Whether you want me or not.

I seriously love you.....





Sun pours in between the shades into Gongchan’s room. Gongchan rolls over to his side, still numb over yesterday’s incident. He hoped that it was all just a nightmare. Gripping onto Bomi’s mp3 player as he closes his eyes and whispers to himself. “Please, call me and tell me you were kidding.” He then opens his eyes to see his room was empty the whole time. He lets out a sigh and buries himself underneath his blankets.

“CHANNIE!” Yells break out from the living area. Ahhh hyungs just be silent for a couple of minutes. “Time to eat Channie! Wake up it’s past noon already!” Baro yells. “NOT HUNGRY!” Gongchan yells back then slips on earphones and drowns himself in Bomi’s love music.


A cold sensation feeling comes onto Bomi’s right cheek. Stirring around as she tries to get some more sleep. The cold feeling comes back but on her other cheek. “Unnie. Wake up” Namjoo says softly. Opening her eyes instantly, “What’s wrong? Did something happen?” she asks. “No, unnie. Uncle is on the phone. I guess you had a long night since you didn’t hear the phone ring. He wants to talk to you. And wipe your face. You have drool and eye boogies.” Namjoo slips in a joke to lighten Bomi up. She knows she’s been crying all night. “Aish this girl, give me the phone.” Crap uncle Hyo, my amazing overprotective uncle.

“Ah yes, Bomi I’ve been hearing trouble has been bothering you and your sister.”

“Oh uncle, it’s nothing to worry about really.”

“That’s not what Mrs. Kim told me. And also if it’s nothing why is Namjoo in the hospital?”

“Oh uncle, Mrs.Kim just overreacts sometimes. I bring the trash out and she things I’m breaking my back. She’s a nice neighbor. And Namjoo just ran into people I should’ve taken care of. It’s my fault, but she’s fine. I won’t let it happen again.”

“Damn right it won’t because both of you are packing up to come live here with me. I told you if anything gets serious you better tell me. And you don’t because I get a call from the neighbor cause Namjoo is unconscious on the front porch?! Not only that there’s been vandalism across the house? I know you are mature and you lived well for a couple of years there but it’s getting dangerous and I rather not have you fighting to just to live there all on your own.”

“But uncle-“

“No, I don’t want to hear it. One accident is one too many, so I’m coming down tomorrow. Also I talked to the hospital and they said Namjoo is being discharged today. And Mrs. Kim will be watching you until I get there. So don’t be surprised to see her around more than usual for the next 24 hours. Understand?”

“Alright Uncle. I understand.” Bomi forces herself to agree. Hanging up the phone, she sinks in the couch. “Unnie, what did uncle Hyo say?” Namjoo asks sitting next to her. “He wants us to pack to live with him in California.”

“What?! We can’t yet. I have someone I want to see still. And I know you do too.” Namjoo nudges Bomi.

“Not anymore, I ended it. I don’t want to talk about it.” Bomi rubs her temples trying to forget it.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Namjoo looks at Bomi and nudges her again. “Unnie, please don’t tell me it’s cause of this.” She holds her arm out showing the fading small bruises. Bomi looks but quickly looks away towards the window on the other side of the hospital room. “Unnie, you can’t always protect me. You always had a habit of beating yourself up even when I got a small cut from running around when we were younger.” Bomi holds her hand up to her. “Namjoo I don’t need to hear it. Plus this time it actually was my fault. Those crazy fangirl idiots from school did this to you because of me.” Bomi stands up and head towards the door. “Namjoo be ready, I’m going to get the discharge papers.” Namjoo just shakes her head as she crosses her arms. “This unnie of mine will never learn.” ~Ping~ Bomi’s phone goes off. Namjoo decides to take a look and sees it’s a text from Gongchan oppa. “Please, can we talk this over?” That’s all it says. “Ahhh unnie, why do you always do this? I want you to be happy too.” Namjoo gets up to put her things together.


“There I sent it.” Gongchan stares at his cell and looks up at Baro who’s sitting across from him at the kitchen table. “Channie, I knew something was up. You never pass on breakfast at least. But really, I think she cares still. I’ve seen this in dramas, girl pushes guy away to make his life easier.” Baro explains as he sits back taps his chin with his finger as he stares at the ceiling. “Channie, really just put up a fight until she really shows signs that she doesn’t care for you. Like throwing your stuff or something. I’m sure she was all like Oh Oppa I’ll return your stuff thanks etcetera.” Gongchan can’t help but laugh at Baro’s interpretation of what he thinks happened. And his “girl” voice doesn’t help him maintain his composure. “Ahh hyung, you are a descendent of a wise god.” Gongchan shakes his laugh and continues to eat his cereal. He’s still hoping underneath it all Bomi would text him back. A vibration starts on the table, meaning only one thing. They both stare at Gongchan's phone, Gongchan looks at Baro in which he gives him a smile and mouths to him to look. He sees it's a text message but from a number he doesn't reconize. "Who's this?" he wonders, so he opens the text. Oh Namjoo. 

"Anneyeong Gongchan oppa, it's Namjoo. Unnie doesn't have her phone with her at the moment but I thought I should say something to you. Unnie is very overprotective of me, she always pushes others away and thinks she can handle it on her own. But besides that, me and her will be leaving Korea for awhile. Our uncle wants us there and there's really no way out of it. He's really our arms and legs for us to even be living here. In time we will be coming back i'm sure. I even have unfinished business ^^. Anyways! Just work hard being a great idol. Alright? Because i'm sure even with what's happened between you two she will be watching you non stop on tv.  Oh and another thing. We will be leaving tomorrow, which means you still have time to see her? ;)"

Gongchan just reads over what Namjoo has texted him.

Another text comes in from Namjoo. "P.S. we are heading home now. ^^ "

"Hey, Channie what did she say?" Baro asks. Gongchan then stands up and walks to his room to change quickly. As he walks towards the door, he then turns to s who are all sitting in the living area watching tv. "Hyungs, i'll be out for awhile. Don't worry about me. Please make an excuse for me if manager hyung asks for me?" They all nod in response and Baro gives him a wink as he smiles big.

Walking towards her house, he seems to make it before they arrived. He sees the mess from the accident that Jae Hee and her groupies made. Rolling up his sleeves, Gongchan decides to clean their house quickly for them. For Bomi, so she doesn't have anything more to be stressed over. Bomi, if this is going to be the only day I have with you. I'm going to make it worth it,  whether you want me or not.


Hello everyoneeee. And yes another short chapter D:

I've been slacking more than ever now a days. I'm truely sorry for it. I've been hitting some rough situations lately, school is starting again and just ughhhh. I'm going insane here -.- (give me so much pain, I won't be back againnnn...>.> *cough*)

But yeah i'm working on trying to get more spare time to write these chapters to you all :c I hope i'm not a big disappointment to you guys/gals.

Lots of love to you all! <3


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laptop is down! hope to have it fixed before school starts ): bare with me subbies


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sunlight_ #1
Chapter 18: Update soon
ara2712 #2
Chapter 18: i'm waiting for your update~ sobs
Chapter 18: whoa :O
update please ; ;
ara2712 #4
Chapter 17: aaaaa when will you update? i'm waiting author-nim >.<
azuraes #5
Chapter 17: ayooo new reader here, update soon. hehe :))
ara2712 #6
Chapter 17: hiks T.T i really wish bomi and gongchan can keep their feelings toward each other~ i don't want another er~~
Chapter 17: Yeah !! Finally you updated :)
priscilla125 #8
Chapter 17: Hey cuz updated quick it even made me cry I always there when u make write them hurry up kk
Chapter 1: This is cute ^^

Can't wait to read more!
hannahbananas #10
Chapter 16: Awe thanks for the update I love this story!