Chapter 22- The fail magic.

Sungmin's Fail Magic (The Siwon, Yoona, Eunye & Kyuhyun's epic love story)


As Siwon looked at her deeply. “Siwon.” She said. But instead of saying anything he hugged Yoona like he never done it before, well actually he never really done it before. But instead of releasing from the hug she replied him with a hug and never planned to let go, but someone erupted and pulled her away from Siwon. “What are you doing?” Siwon said as he saw Kyuhyun touching her arms. “Saving my love from you’re freakish DNA.” He said. “No way she’s mine!” “She’s mine!” they said to each other as he pull her arms and Kyu doing it on the other arm. “Okay would you let go! You’re hurting my arm!” she said complaining as she pulled her arm back. “I’m sorry Mi Amor…” Kyu said lowering his head down. “Okay since when did you become Italian? ;)” she asked as she became confused. “Just leave us alone! It’s me Yoona loves, not you…” he said as he went to her and hold her arm. “Just go with your Eunye, she’s much more better with you, besides, you wanna be together right? Then just go! I’ll take my Yoona here with me~” he continued. “That girl, I forgot about her the moment I woke up…Mi Amor..” he said as he went to her but she stepped backwards making Siwon smirk. “See? She doesn’t want you…” he said smiling. “Wait~” she said interrupting. “What are you two doing?! Don’t fight anymore!!! You two are a bunch of kids having riot!!! Stop acting immature!!” she said really angry. The two stop and looked at each other. “There…better…” Yoona said calming down. But after 1 second. “Yaaaahhhhh!” the two said as they tackled each other on the ground.




On Eunye’s Area


As the breeze of the wind finally wakes her up, she immediately looked at her surroundings that she feels something is missing. “Kyuhyun?” she said to herself, as she walked 360 degrees around the tree she found no luck on seeing him. “She’s mine!” she heard from a distance as she keeps quiet and stay still wondering where the sound might be. “Quit shoving mushroom head!!!” another sound was heard making her follow it more and more, as she walked and walked, the bickering was turning louder and louder. As she found a figure of three people she immediately got startled and tried to hide behind a tree, but as soon as he saw Kyuhyun one of them having a fight, she immediately ran. “Kyuhyun!” she said as she ran towards them making the three stop and  look at her, as she hugged Kyuhyun, Siwon smirked and looked at the two, as Eunye hugging Kyuhyun but Kyu not returning her hug, he immediately pushed Eunye away making her step backwards really hard. As she looked startled from what he did, she looked at him with teary eyes, can’t really believe what he has done, the man he thought that would save her life would do this kind of thing. “K-kyuhyun..can’t believe you’’ll…” “I’ll what?” he said not having an impact on her poor face, he looked at her with glares, it doesn’t matter if she gets hurt or not. “Why are you doing this? What’s happening to you?” she said softly. “Well I changed, I don’t love you no more!!” he said angrily. At that moment, Eunye didn’t know what to say, she was hurt, she can’t believe what’s going on. “Okay, is this a mollae camera or something?” she said looking at her surroundings. “Hello!!!! Okay! You got me! You can come out now!! Hello!” she said shouting all the way as she looks up looking for the hidden cameras and staffs which she believes to be part of a reality show.


Meanwhile as Sungmin was looking at the four while sitting at the top of a tree branch, he knew he had a fail, he didn’t know what to do but watch, as he looked at them with no hope, “So how’s it been?” someone said to him making him shock. “Your Highness!! Why are you here?” he said. “I came down here because of the loudness, our kingdom isn’t taking it easy you know, my people have been complaining, I got to see your improvements you’ve done…so, how did it go?” Leeteuk said as he crossed his arms looking at Sungmin whose looking just at a distance. “Hey! Sungmin! Yah!” “Yes your highness?!” he said finally looking. “How-did-it-go?” he said once more. “Oh was..uh..” but before he could speak again, “HELLO?!” Eunye shouted as she looks up, as Leeteuk heard it, his head immidiately turned to Eunye,as he saw her, his forehead wrinkled, eyes squinted and everythig was just wrong. He looked at Sungmin again with a different facial expression, becoming madder and madder as Sungmin becomes smaller and smaller. “Sungmin, why is that girl still here???!!!?” he said exploding in anger. But Minnie didn’t respond. “Sungmin!!!Yah!!! I THOUGHT YOU HANDLED THIS!!” “I did your highness!” he said flying in front of the sitting king. “ see, I thought making them fall in love with each other will be a complete win, but then when I casted the spell, they were like ‘she’s mine’ and she was like ‘no stop it’ and then he was like ‘your freakish DNA’ and I was like ‘Oh snap!’ and then, you see it was a fail!!! I didn’t expect it to be like this your majesty.” He said trying to explain with action but Leeteuk just stared with a blank expression. “I swear…if I just didn’t swear on your mother’s death bed that I will take care of you..I swear, I’m gonna kill you!” he said flying towards Sungmin so close that the tip of their noses almost touched, “I’m so sorry…my bad..” he said feeling small as he squint his eyes, didn’t like to see what his master will do to him. But instead of killing him, he felt a grip on his arms and opened his eyes again. “Your majesty?” he said as they flew together. “I wanna see them closer, what they’re saying, what they’re talking about, I wanna see what trouble you’ve done so far…” he said as they both went close to the four, but Sungmin didn't say anything anymore and just lowered his head down as he followed his master. As they flew just 1 block from the four, “This is a good spot…” Leeteuk said standing and leaning beside a tree, but Sungmin was just standing there avoiding any conctact from his master and the tree as he lowered his head down,ashamed from what he did, but as Leeteuk noticed it, "Come on, don't be shy, make your self comfortable" he said with a texan accent, even if didn't like it, he followed his master's order and looked at the chaos he's done.



As Kyuhyun hold her arms tightly as she became scared. “Look! You’re not in a TV show!! This is real!!!!” he said can’t control his anger anymore. “But why are you doing this to us?!” “Cause I’m already in love with someone else…” he said passionately. “Then who?!” she shouted, but he didn’t speak and just looked at Yoona with beauty, like she’s the goddess of the goddess. As Yoona looked at Kyu, she made a disgusted face, and just didn’t say something at all. But for Eunye, anger circulated her blood, especially to her heart. She clenched her fist going to Yoona. “Okay, Eunye..wait~” Yoona said trying to escape, but it was too late, Eunye tackled her down, and what’s really great, they were on top in a small mountain, as she tackled Yoona down, both of them starts to roll down from the mountain and falling on the mud, but she didn’t care, she continue to fight, she pulled Yoona’s hair as her hands were full of sticky wed mud. “Stop it! Eunye!!! Stop!” she said not fighting Eunye. As the two guys starts to run down the mountain carefully, Siwon and Kyu both went to the girls and hold Eunye’s arms unable to fight Yoona again, that’s where she got the chance to escape to Eunye. “You were my best friend!! How could you do this to me?!” she said tearing up. “I didn’t do anything to you! It was your boyfriend who came up crawling to me!”  “Eunye! Just stop this already!” Kyu said shouting. “But Kyu, we were just sleeping a while ago and it turned out to be like this?” she said crying. "Didn't you hear what I said a while ago?!!?" he shouted. "I don't love you no more!!!!!" he said shouting so hard to the point his voice became rusty. "'re being too're hurting me.." she spoke but her voice wasn't the same anymore, it was like she was trying so hard to speak but it looks like her voice was on a concert overnight, and her voice was gone. "You're weak!!!" he shouted. Eunye sobs. "You're a coward!! "he shouted more, making her sob even more, " And you're unworthy!!!" he shouted making her so shocked that she sobbed so loud, making Leeteuk frown and cover his ears. "What a horrible voice~!Can't believe someone actually gave birth to that!!" he said insulting her as he covers his ears. As Yoona heard that, she froze and didn't do anything, from what Kyuhyun just said,she can't believe something like that will be said to Eunye, especially not Kyu. She realizes, if she was Eunye, she would have killed her self if she hears all that things coming from her loved one. "Yoona let's go~" Kyu said grabbing her. "Hey!" Siwon objected. “Wait~” Yoona said interrupting as she thought of something.

“Yes?” the 2 boys said in unison as they all looked at Yoona. As they all looked at her, she immediately made a pissed look and just stared at the 3. “Aaaaahhhhh~” she said nodding her head as if she understands everything. “I know what’s going on in here…” Yoona said as she steps back looking at them. “You do my princess?” Kyu said as he smiled happily at her.


Wow~! I've updated, it's been..months!!!! Well sorry for that, please understand everything because im still a student and i need to set my priorities first, I love asianfanfics and i love my readers, so don't you worry, i updated today, and i know i will update again!! I promise you, i WILL finish this story!! That's a promise for all of you!! Oh! And can i have a favor.... PLEASE! I WANT COMMENTS SHEDDING ABOUT THIS CHAPTER!!! PLEASE!! IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE I DIDN'T READ A COMMENT! I MISS GOING AT HOME EXCITED TO OPEN THE COMPUTER TO READ COMMENTS!! PLEASE!! WHETHER ITS GOOD OR BAD! I WILL ACCEPT IT!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! PLS KEEP ON SUPPORTING ME!!! I LOVE YOU!! heartcheekykiss



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donghae #1
yes i am, but im really busy :D haha
-ximini #2
Are you going to continue this?
Update soon please!! I really curious with the update! ><
My baby <3
donghae #5
@YOONWON_imARA: thank you so much for reading my story :)
mxsfits #6
Im Yoona is definitely a goddess! yoonwon pls! :D
I Love You <33
donghae #8
@WandererShEeP and all my readers: mom, i can't update... sorry to you and to everyone, i'm really busy in this school year..sorry~
Mommy's here! *____________*<br />
Update! <3
Aww :3 My Pretty Kyu~~ <br />
OMG! Another pretty-but-badass-boy Siwonnie ^^ LUST?! O.o <br />
I warned you!! And I knew this would happen! And I cried T^T<br />
I'm not happy anymore~~ I'm sad!! *hits hard on the floor*<br />