
I seriously love you.....



“Oh great” she leans back and crosses her arms. “Just what I needed, a babo for a partner” she says under her breath. Class begins.

Bomi and Gongchan have been a little more civil with each other at this point. Still getting on her nerves from time to time.

Bell rings for lunch.

She lets out a sigh and turns around to look at Gongchan. “Well since we are partners, might as well figure out who’s doing what.”

Gongchan responds “Well then, let’s go to lunch shall we? “ Bomi gives an irritated face but follows as they make their way to the cafeteria. In the hallway just a few feet away to the cafeteria, a girl stops in front of Gongchan. This girl has long dark black hair, and is very petit. 

“Oh it’s Kim Jae Hee, what does she want?” Bomi thought to herself.

Jae Hee then speaks, “Um, Oppa. I was wondering if you would accept this?” she then holds out a mint to him.

“Well then you must be occupied at the moment, I’ll go ahead.” Bomi pushes past Gongchan and walks to into the cafeteria.

“Poor girl, she doesn’t even know how much of a Babo he is.” She lets out a quiet laugh as she walks into the lunch line. Bomi can see them from where she’s standing, curiosity spikes her so she stares at them. He’s saying something to her, then he bows his head, and now he’s making his way to lunch. Bomi quickly focuses back on the lunch line and sees she’s made a huge gap.  Gongchan sees and quickly cuts in front of her. “Yah! Get to the back of the line, you can’t cut.” She says.  He turns around and gives her an aegyo face.

“That has to be the ugliest face I have ever laid my eyes upon. “ She looks away.

“Ohhh really now? Didn’t you say I was good looking a week ago? “He says smiling.

Bomi feels her face getting more flustered and “Yeah right, you probably wished I said.”

“How come your face is red then? It’s fine you’re not the only one in this school that can’t resist my looks.” He says laughing. “This guy here, full of himself.” She says to herself.

They both pay for their lunches and found and empty table. “Alright listen just cause we are partners doesn’t mean we are friends alright? “ Bomi explains. “Don’t get any ideas to bail out on me either.” She takes out her small notepad and pencil that she brought along.

He ignores her question and says,” I can’t work on it for the rest of the week.”

“why not?” she asks.

“I have matters to attend to this week.”

“I’m not doing this by myself. You have to do your part too!”

Gongchan then leans over the table to grabs her notepad and pencil. He writes something and passes it over.

“I’m being watched by Jae Hee, we can’t talk here. She’s creeping me out.”

Bomi looks up and sees her staring this way. Then looks back at Gongchan. “Wow you’re not joking. What does she see in you? I can’t see it.”

“Yah! Listen can you do me a favor? And I’ll return it”

“Sheesh look at you asking for favors. No thanks, be a man and sort whatever it is by yourself.”

“It’s really important. Come on.” Gongchan stands up and grabs her wrist and drags Bomi out the cafeteria to the nearest empty classroom.

“Hey what are you doing?! I didn’t even take a bite of my food.” She complains. “Alright, what is this stupid favor of yours.”

“I need you to do something …its complicated. First don’t reject too quickly. Just think about it.”

“Well? I’m waiting. Spit it out”

“I need to help me convince Jae Hee I’m taken. I know she likes me but it’s really getting a bit weird. She came to my house telling me that she coincidently walked by and saw that I lived there.”

“Okay…..and how am I going to do this? “

Gongchan stares at her with a look. Bomi picks up the pieces and quickly says, “No, no no no no no no! No,are you crazy?”

“Please, I’ll give you anything you want. Anything!” He holds out his pinky finger trying to do aegyo faces once again.



“I have a list.”

“I’ll do anything. That girl is really tiring I just want her to stop.”

Bomi grabs a hold of his pinky finger with hers. And the promise is sealed.

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laptop is down! hope to have it fixed before school starts ): bare with me subbies


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sunlight_ #1
Chapter 18: Update soon
ara2712 #2
Chapter 18: i'm waiting for your update~ sobs
Chapter 18: whoa :O
update please ; ;
ara2712 #4
Chapter 17: aaaaa when will you update? i'm waiting author-nim >.<
azuraes #5
Chapter 17: ayooo new reader here, update soon. hehe :))
ara2712 #6
Chapter 17: hiks T.T i really wish bomi and gongchan can keep their feelings toward each other~ i don't want another er~~
Chapter 17: Yeah !! Finally you updated :)
priscilla125 #8
Chapter 17: Hey cuz updated quick it even made me cry I always there when u make write them hurry up kk
Chapter 1: This is cute ^^

Can't wait to read more!
hannahbananas #10
Chapter 16: Awe thanks for the update I love this story!