Chapter 17- Avendra.

Sungmin's Fail Magic (The Siwon, Yoona, Eunye & Kyuhyun's epic love story)


“Since you’re the king..” Sungmin said slowly. “Yes?yes?yes?” the king said with a bright smile. “You’re the one who’s going to tell me what to do!!” Sungmin said happily knowing what he said was right. But for the king, a stormy cloud just appeared right above his head. “King Leeteuk? You alright?” he said as he poked the head of Leeteuk. “Yes! I’m alright…” the king said recovering from the storm. “You’re right.. I am the king.. I should tell you what to do, my bad” Leeteuk said as tears flowed at the castle. “It’s alright your majesty, I forgive you…” Sungmin smiled happily as he sat down like a kid just right beside the throne of the king. “Sungmin, we’ve been so peaceful for the past 20 years… twenty years…. That’s t-w-e-n-t-y..okay?” Leeteuk said as Sungmin replied with a nod. “Now… we can’t let our wonderful terrirtory be destroyed by this-this uh… intruder we say right?” Leeteuk said making a point. “Nu-uh…” Sungmin replied as he looked at him as he sat like an idian moving his head from left to right. “Correct. That’s why we need to let this intruder be vanish from our lives right?” Leeteuk said. “Yes sir!” he replied. “Great! So now you should do something to make them vanish!” he said. “Your right your majesty!!” Sungmin said agreeing as he stood up. “Wait..” he paused. “Why me?” he continued. “Well you’re the only one who’s trust worthy enough to do what’s right..” Leeteuk said cheerfully. “Ohh… yeah..yeah… you’re right!” he said. “Good..” Leeteuk replied. “But…” “WHAT NOW?!” Leeteuk stomped his feet can’t move on with the discussion. “How am I going to make them.. you know.. Shooo~!” Sungmin said waving his hands. “Oh it’s up to---“ but before he could finish, they heard something again, they’ve never heard before. “What’s that noise?” Leeteuk said standing up as they both went towards the other end of the castle to see what it is. “Well I don’t know master, we have to look at the place where it’s coming from before we know what is it..” Sungmin said teaching the king. As Leeteuk heard it, he stopped and just glared at Sungmin for a while, as he continued to walk and look on who was it, the king face turned red like a tomato.

“Aiisshhh! Great! The two comers were alright..then this?! They’re much more louder than the first one!!!” Leeteuk said angrily as he stomp his foot. “What’s the matter you majes---“ but before he could finish, Leeteuk opened a door and pulled him towards edge, he took the back of the shirt of Sungmin and just drag his head below.

 “Yah! Yah! Master! Don’t throw me!!! I’m afraid of heights!!!” complained Sungmin. “Now what do you see?!!!” Leeteuk said. “I-I see living creatures. The two’s resting the other two is bickering!!!” Sungmin said as he was totally shaking. Finally, Leeteuk pulled Leeteuk back as he closed the magic door. “Good.” He said as he watches Sungmin to catch his breath. “Now you should---“ but before he could finish, he felt Sungmin wasn’t really paying attention  as just catch his breath. “Yah..Sungmin..” he said as he went closer to him.. “Inhale. Exhale..” Leeteuk said as Sungmin took a deep breath. “Thank you your majesty..” he said. “No problem.. now, where was I?” he said to himself as he thinks. “Oh yeah… I would like you to do anything to make them go away… got it?” he said looking straight at Sungmin. “By myself?” Sungmin said as he points himself. “Why of course yes… why you think I will help you? This Kingdom has many problems.. I need to take care of it…” he answered. “Oh..okay..” he said as he lowered his head down. “Now.. I want you to go down there and fix it…” Leeteuk said. “Down there? All by myself?” Sungmin asked. “Yeah. Now go…” he answered. “Okay. But where’s the rope?” Sungmin asked. “Rope? what rope?” Leeteuk said being all confused on what he’s talking about. “You know? How will I go down there safely if there’s no---“ “YOU HAVE WINGS!!!!” Leeteuk answered loudly causing every fairy to look. “Right. I’ll go down now..” he said as he slowly went away.


sorry it took so long to update, my artwork above is so tiring to make it took me days to finish!! Naah~ just kidding, i only did it 2 minutes? thats why it looks like poo.. anyways, the reason why i didn't update is we went to milan for a family gathering,well im back so enjoy this chapter!comment and subscribe!!!>.<

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donghae #1
yes i am, but im really busy :D haha
-ximini #2
Are you going to continue this?
Update soon please!! I really curious with the update! ><
My baby <3
donghae #5
@YOONWON_imARA: thank you so much for reading my story :)
mxsfits #6
Im Yoona is definitely a goddess! yoonwon pls! :D
I Love You <33
donghae #8
@WandererShEeP and all my readers: mom, i can't update... sorry to you and to everyone, i'm really busy in this school year..sorry~
Mommy's here! *____________*<br />
Update! <3
Aww :3 My Pretty Kyu~~ <br />
OMG! Another pretty-but-badass-boy Siwonnie ^^ LUST?! O.o <br />
I warned you!! And I knew this would happen! And I cried T^T<br />
I'm not happy anymore~~ I'm sad!! *hits hard on the floor*<br />