Till You Fall Asleep

I seriously love you.....




After a wonderful day with Gongchan, Bomi is home already in bed. Her face hurts a lot, her cheeks to be exact. From meeting s and ending it with a simple kiss. She runs her finger over her lips and tries to resist smiling but it fails. She covers her face and lets out a silent scream of joy. She then remembers what he told her when he took her home, that he’d be busy for probably the next few months. But he would try to see her every time he gets free time. She lets out a sigh but she understands, he’s an idol now.


I wonder if I should text him. Grabbing her phone, “Well might as well thank him for today and wish him luck.”

“Hey babo, I wanted to say thank you for today. I had a really great time. I hope you do well promoting. I’ll be rooting for you. Fighting~” send.  

Only Learned Bad Things ringtone plays~ “Yes I already changed my ringtone to this.” Bomi realizes how obsessed she is with the song. A text comes in from Gongchan, he replied. A small smile creeps on the corners of .

“Anything for you, I’m glad you had fun. Can’t wait to see you again, I’m already missing you. Ducky keeps complaining that you’re too manly for me HAHA. He’s only kidding. But I’m off to bed now. And thank you so much. Means a lot coming from you and I hope I make you proud. Good night sleep well<3 ^^”

“Aish. That Sandeul will be a problem, oh well he’ll learn. NIGHT……..<3 >.< ”

Sticking her phone on the charger she lays back down and listens to his mp3 player as she drifts off into a deep sleep.  The following morning, Bomi made it to school and sees that the Bana mafia has formed a group in front of her classroom. Aish these girls, will never learn. She pushes past them, clearly hearing every rude comment coming out of their mouths. Bomi still feeling the effects of yesterday’s date, she didn’t bothered fighting with the girls. She goes to her seat and sees that they had written all over her desk. “You’re not worth anything for Gongchan. Just leave. No one wants you here. Gongchan could do better than you. Can’t wait till he sees the mistake he’s made. I will be laughing when he dumps your .”

This was to be expected, dating an idol the saesang fans will spawn from the depths of hell. Bomi just sits and ignores the writings. Showing those demons, the power of Bomi’s mature attitude compels them. She can hear them snickering about, but she shuts them out with memories of Gongchan. Less than a minute later, class begins bringing Bomi back to reality. As she gets ready to take notes she sees Jae Hee through the window of the door giving her the nastiest look then she walks away. Aish that girl, she won’t ever give up. Rubbing Jae Hee’s rude look off, she focuses on class. This felt like forever the lunch bell rings, Bomi collects her things which is cut off because some guy walks past Bomi and shoves her bag to the floor. Bomi’s initial reaction starts to go off. “YAH! YOU NEED TO PICK THIS UP!” But he ignores and walks out the door to meet with none other than Jae Hee. She’s laughing at the situation; Bomi turns around and regulates her breathing. Bomi no need to go off now, she’s just a crazy fan. Shaking her head, she picks up her bag and heads to lunch. Already with defenses up because she knows Jae Hee might pull another stunt at any given moment. Getting her food then seating at a table, Bomi sees that everyone is staring at her whispering amongst them. Irritated, she decides to pull out Gongchan’s mp3 player and tune them all out by listening to his songs. Which works wonderfully makes her manage the day without any problems surprisingly.

As the school day ends, Bomi heads home and sees the mafia is by the gates again. But they didn’t acknowledge her this time. Completely ignored her, and for some reason it gave Bomi a weird feeling. Well she makes it home safe and sound and it seems Namjoo has made dinner a bit early. “Unnie, can I tell you now what has happened to me at the BTOB concert?” A reason to let all of Bomi’s irritating issues leave her mind, why not? “Sure Namjoo, what happened?” She sits and begins to eat listening to her story. But nightfall came, Bomi enters her room and looks out her window as she holds onto her phone. While talking to Namjoo earlier she texted Gongchan just saying she hopes everything is fine. This made her zone out from Namjoo’s story. All of Bomi can remember from their conversation was that he asked to her backstage? I don’t remember but I know I have fell hard for Gongchan if I even tune out my own sister for a couple of minutes. Her ringer goes off, a phone call from him. She laid her hand on her chest to feel her heart thump and quickly clears .

“Babo anyeong”

“Hey beautiful”

“Aish, be quiet.” Blushing already.

“How was your day?” he sounds exhausted.

“It was good, and yours?” I shouldn’t worry him.

“It was busy, but now we are back at the dorms. We have to record for the MNET Countdown this Thursday.”

“Well you should’ve got some rest instead of calling me.”

“Nah, I like this. Plus I wanted to hear your voice.” Oh Babo, stop making me smile.


“You’re smiling right?” crap.


“YES YOU ARE I CAN HEAR IT.” Now he sees right through me.


“Oh Bomi, you’re so cute.” Geez can he stop already? My cheeks hurt.

“Go to bed.”



“No, stay on the phone with me till you fall sleep.”


“pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee” His aegyo again aish.


After 30 minutes of talking she hears Gongchan’s breath, somehow relaxing to her. Shortly after she falls asleep with him, which was the most comfortable she has ever slept in a long time. 


Hello Hello again everyone (: 

>.< hoped you all liked this chapter.

thought it was a bit sweet at the end :3

I was listening to Baek Seung Heon while typing that last bit.  lol >.<

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laptop is down! hope to have it fixed before school starts ): bare with me subbies


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sunlight_ #1
Chapter 18: Update soon
ara2712 #2
Chapter 18: i'm waiting for your update~ sobs
Chapter 18: whoa :O
update please ; ;
ara2712 #4
Chapter 17: aaaaa when will you update? i'm waiting author-nim >.<
azuraes #5
Chapter 17: ayooo new reader here, update soon. hehe :))
ara2712 #6
Chapter 17: hiks T.T i really wish bomi and gongchan can keep their feelings toward each other~ i don't want another er~~
Chapter 17: Yeah !! Finally you updated :)
priscilla125 #8
Chapter 17: Hey cuz updated quick it even made me cry I always there when u make write them hurry up kk
Chapter 1: This is cute ^^

Can't wait to read more!
hannahbananas #10
Chapter 16: Awe thanks for the update I love this story!