued walking up the stairs. Soon enough, we're in front of my room and i reached out a hand to turn the bed as Hyuk entered, with me in his arms. When he reached my bed, I was gently laid down and was covered securely before I dared to open my eyes, seeing HyukJae looking back at me, the only source of light was the flashlight I was still holding.


"Are you okay? Can you sleep alone?" he asked and reached out a hand to tuck a hair behind my ear.


I nodded a bit, as another thunder rumbled and by instinct, I clutched the sheets covering my and hid my face under it, my eyes shutting once again. Hearing my bedroom door closing, thinking that Hyukjae left and just the thought of being all alone in this dark room is enough to make me shake again. But then, I felt the bed shift a bit and my covers being tugged. I opened my eyes as HyukJae lied down beside me.


“Wha—what are you doing?” I asked in a shaky tone and he turned to face me, and smiled.


“I am accompanying you. You’re scared and I am not leaving you until you fall asleep,” he answered in a gently voice. I would have blushed right then, if not for another thunder sounding so I ducked under the covers again, clutching it tight. In a moment, Hyukjae was also under the covers as he switched on the flashlight in his hands, directing the light upwards. Ignoring the human beside me, I started wallowing in my own misery, hating the storm and hating the thunder, hating the way it sounded, hating the darkness, hating---


Arms found their way around my waist, pulling me towards the warm body and my head gently placed on crook of Hyuk’s neck, and his head on top of my head as I felt his other hand patting my hair in a very soothing way. I tensed at first, not knowing how to react, but then relaxed as Hyukjae’s presence had some magical effect on me and I wrapped my arms around him too.


“Can you sleep?” he asked in a hushed tone.


“I can’t,” I answered back, whispering.


“Talk, then. Divert your attention,” he suggested and I let out a chuckle.


“You holding me like this is already enough for a distraction,” I spoke, not thinking clearly what I just uttered. And when I realized what I said, I just let it be since it’s the truth anyways and I feel do drained that I can’t find the energy to deny my statement.


“Really?” HyukJae asked, in a tone that seemed happy.


I hummed in response, and his arms around me tighten.


“H---Hyukkie, I can---can’t breathe,” I muttered and almost immediately, he lessened the pressure he was applying.


“Sorry,” he said and I chuckled.




“So, what?” I said, clearly awake and looking into particularly nothing since HyukJae already switched off the flashlight and we are under my covers.


“Why are you afraid of thunders?” he asked.


“I don’t really know. I just hate it,” I answered in a sigh, clutching his body closer to me and he returned my action.


“Well, I have a phobia too.”


“Of what?”


“I am scared of your brother,” he said in a serious voice that I can’t help but chuckle, and soon enough he was also joining in.


“Can’t blame you. Chullie really is scary sometimes,” I accepted his statement.


“Sometimes? You mean all the time. Have you seen the way he looks at me? That first time when we met, I was acting all cool and uncaring, but the truth was that I was so close to pissing my pants just by Heechul-hyung’s stare. Like, seriously, how can he look so deadly?” he rattled and I let out a chuckle once again.


“He’s just protective,” I defended my brother, but can’t help but find Hyukjae’s words so true.


“Yeah, overprotective of his baby brother,” he teased that I lightly punched his chest.


After a few seconds of silence, he spoke again, “But seriously, I am scared of something too.”




“Snakes,” he muttered that I almost didn’t caught the word if not for our close proximity.




“I just hate snakes,” he reasoned, playing with my hair.


“Is that so?” I said and he hummed.


Placing my head right at his chest, I closed my eyes as I listened to his heart beat, beating normally. The sound brought so much relaxation in me that I found myself yawning and my eyes fluttering close. My arms are still around him, and his around mine as I slowly felt myself drifting off to dreamland.


“Are you sleepy?” HyukJae whispered.


“Hmm. Are you?” I asked back, a bit slurred.


“Yeah. Let’s sleep, okay?”


“Kay. Hyukkie?”


“Yes, Hae?”


“Thank you and good night,” I muttered, inhaling his scent and smiling a bit as he brought me closer, if that’s even possible.


“You’re always welcome. Sweet dreams,” he whispered and I felt his lips touching my forehead and I let sleep invade my senses, the storm already forgotten as I had the best sleep I ever had in days.











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157 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
157 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god