Chapter 9- The Super Senior

Sungmin's Fail Magic (The Siwon, Yoona, Eunye & Kyuhyun's epic love story)

Deongseok Village



Somewhere inside that village was a small dusty house near the sea, where there lived 8 handsome men, for them, their the rising group that everyone’s going to know, just a little more performance and they are going to be star studded celebrities. But they are not a boy band, they are a group of actors, wondering around the kingdom and wait for someone to call them and act in front. Everyday, one of the group is tasked to wait besides the telephone and wait for someone to call and invite them to act, they perform in any occasion, wedding, baptismal and even children’s birthday party, boy they really needed money, but luckily, in that kingdom they are the most popular troupe. As they go outside the house, girls’ starts to scream, faint and do anything crazy that you can imagine, they really like the fame their getting, but that’s just around the kingdom, they wanted to do more, to be more famous, they want to perform somewhere they knew they are really going to make some real money and be much more famous than just around the kingdom.


“Perform at Leovan Palace? That’s your idea?” Yesung said as he doubts Eunhyuk’s brilliant idea. “Yeah! At the palace! Don’t you think that’s going to be the key for our success!?” he said as he stood up having a great smile as the whole boys just sat and made a circle as they looked at Eunhyuk who’s really smiling so wide. “What?” he said. “Okay..okay..” Donghae said interrupting. “Let’s say we all agree to perform at the palace, the question is, is the palace going to make us perform for them?” he continued. “Yeah,yeah” all the members agreeing. “Plus does the palace heard about the handsome troupe Super Senior before?” Hangeng said. “Yeah, and hate to break it up to you but we’re just famous around here, not the whole world…” Shindong interrupted. “Okay, you’re right, is the palace going to ask us, but, since I’m the leader, it’s my job to make our troupe really famous..” he said, then the area was silent. “And?” Ryeowook said. “And, I’m going to the palace to ask their permission if we can perform..” he said really proudly. “WHAT?!!!” the whole members said as they stood up really shock on what he just said. “What?” he said confused. “Are you crazy??!! What if they rejected??!! Embarrassment will go to us!!” Hangeng said. “And your confidence is really high!!! Barging in the palace like that just to ask that..” Yesung said as he frowns. “Well sorry~ I just want our group to be famous that’s all…” Eunhyuk said making a point. “Wait! Stop you guys!!!” Donghae interrupted as he shouts really loud making everyone silent. “If that’s our key to success then…” he said as he looks at Eunhyuk who’s having puppy eyes. “Let’s give him a chance..” he said. “Yes! Thank you Donghae!!” Eunhyuk said jumping as he hugged Donghae. “Okay, okay.. fine..” he said breaking up his hug. “I’ll go now to the palace and ask them if we can perform!!!” he said as he went outside the house jumping for joy. As Eunhyuk left the house…


Yesung: Donghae are you crazy??!!

Shindong: What if the king doesn’t like his idea? I won’t be surprise if 2 hours later we’re just going to hear from the news the ‘Eunhyuk’s death penalty’.

Kibum: Plus, we’re talking about the king for goodness sakes… we’re talking about King Kim Heechul!!!

Ryeowook: Yeah, we don’t even know what is going on the king’s brain everyday, maybe he’s in a bad mood right now especially his daughter’s gone then Eunhyuk comes barging in…

Kangin: Yeah… what will happen to the group now…

Donghae: Okay, okay… but that’s just theories, we still don’t know what will really happen.. so let’s just wait…is that okay?

Shindong: Okay, but it’s your fault if Eunhyuk’s going to die…




2 hours later


As they all wait for Eunhyuk, they all lay down on the floor just looking at the ceiling waiting for someone to open up the door and hopefully have a great news. Luckily, someone did open the door with a large bang!




The loud bang startled everyone making them look at the door, as they looked, they saw Eunhyuk catching his breathe terribly, they just went in total dead silence as they wait for Eunhyuk’s news. “WE’RE IN!!” he said as he raised a paper that said their invited in the palace for a performance. “BWO!!!!!????” every member said as they went straight to Eunhyuk looking at the paper. “How did you do it??!!” Yesung said can’t believe what he’s seeing. “Did it go well??” Donghae said. “Well ye—no, actually this is what happened..” Eunhyuk said making a flashback look as he looks at the ceiling, then the rest looked at the ceiling too..




Hey guys! finally! I updated! Sorry if it took so long, i actually got myself into an addiction problem for "Oh! My lady" i couldn't really move myself and make a new chapter, sorry if i acted like that, but no worries, i finally finished it, and it was so good!~~ but after that, i'm starting to watch It's okay daddy's daughter, and i think we can have a problem here again, because i'm starting to go addict on it to, but i'm going to control myself and update and watch it at the same time, but in the meantime, just enjoy my update for today and tell me whether you liked Eunhyuk's doings or not especially the Super Senior,kkkk~ comment and subscribe!!!

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donghae #1
yes i am, but im really busy :D haha
-ximini #2
Are you going to continue this?
Update soon please!! I really curious with the update! ><
My baby <3
donghae #5
@YOONWON_imARA: thank you so much for reading my story :)
mxsfits #6
Im Yoona is definitely a goddess! yoonwon pls! :D
I Love You <33
donghae #8
@WandererShEeP and all my readers: mom, i can't update... sorry to you and to everyone, i'm really busy in this school year..sorry~
Mommy's here! *____________*<br />
Update! <3
Aww :3 My Pretty Kyu~~ <br />
OMG! Another pretty-but-badass-boy Siwonnie ^^ LUST?! O.o <br />
I warned you!! And I knew this would happen! And I cried T^T<br />
I'm not happy anymore~~ I'm sad!! *hits hard on the floor*<br />