Deal with it

I seriously love you.....



After taking a shower, Gongchan goes to his room and climbs the ladder by his bed and lies staring up at the ceiling. Letting a sigh he grabs his mp3 player and turns it on to see that one song is on pause. He didn’t even bother to think she was listening to this song. It was meant to be a secret, not letting everyone know he is a trainee in the next hopeful boy group B1A4. “aish..”he smacks himself on the cheek. “Hopefully she doesn’t remember.” He then pictures her again, with an angry …but really cute face. He smiles placing his hand on his chest.

“What are you smiling about?” A head pops up from the side of his bed. It’s Baro, Gongchan’s roommate and fellow member. Startled, Gongchan jumps a little and then pretends he wasn’t smiling to begin with. “Hey! Not funny and I was not smiling thank you very much.”

“Please, you are such a terrible liar Channie. Is it a girl? Did you meet a girl? You did, didn’t you?!” Baro laughs and teases him about it.

“Hyung, I didn’t meet anyone. I was just thinking how great we are doing as group. I believe we will go far.” Gongchan lies. Hoping that Baro would just take it in and let it float away. Baro gives him look of ‘I don’t believe you’ but then just slowly sinks down to his bunk. Gongchan can’t help but to laugh at him and then he stares back up at the ceiling. He then puts in his mp3 player and listens to the same song it was paused on. He then mouths along with the lyrics and drifts off to sleep.

A week passes

The Alarm goes off

Morning light pours through Gongchan’s window, he then washes up and gets dressed. Heading out the door walking to school, he then sees her again running down to the same side of the street as him. Bomi doesn’t seem to notice him, so Gongchan looks at her curiously. She’s singing again and taking a bite of her snack. “I love you, I love you ooo ooo ooo ooo.” She sings happily.

“She’s doing the same exact thing as the day before. Only this time it’s a banana in .” Thinking to himself. He lets out a chuckle, which catches her attention. Making eye contact with her once again she realizes she was singing aloud. She then coughs a little and clears looking forwards trying to avoid his look. Chews on the rest of her banana, Gongchan quietly steps behind her. He sees that the front pouch of her backpack is slightly open, he then slowly reaches for the zipper and closes it. But Bomi feels it and turns around quickly making the zipper open all the way.”Yah! What are you doing?! “But at the same time her small notepad, some folded papers and her pencils fall out. “Again! Why are you such a clumsy fool?”  The walking signal cues a safe passage across the street. Bomi grabs what she drops quickly and charges forward with her speedy walking. Gongchan just a few feet behind sees she had left behind a note on the floor. He picks it up slips it in his pockets and rushes to school. In moments later they are on school grounds.

Gongchan heads towards the classroom and he seats himself and pulls his things out his bag.  At the same time Bomi walks in too, she looks at him and gives another annoyed face. She walks to her seat and sits pulling her things out as well. Waiting for class to begin, Gongchan begins tapping on the desk with a pencil. Gongchan feels his rhythmic beat as he taps on the desk and then Bomi turns around and looks at him with a glare. “Can you please stop? It’s annoying.” She says.

“But I don’t want to, it’s fun.” Gongchan replies and begins to tap again. She grabs ahold of his pencil and lets out a sigh , looking up at him.

“Alright I gave you a warning. I only known you for about week now and you’re making my life hell right now just by tapping with this stupid pencil. Don’t make me use my strength on you.” Bomi warns.

But Gongchan can’t help but to let out a chuckle. He decides to tests the waters, so Gongchan quickly grabs the same arm she’s using to hold onto the pencil. Yanks her towards him where they are just 2 inches away from each other. “I’d like to see you try.” He smirks.

At the same time, the teacher walks in. “Oh goodness, looks like we have our first pair for the history project. Congrats Bomi and Gongchan.”

Bomi quickly pulls away and turns to the teacher,” No teacher we can’t be partners.”

Gongchan smiles and says at the same time” Thank you teacher. I’m sure we’ll make a good team.”

Gongchan meets eyes with Bomi. Which he can still see her flushed face and rage. He grins at her.

“Oh well you two are partners, Gongchan has no problem with it. Deal with it Yoon Bomi.” The teacher responded. 

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laptop is down! hope to have it fixed before school starts ): bare with me subbies


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sunlight_ #1
Chapter 18: Update soon
ara2712 #2
Chapter 18: i'm waiting for your update~ sobs
Chapter 18: whoa :O
update please ; ;
ara2712 #4
Chapter 17: aaaaa when will you update? i'm waiting author-nim >.<
azuraes #5
Chapter 17: ayooo new reader here, update soon. hehe :))
ara2712 #6
Chapter 17: hiks T.T i really wish bomi and gongchan can keep their feelings toward each other~ i don't want another er~~
Chapter 17: Yeah !! Finally you updated :)
priscilla125 #8
Chapter 17: Hey cuz updated quick it even made me cry I always there when u make write them hurry up kk
Chapter 1: This is cute ^^

Can't wait to read more!
hannahbananas #10
Chapter 16: Awe thanks for the update I love this story!