A Date?!

I seriously love you.....



In little pain, Gongchan can’t help but to smile still. “This girl, always full of surprises.” He thinks to himself as he follows her. He knows she liked it and he did too. He grabs her groceries, “Well let me repent by carrying this for you.” She makes annoyed face and just walks forward. “ Hey so can I ask you something?” He asks.


“Come on”


“Well I’m going to ask anyways, so looking through your music player. I’ve noticed you listen to a lot of different kinds of music. How do you come across these things? “

He notices she puts her hands together and lets out a small silent sigh. “I just. I guess I get it from my father. He was from America.”

“Chin cha?” He looks at her again and she looks up smiling.

“Yeah, He was a business man but he loves music. He showed me many types of genres. It’s amazing what this world can give you. I just feel I don’t lose the connection I have with him like this. But really I could listen to any type of music. Just for some reason it has to be singing about lo-“


She looks at him. Gongchan likes the surprised look on her face. “What?”

“How did you know that?”

“I have your mp3 player remember?”

“But I have so many different types of languages on there, there’s no way you would have known.”

“I did my research. You know you’re seriously are a forgiving person.”

“How so?”

“Just by change of the subject you talk as if I didn’t piss you off back there. Looks like I found a way to make you smile.”

He can see Bomi’s cheeks flush, but she fixes her hair to hide it. “You know, I love music too. And if you ever want to talk about it or something. I’m here.”

“Oh uh thanks.”  Arriving to her house, she turns to him and grabs her groceries. “Thanks for carrying this. Even though I could’ve done it myself.” She bows her head slightly and her hair falls in her face. Out of reaction Gongchan just folds her hair back behind her ear. Bomi then slaps his hand away.”I said know your place.”She responded angrily but still with that flushed face. Gongchan lets out a small laugh, “You’re really cute Bomi.” Then he turns and walks away waving bye.


She stands there watching him walk away, right until he passed the gate.

Why is this guy getting to me? What makes him so special? He’s irritating like all the other boys here. He knows how to get to make me talk..I opened to him so much. Well more than anyone besides my sister.

All these thoughts running through her mind as she makes her way inside, sliding on her slippers and walking towards the kitchen. She begins to make breakfast, still processing what events happened today. She starts mixing the eggs then she slows down remembering the kiss on her forehead. Easing her hand up to her forehead, touching where his lips were. Bomi closes her eyes and remembers clearly as if they happened again. She feels herself blush.  She feels a poke in her cheek. Namjoo is here, breaking Bomi’s deep thought. Bomi moves her head back and focuses back on mixing.

“What happened today?”

“What do you mean? I just bought groceries.”

“I saw Gongchan oppa. Unnie I think he likes you.” Bomi felt a smile in the corner of but composed herself and prepares omelettes for her and Namjoo. Namjoo kept questioning her, but she ignored her and only responded with a no most of the time. Once the food was made, they ate it all and Namjoo offered to clean up the dishes. A few hours passed, it’s already dark so Bomi took this time to listen to the cd she bought earlier. The mellow beat plays again. Bomi just lays back and relaxes on her bed. Once again thinking of his kiss, she touches her forehead again. As she tries to sing along to the lyrics, a loud noise came from her window. Bomi walks over to see that eggs were thrown at her window, and all over her yard. Furious at this act, thinking it might be just annoying kids trying to be funny. Bomi opens her window and yells out. “YAH! What are you doing to my property! You better run away fast or I’ll make you all pay!” And yet no response, Bomi can see someone out in the distance running. But she couldn’t make out the person. Bomi then gets Namjoo to help her clean the mess that person left. Finally finished Bomi showers and says night to Namjoo. She lies down and looks at his mp3 player. Clicking shuffle again, she hears that first song she heard when she grabbed Gongchan’s mp3 by accident. She remembers only one line of the lyrics and listens to it until she passes out.

Next morning, Namjoo knocks on Bomi’s door. “Unnie, can I come in?” Bomi stretches to see it was 9 a.m. “Of course, come in.” Namjoo quickly comes in and goes straight to Bomi’s drawers and starts to pull out clothes. “What are you doing?” she asks rubbing her eyes. “Unnie, you need to get dressed. Someone is here for you. A guy.” Namjoo giggles. “What? No way.” Bomi then lays back down trying to sleep in more. Then she feels Namjoo tug on her arm and shakes her. “Come on! Hurry, please?” then suddenly Bomi’s door swings open and there he is. Gongchan. WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?! Bomi sees that she’s still in her night gown. Bomi screams. “GET OUT GONGCHAN. WHAT THE HELL BABO!” She throws her pillow at him covering herself with her covers. Gongchan quickly ducks and closes the door. Avoiding Bomi’s good arm throw. Namjoo frozen and begins to laugh loud. Bomi then smacks Namjoo’s arm. “What the hell is he doing here!? Why did you let him in? Oh my god Namjoo!” Namjoo falls on the floor laughing still. “Unnie your face is so red, and you covered yourself like this.” Reenacting Bomi’s actions, she finds it so funny. “Unnie you like him. You’re so adorable.” Namjoo leaves the room to occupy Gongchan in the living area. Bomi decides to get up and get dressed. Putting on the clothes her amazing sister pulled out for her. “Aishhh, what does this babo want? Seriously.” Bomi was about to walk out but she sees her hair in the mirror of her vanity. Holy cow it’s like I had a fight with a hairdryer. She quickly brushes it and makes a simple low side ponytail. She walks to the living area, already about to repeat what she yelled earlier. But she can’t talk all that came out was , “Hello.” Gongchan, wearing a red plaid hat, a cute sweater with an animal that has sunglasses on, nice fit dark blue jeans and white tennis shoes,  turns to her and says hi back. Namjoo exits the scene, Bomi’s notices but quickly looks back at him. Gongchan walks up to her and lowers his head to her level. Staring in her eyes and simply says , “Let’s go on a date.”




Hello everyone :D Decided to leave a little comment here saying I hope you're liking the story >.<

Kind of been a little busy so sorry if it's a little rushed. BUT NO WORRIES, I have reasons that will be shown in the later chapters why its like this ;o

Anyways hope everyone has a wonderful time reading.

Still refreshing my youtube page though for B1A4.


When I see this video i'm going to be like this v

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Thank you!
laptop is down! hope to have it fixed before school starts ): bare with me subbies


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sunlight_ #1
Chapter 18: Update soon
ara2712 #2
Chapter 18: i'm waiting for your update~ sobs
Chapter 18: whoa :O
update please ; ;
ara2712 #4
Chapter 17: aaaaa when will you update? i'm waiting author-nim >.<
azuraes #5
Chapter 17: ayooo new reader here, update soon. hehe :))
ara2712 #6
Chapter 17: hiks T.T i really wish bomi and gongchan can keep their feelings toward each other~ i don't want another er~~
Chapter 17: Yeah !! Finally you updated :)
priscilla125 #8
Chapter 17: Hey cuz updated quick it even made me cry I always there when u make write them hurry up kk
Chapter 1: This is cute ^^

Can't wait to read more!
hannahbananas #10
Chapter 16: Awe thanks for the update I love this story!