Chapter Ten

What If Cheating Has A Sensible Reason


Seoyun was already going to climb up to her bed while Soo Hee was going to leave the room to go to the bathroom when Jae suddenly barged in.


Soo Hee and Seoyun made shocked expressions wondering why Jae looks like he just escaped from prison panting so hard. Seoyun wanted to ask but Jae suddenly spoke.


"Sheila is out there.", he announced just enough for Soo Hee and Seoyun to hear and still panting. "What do we do now???"


"Why is she even here?", asked Seoyun confused while knitting her eyebrows.


"Does it look like I know the answer?", replied Jae.


There was an awkward silence as they thought for an idea to escape the situation.


"What if you hide somewhere and I will answer the door.", said Seoyun to Jae.


"Hide where?", Jae asked.


"Under the bed maybe?", answered Seoyun.


The doorbell rang again making them more panicked. So Jae had no choice but to hide under Seoyun and Soo Hee's bunk bed.


Soo Hee and Seoyun went out their room.


"Don't worry about us. Just use the bathroom since you need to.", whispered Seoyun to Soo Hee while walking towards the door.


"Good luck!", Soo Hee nodded and walked to the bathroom while the towel was hanging on her shoulders.


Seoyun walked to the door. Before she opened it she gave a deep breathe trying to calm herself down for her heart is beating fast. When she's finally ready she turned the knob to open the door.


There she saw Sheila standing smiling at her.


"Seoyun!", Sheila called. "Hey! Sheila!", Seoyun greeted her at the same time.


"Yeah, hey.", Sheila nodded. "Can I borrow your notes. I didn't copy some of them."


"Yea... Sure!", Seoyun agreed. She was about to leave Sheila and go to her room to get the notes Sheila is asking for.


"Okay. I'll help you get it!", she came in with Seoyun.


Seoyun couldn't refuse so she walked to her room. Seoyun opened the door. Sheila went inside. The first thing she saw was the bunk bed. There was a big space separating the bunk bed from the cabinet. Seoyun went to her study table which is in the middle of the bunk bed and small cabinet beside the bigger one. Seoyun showed Sheila the notes. Sheila took the notes that she needed to copy.


"Is that all?", Sheila asked Seoyun.


"Yep. Those are all the notes."


"Okay! Thanks!", Sheila thanked Seoyun. She was about to walk away from the study table where they are until a paper from Seoyun's notebook slipped out. Sheila was about to bend down to pick it up.


Seoyun acted immediately because if she let Sheila pick it up she might see Jae hiding under. "Sheila!", Seoyun distracted Sheila from picking up the paper on the floor. "I'll get that for you!", Seoyun picked the paper up. "Here.", she handed the paper over to Sheila.


Sheila took the paper. "Thank..... You!", she said in a tune.


"You're welcome!", Seoyun grinned standing stiff with her hands at her back.


"Okay...", Sheila nodded awkwardly. "Are you okay?", Sheila asked quite suspicious.


"Ye-yes", Seoyun stuttered. "I'm fine. I'm fine!", she assured.


Sheila nodded with a smile. "Bye!", she waved her hand and went out of the room. Seoyun accompanied her to the exit. Soeyun went to her room and closed the door.


"Whew!", Seoyun wiped sweat from her forehead. "Sheila could have seen you!"


Jae crawled out from under the bed. Soo Hee entered the room as she is already done washing up.


"So how did it go?, asked Soo Hee.


"So glad we survived!", exclaimed Seoyun.


Soo Hee smiled. Jae chuckled. Afterwards, they were all laughing talking about what just happened.




Author's Note:

So that's the update! Mehe~ There you go guys.

Sorry that's all that happened for now T.T

But in the next chapter Sheila will be announcing something.

Oooooo.... I wonder what it would be? Hmm..

Stay tuned!

Although I probably won't be updating within the week.

Just maybe. Not sure though. Let's see about my schedule.

I'm out now. Byeee~



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BlockB1230 #1
Chapter 14: Update please! Ugh Sheila back off girl! Seohyun deserves her Jae!
Chapter 14: Well this is getting better and better.... what if Sheila found the truth and.... I don't know this is so weird!!!
Chapter 5: Al these comments are making me excited to read further!!! ^^ FIGHTING!
Chapter 14: Aishh~~ sheila dont make your disease as an excuse to get jae attention.. T3T
Chapter 13: sh*t seohyun just break up with him you can find someone who cant make you feel like that. dont be stupid >.< please update soon :))
Chapter 11: it time for yoona to meet her soulmate. jeng jeng jeng. i'm so relieve that is what sheila want to announce. lol i can't wait to see yoona and shaun's interaction. i've been waiting for a long time. kekeke~ uuu don't be sad seoyun, jae please help seoyun get through everything.
Chapter 10: what will she announce? it make me worry. yeah it goes as i imagine. great job! but what with the short update? i'm not full yet. lol but still i'm happy for the update.
Chapter 9: Update soon >.<
Chapter 9: oh my gawd!! i think i know who is it. tun tun tun
Chapter 7: wow! sheila are a good friend. i wonder how will she react if she know that she had become the third wheel in seoyun and jae's relationship.