Chapter 10

If That's What You Want




Playing with the energy ball, Taemin, is very fun but tiring at the same time. After eating lunch, the kid requested for me to stay and cook him dinner, and of course, I agreed, so as we wait for it to be night time, we played games all around the house; playing hide and seek, catch around the living room (more of like, Minho catching us since he's appointed by Tae to be the monster), and many more. I was panting and sweating but smiling and laughing at the same time; being with the two is keeping me away from things bothering me lately and I am not going to utter a word of complaint, if that's the case. At last, after two hours of playing around, we ended up watching movies in Minho's room; with Taemin bouncing up and down on his brother's bed.


As Minho put in the DVD we chose; we decided to watch Finding Nemo 2, Taemin sat down beside me on the bed, leaning on my body and his tiny hands playing with mine, opening and closing it and I just silently watch this adorable boy with a smile on my face. The movie started, Minho sat down beside me and we watched the movie in peace, even Taemin is too engrossed to the film that he did not spoke a word, just his eyes glued to the screen.


Being tired from all the activities, I gently laid my head on Minho's shoulder and I felt him tensed for a minute, but relaxed instantly.


"Let me borrow your shoulder for a while," I told him quietly, and he just answered me with a chuckle; but after a few minutes, my eye lids felt heavy so I closed them, and fell asleep right away.




"Let's take a picture," Minho suggested; the movie, apparently, just ended but I slept on most of it and was only woken up by Minho shaking me.


"Yeah, let’s take a picture, Hae-hyung~!" Taemin piped in, and I pinched his cheek, nodding to Minho who's already getting the tripod out of his drawer and a DLSR camera. Taemin used that time to sit on my lap, us still sitting on the bed, and he rested his head on my chest.


"Okay, I'll put it in timer for 10 seconds," Minho said and clicked, before bolting next to us, sitting on the bed beside me.


















I laid my head on Minho's shoulder and raised my hand for a V sign, in which the brothers copied just in time for the flash. I smiled at them, and we all went to check the photo, and of course it was good.


The clock read 5:20p.m. and I decided to cook dinner; Tae requested for Bulgogi, and so that's what I did. And as I set the food on the table for us to eat, a door bell was heard and Minho offered to get it as I started feeding Taemin. A few minutes later, Minho came back with a rather unexpected guest.




"Hae-baby!" He said as soon as he saw me and wrapped me in his hands; I have to put my hands up so that he won't be clashing with the plate in my hands, I chuckled, and placed the plate on the table before patting his head.


"Min, what are you doing here?" I asked as he released me.


"Well, you aren't answering your phone, and I told you we'd talk, didn't we?" He eyed me.


Oh. Right.


I turned to the brothers who's eyeing Min and I, "Guys, this is Lee Sungmin, he's a cousin, and Min, this one's Minho and Taemin, my neighbors and friends," I introduced the two who just gave Min a shy smile.


"Nice to meet you. You guys won't mind if I take my cousin away, don't you?" He asked them in his sweet voice.


"Where are you taking my Hae-hyung?" Taemin asked, looking at me with worried eyes.


"Don't worry, tae-baby, Hyung will be okay, Sungmin-hyung is a cousin, he can be your friend to," I cooed at the child, who just nodded and gave me a kiss on the cheek before I was dragged out of the Choi household by Sungmin's strong arms, going into our house. I quietly let him pull me, and my eyes lokking down as he sat me down on the wooden swing at our garden.


"So," he started and I continued looking down.


"Donghae, look at me," he whispered in that calm voice that I find myself looking up at him slowly.


He smiled slightly, "Now talk to me."


I don't know what made me say the words I uttered; I, myself, was taken aback as soon as they left my own mouth. "I think I like him, Min. But I am so scared because I never felt something like this before, it's scaring the hell out of me especially because I am feeling hurt even I know that I shouldn't be."


"It's alright to be in love, Hae; Love is a wonderful thing."


"Even if it's not, and will never be mine?"


"Why are you so sure that he doesn't like you?" He asked.


"I just know."


"Lee's don't reason out like that, Donghae. You have to give me a concrete explanation."


"He has a girl friend, Min. Is that not enough reason for you to agree?"


"Ji Eun is just a girl friend; you, on the other hand, you're his wife, or husband, whatever, you get the logic. You are legally his, and he is rightfully yours."


"I am his and he is mine,” I repeated what he said and it felt nice saying those words if and only if it would be true, “that is all just written on paper, Min. But what's in here," I placed a hand on my chest where my heart is beating, "it can't be dictated, nor can it be changed that easily. And what's in here is what truly matters, not what a piece of paper says, not what other people think, not what the law thinks is legal, it's what's in the heart that truly, really matters, and what's in his heart is not my name, Sungmin." I said with a bitter smile on my lips, as I realized how true my words are.






The gates automatically opened, Sungmin and I silently watching the car park on the garage. And as soon as the lights are out, HyukJae went out of the driver's seat, and went to the other side of the car to open the door, only to reveal a girl with long, wavy hear and a bright smile. HyukJae was smiling, I can clearly see in his eyes the love he has for the girl and I felt my heart twitching in unknown agony; I guess I have to get used to it, since I'm sure I'd be feeling this more than necessary, whether I like it or not. Even if I so wanted to look away, I forced my eyes to focus on the couple smiling brightly, making their way to us, holding each other’s hand tigtly; did HyukJae smile that way when he held mine? Funny, just last night it was my hand he's holding and now---


"Sungmin, I knew it was your car parked outside," HyukJae spoke first before introducing his companion, "Donghae," he looked at me and it pains me to see how happy he is, and just because he's with this girl, "this is Ji Eun, but she's known as IU in school," he finished his sentence by dropping has loving gaze to IU who stared back just as lovingly back to him. 


"It's nice to finally meet you, Donghae-ssi," IU finally spoke up, offering his hand, the one HyukJae is not holding, and smiling sweetly at him. So, gathering every ounce of energy I got, I smiled back at them and accepted the handshake.


"The pleasure is all mine, IU-ssi," I said, my voice sounding so calm even I was surprised.


After the brief handshake, IU turned to Sungmin who was suddenly quiet beside me.


"Long time no see, Sungmin-ssi," the girl greeted.


"Yeah, it's been a long time indeed," Sungmin answered and smiled back at the girl.


I let my eyes travel back to HyukJae who's still wearing that radiating smile of his, his own eyes never leaving his Ji Eun's face, and they are twinkling with something that clearly shows love; I can't help but wonder if he'll ever look at me like that. No. Of course not, snap out of it, Donghae. Then, I looked at the girl once again, and found every reason for HyukJae to be head over heels for her; for one, she's undoubtly beautiful and cute, she has a sweet voice, and everything about her is just---down flat perfect.


"HyukJae, I'll be taking Donghae to dinner, if you don't mind?" Sungmin's voice suddenly cut me off my trance and I looked at him, as he talks to HyukJae.


"Oh? That's good, why don't the four of us have dinner together, so Donghae here can get to know Ji Eun?" HyukJae happily suggested.


"Oh, Um---Hyuk, you see," Sungmin started babbling, and I can tell he's trying to get me away from here, and I really appreciate the thought. I brought my hands to his arm, and he looked at me, trying to read my eyes.


"That's a perfect idea, HyukJae. Let's go?" I said and smiled at the couple who smiled back at me; I just can't say no to HyukJae when he looks so happy like that, even if it hurts that I'm not the reason for that smile; damn, I sound like I like for him for years even if it's just for a few hours.


And with that, HyukJae and IU rode the car and I drove with Sungmin in his pink Ferrari.


Settling down after putting the seatbelt, I said, "Does everything you own have to be pink?" I teased, but his face doesn't seem like he's in a mood for teasing at all.


"What do you think you're doing, Hae?" He said, as we watch HyukJae's car pull out the garage, and we followed behind.


"I don't know, Min. But, I just can't refuse him if he looks so happy, and it would be suspicious, don't you think?" I answered him, looking straight forward.


"Donghae, you have to be strong, arraso? You have me, Hyun Woo, and the others, even if they don't know about this, whenever you're feeling down, you can always contact us, especially that brat Hyun Woo, for sure he'd dash here as soon as you call him," he chuckled and I can't help but chuckle too.


"I know, and I am really thankful for having you guys as family; that's all I need," I answered.




"So, Donghae-ssi, I heard you're good in speaking english?" IU asked, as we wait for our food.


We're currently in a seafood restaurant in Seoul with me sitting beside Min, and HyukJae beside IU, obviously.


"Yeah, I came from New York," I answered.


"Can you teach some of your knowledge to Jae? Have you heard him speaking, or rather, trying to speak English? I swear, your ears will bleed," she giggled, and looked at HyukJae playfully who teasingly glared at her.


"That is not true, I can speak English," HyukJae said, facing her.


"Really? Mind giving a sample?" IU dared.


"Waiter," HyukJae said in a funny accent that IU just started giggling again, and same goes with HyukJae who's laughing with her, while Sungmin and I watched the scene, quietly. Sungmin broke the moment by coughing and the two finally realized that they have company, and faced us again, still smiling from the previous scene.


"Sorry about that," IU apologized.


"Oh. Don't apologize, we don't mind," I waved her apology off, and smiled at her.


"Ah, by the way, Donghae, what time did you arrive home? You came back rather early from school," HyukJae asked.


So, he didn't even notice I was not in school. Perhaps he was so busy with his precious time with IU.


"Yeah, I got home the moment we were dismissed from class," I answered him, and thankfully, the food arrived. I ate in silence, even Sungmin did, and I just spoke if I was asked a question from IU, aside from that, the only nose in the table is the lovers sweet talkings that I so badly wanted to block, but I guess it can't be helped.


After what seemed like forever, IU finally told us she needs to go home because of her flight going to Australia, and HyukJae drive her to her house, while Sungmin did the same to me, and the drive back was quiet, not one of us breaking the silence; I just looked out of my window, looking at the brilliant night view of Seoul. And it was too late when I realized it was not the same road we took earlier.


"Min, where are we going?" I asked.


"Just wait."


He stopped the car after not more that 10 minutes, and we are under the bridge, over-looking the Han River. I step out of the car and I can hear my companion following me, as I walked at the sideline, taking in the vast water in front of me, it looks so pretty with the lights illuminating on it, and for the first time tonight, I genuinely smiled.


"Finally, your real smile," I heard Sungmin sighed in happiness and I looked at him, as he looked back at me with warm fox-like eyes.


"You need this, Hae. Calm your nerves," he said with that soothing voice of his.






"Can I get a hug?" I asked, and almost immediately, arms were around my waist, my head resting on his shoulder, and his hands rubbing my back in a very feathery touch.


"Be strong, Donghae-ah," he whispered in my ear, and I closed my eyes shut, inhaling the faint smell of his sweet perfume and allowed myself to be comforted by this cousin of mine.


"I will, Sungmin, I will."

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165 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
165 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god