Anything for you

I seriously love you.....




"There, that's the last of it." Gongchan says as he throws the last bit of trash into the dumpster. He turns on his heel to walk back to Bomi's house. Checking his watch, just counting down the minutes till she shows up. Seating himself on the porch, he finds himself checking the time again. It's already been past another ten minutes, when will she come? 

"Ahh, unnie i'm fine let's just hurry to get inside" 

Bracing himself, Gongchan lifts his head up towards the familiar voice hoping Bomi won't push him away. Walking in carrying bags along side with Namjoo. Bomi stops to see the face she desperately tried to forget about. A breathe passed and she finally speaks ," What are you doing here?" Walking towards Bomi, Gongchan ushers to help with the bags. "Bomi, i just wanted to see you. Let me help you with this." He reaches but she steps back. "i'm fine. Just leave please, Namjoo let's go inside." Bomi walks past him only to realize Namjoo isn't next to her. "Unnie, just talk to him alright? He knows we are leaving." Turning quickly Bomi looks at Namjoo with a 'why would you do that" face. Reluctantly she gives in, and offers one bag to Gongchan. Gongchan almost at a blink speed he's already by her side grabbing onto the bag of clothing. He then gives her a warm smile, Bomi's expression then softens.  She still cares, I know it.  Bomi then walks in to their house as the other two follow behind her. "Sweet! Gongchan oppa, looks like things are going to be a bit interesting. But anyways, i'm glad you made it." Namjoo whispers behind him and gives him a crooked smile. Gongchan returns the small smile after he places the bag on the floor gently.

He then leans against the wall, watching Bomi move about the house. For about ten minutes shes walking into their room, to the kitchen, to the bathroom, and finally back to the living room. She stands before him looking away as she bites on her bottom lip. It's quiet, and the feeling in the space between them just makes Gongchan want to just pull her to him. Just to eliminate the distance thats separating them from each other. Bomi looks at him finally, her eyes look swollen. She's been crying as much as him, it's obvious. He then in a swift move grabs her arms and holds her against him. Hugging her tightly, taking in the precious lovely scent of her perfume she must be wearing. Oh i've missed her, I missed everything about her. She doesn't push him away, surprisingly she just wraps her arms around his waist. Cupping her face, Gongchan gives her a small peck on her forehead. "I've missed you." he tells her. 

Bomi just looks at him, strands of her hair falling in her face, and her eyes begin to water. "Bomi, yah what's wrong? Don't cry anymore please." Gongchan says as he sticks strands behind her ear. "I just, missed you too. And I can't believe I let those girls get the better of me. Making me give in by leaving you, I just thought I let go of who I am." 

Gongchan then grabs her hand to lead her to the couch for them to sit and talk. "Listen Bomi, you're right. You got soft." Bomi immediately jerks her head up and smacks his arm. "Kidding! I'm just kidding, but look you didn't let go of who you are. You just hit me and it really hurt." He pouts, rubbing his arm. She looks at him, trying to keep a stern face. Oh i got you now. She smiles finally and smacks his arm again. "Yah would you stop trying to be cute? It doesn't work on me." she turns her face to laugh silently. "Nah, I think it worked just fine." he responds. "Hey look at me Bomi." She turns her head and he gives her a soft kiss on her lips.


His lips, they are so soft and warm. Leaning in the kiss, Bomi feels the thud go off in her chest. Even though it's only been just a day since they haven't seen each other. It felt like they haven't seen each other for decades. His fingers locks within hers, the pull away from the kiss. He pulls her hand to his lips and kisses it softly. "So Bomi, does this mean we're okay now?" Oh how can I refuse you now of all times? "Yeah we are okay." she says. "It though, uncle is coming for me and Namjoo tomorrow. We have to pack today." Bomi fiddles with his fingers. "But there's nothing you can't do? Convince him at all?" He begans to run his thumb against hers.

"Gongchan, I tried already. Uncle won't budge, I really don't have any choice. If I just go for a month or two, he might let me come back." she squeezes his hand. "Instead of trying to coming up ways to make me stay, we should just try to make the most of what time we have. Let me do this on my own really, don't worry. So why not helping me pack?" Looking at his face, she can tell he wasn't happy at all. His expression showing a look as if he lost everything. She nudges his side, "Yah, I'll be back before you know it okay? Just do this one thing for me please? Let's have some fun as we pack away things, I really need the help. I don't want Namjoo doing anything." He finally changes his expression and nods as well giving a small smile. 

Putting his mp3 player onto player dock, she then turns it up enough to hear his music play around the house. His debut song O.K. comes on, and Bomi sings along showing Gongchan how much she supported him. Bomi playfully dances around as she's folding her clothes into her suitcase while he places some sheets over their furniture. Then suddenly a soft song plays, curious Bomi gets up to see who it is. 10cm - Rebirth. The guitar plays a soft note that is followed by a man's voice. He has such a beautiful voice. Losing herself in this song , Bomi then feels Gongchan behind her. Turning to face him , he then leads her to the middle of the living room. Offering to dance with her, Bomi felt her cheeks get hot. Trying to go back to folding, he then pulls her into his arms and begins to dance. A simple dance where it's just a step to the right then left. Bomi followed along well. She couldn't believe they are dancing like this in the middle of her house. But it made her happy either way, the soft music playing was perfect for this little dance.

"Why don't you two look adorable." Bomi and Gongchan break away from each other. Embarrassed to see that Namjoo has been watching them and their little performance. "As much as I didn't want to ruin that, but Mrs.Park just called and she is coming over. I didn't want her to freak about this. You know how elders can get." Namjoo giggles and heads back into her room.  Bomi looks at him and they both just laugh at each other."Well before Mrs. Park gets here I need to take care of something." He walks towards her and gives her a tender peck on her cheek. Which doesn't calm her already redden cheeks. "yah let's get back to work." She pokes him and walks back to fold her clothes. 

About 10 minutes later, there's knocking at the front door. Oh damn you Mrs.Park. Bomi leads her inside, she doesn't surprisingly stay too long. She just brought over food for them and just wanted to check up on them. Gongchan greeted her and apparently his aeygo works on elders seeing she fell for each of them. Aish, this guy really? Imma rip him a new one later. He used it to rush Mrs.Park out the door. And it worked, in then out within 5 minutes. Okay nevermind, you got lucky. Bomi says to herself while looking at Gongchan wave goodbye to Mrs.Park. He turns to look at her and smiles. "Anything wrong?" he says. Bomi shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "No Gongchan, everything is peachy." She turns on her heel and walks to the kitchen. Placing down plates for three, Bomi's serves food onto each plate. Just about she's going to call out to Namjoo to come and eat. Arms wrap around her waist, Gongchan rests his head on her shoulder. "Bomi, you're really beautiful. I thought I should tell you." Bomi immediately blushes and lays her arms over his. She then grabs his left wrist and twists it a bit hard. Which makes him drops his arms. "Yah, why did you do that for!?" He complains rubbing his wrist. She reaches up and cups his cheek with her  hand. "Oh oppa, i'm not that easy today." She lightly smacks his cheek but kisses it quickly. "Namjoo! COME EAT YOU FOOL!" She yells. Gongchan realizing what happened. "Bomi, you called me oppa? Bomi you called me oppa!!" he exclaims. He laughs and gives a big smile. Bomi just ignores him and seats herself. "Gongchan Oppa, she called you oppa?" Namjoo asks as she walks in. "YEAH SHE DID. BOMI SAY IT AGAIN." she says happily. "No, don't want to. Now eat you two." Bomi chews on her food happily. They both sit and began eating as well. They all talk and such. Listening to Namjoo's story for the third time about the BTOB concert she went to. 

After dishes are put away and everything seems to be put away. Bomi looks around to see her white covered house. Every piece of furniture covered by white sheets. She's reminded that she's leaving tomrrow. She begins to feel sad, but she can't let him see. Just a second later, Gongchan steps beside her and holds onto her hand. "Do you really have to go?" he asks.

Silence makes it way across the room. Bomi nods and lets out a sigh. "Yep, I have to. Sadly." She feels her hand being squeezed. She looks up at him and sees his eyes get teary. "Oh Gongchan, don't cry." She cups his face. "I'll come back okay. I will. I promise." Sticking out her pinky finger for a promise, she smiles at him and he stops to smile too. He then seals the promise. Bomi then leans her head up and gives him a kiss. 


Returning her kiss, he rests his hands on her shoulders. Then smiles at her, brushes down her hair that's covered in small fly aways. He feels a vibration in his pocket, he pulls out his cell and sees that Baro texted him. "yah, channie. It's already 10 pm. Hyung wants you back already. We have a busy schedule in the morning. Hurry up!" 

"Oh great." Gongchan disappointed he has to leave. "You have to go?"Bomi asks. Gongchan didn't want to go, he wanted to stay with her until she left for the states. "Yeah, but I don't want to. I hate that i'm an idol right now. Stupid schedules."

She hits his head softly."Babo, you wanted to be an idol. You put so much effort for this. Don't start complaining right now because of me." She's so cute, placing her hands on her hips like that. "Yeah okay." he tries to contain his laugh. "Hurry and go now babo. I don't want you tired for your schedule tomorrow." She grabs onto his arm and leads him towards the door. "Bomi, don't make me leave." pleading with her. "Gongchan, it's not the end of the world. You can still communicate with me you know." she says. "We can still text each other, call everyone once in awhile. You know all that jazz. And you can keep my mp3 player cause I already am claiming ownership of yours." she smiles. "Bomi..stop." Why is she so cheerful? "Aish!" She hits his arm. "Babo enough already. I promise to call and text you every week. Now go home!" She kisses him again but this lasted very long. As soon as she pulls away there were tears in her eyes. "Gongchan, text me okay?" She runs her hand down his cheek. Gongchan looks at her with tears in his eyes as well. He understands she doesn't want this to feel like a good bye, but we will see each other soon. "Alright, I will." He nods and smiles. With his shoes on, Gongchan begins his journey home. He looks back to see if he can still see her house. Which he can't, that's when he lets go so his tears uncontrollably fall down. 

After making it back to the dorm, everyone in the house seems to be asleep. Gongchan then washes up and lays in bed. A buzz goes off and sees its from Bomi.

"Gongchan, thanks for coming over. I haven't smiled this much in a long time. Now don't cry anymore, work hard alright? I'm just a text away if you need me. ^^ I promised to contact you every week anyways! You just have to be sure not to be a lazy bum and respond to me. Now babo, go to sleep! 

p.s. I love you."

Gongchan then felt his heart skip a beat. 

"I'd do anything for you. And who says I cried? hehe And well I need you now. But i'll go to sleep just cause you said so. oh and I love you too."

Then he felt his eyes finally giving in, and he falls asleep. Anything for you, Bomi.



Well here is my well past due of a chapter. D:

sorry I took so long. I need to get my crap together! lol. Hope you all enjoy. much love to everyone!

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laptop is down! hope to have it fixed before school starts ): bare with me subbies


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sunlight_ #1
Chapter 18: Update soon
ara2712 #2
Chapter 18: i'm waiting for your update~ sobs
Chapter 18: whoa :O
update please ; ;
ara2712 #4
Chapter 17: aaaaa when will you update? i'm waiting author-nim >.<
azuraes #5
Chapter 17: ayooo new reader here, update soon. hehe :))
ara2712 #6
Chapter 17: hiks T.T i really wish bomi and gongchan can keep their feelings toward each other~ i don't want another er~~
Chapter 17: Yeah !! Finally you updated :)
priscilla125 #8
Chapter 17: Hey cuz updated quick it even made me cry I always there when u make write them hurry up kk
Chapter 1: This is cute ^^

Can't wait to read more!
hannahbananas #10
Chapter 16: Awe thanks for the update I love this story!