Chapter 10- Here he comes and barging in…

Sungmin's Fail Magic (The Siwon, Yoona, Eunye & Kyuhyun's epic love story)

Eunhyuk’s Flash back


As Eunhyuk took a ride on the way to the Leovan palace, he was just so excited he comes talking to other people about his “brilliant” idea. “Ahahahahahah~!” everyone in the public vehicle laughed as he tell them his brilliant idea. “you must be insane boy?” “coming in the palace with that stupid reason” “just give up young child, you still have many dreams, don’t come and making that one come true” “as if the king will let you” the people said as they laughed at him. “Umm, excuse me too but uh.. this is my dream, and I’m sure it will be coming true..” he said turning his face from smiling to blank. “Hate to break it up to you but uh, the only dream that you can dream is having a lot of money, now that, that is what I dream.” An old man said as he tried to hold his laughter. “Yes! All of us love to have money, that’s why I’m going to go at the palace!” he said. “Yeah! Like that will happen!!!” a man said as the whole people laughs again. “You just wait! You’ll see! You’ll all see!!” he said as the vehicle stops. “Okay dreaming boy, we’re at the area of the palace, I can’t go further anymore..” the driver said also tries to hold his laughter. As he went down the vehicle he came looking at the people who laughed at him “Someday… me and my group will be the most famous group you’ll ever see!! You’ll all see!” he said pointing his finger in every person he looked at. “Yeah! You wish!!” a guy said as he wipes his tears because of his laughter. As the vehicle drove away, he can still hear the laughter of every people in the vehicle until it became softer and softer until he can’t hear the laughter anymore. “Aisshhh! Does people, they don’t know how to dream well, they’ll see how good I am…” he said to himself as he crossed his arms gritting his teeth. As he walked again he starts to see a gigantic gate which is shining like the sun, he didn’t really know what to expect, he never really seen the palace before in his entire life, only at the TV, he never really expected that the gate will be that good in person, if the gate is good, what more on the inside, Eunhyuk is so excited to come inside his heart was throbbing so hard, he was just so excited he smiled with his gums showing already.


As he was in front face to face with the great gate, two guards in red were guarding it, but he didn’t mind, he knocked on the door, didn’t even think if someone can hear it. As he knock, he wait for a little bit if someone is going to open it, but no replies nor opening the door were made. “Oh? No one’s inside?” he asked himself. Then he started to look at one of the guards, he went closer to him, but it seems like he was invisible to the eyes of the guard. “Um.. Excuse me, do you know whose inside?” he asked kindly but the guard was just looking straight and not bothering if Eunhyuk is asking something. “Hello? Are you okay?” he asked again, but he didn’t hear any reply. It seems like he didn’t know how the palace works. ‘Oh well then, I guess I’ll just climb the wall’ he thought as he saw big hard wide vines just sticking beside a big wall. As he went in front of the wall, he started grabbing the vines and going to make a move on climbing. Once he did that, the two guards finally moved at once and fired at the wall, luckily not at Eunhyuk, but he fell into the ground causing an alarm around the kingdom. As the whole palace heard the loud bang, the gates immediately opened and more guards went outside and pointed every armalite on Eunhyuk who’s lying down the bushes badly. “How dare you enter this palace without any permission?!” a man in black said as he looked at Eunhyuk wearing shades. “I was just trying to---“ but before he could explain what was he doing, the man in black heard something in his ear piece and started talking to it. “Okay, copy that..” the man in black said. “Mr. Who-ever-you-are please come with me…” the man in black said making him stand up and follow the guy inside the palace. As he was inside, he couldn’t believe his eyes. ‘Is this real?’ he thought to himself. ‘This looks like a cathedral!’ he still thought as he looked up in the ceiling, the walls were surrounded by gold and colorful mirrors, chairs were made in gold, the carpet was really clean and so brightly red, its like your stepping on a road of cotton candy, he was completely amazed! He sure wanted to take a picture, but he didn’t bring a camera, and he’s not also sure if he could take pictures. As he was placed in a room, it wasn’t small, it can fit around 1,000 people in it.  He was so mesmerized on what he is seeing right now. “Yaaah~, wait until I tell them my experience..” he said as he keeps smiling, then suddenly, the door opened, again, the man in black with shades appeared. “Mr. Who-ever-you-are---“ “Ummm.. Hyukjae, Lee Hyukjae…” he corrected. “Right” the man in black said. “The king is going to see you…” he continued as he open the door. “Really?! The King?” he said really excited. “Don’t get your hopes up..” the man said as he smirked. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” he said confused  as he exits the room, he followed the man, as he walks around the hallways, he saw maids, and more maids, and even more maids, as he walk pass by them, he only see those maids cleaning every portrait of the king Kim Heechul. Not one, and I mean not even a single one is not cleaning his portrait. ‘This king got issues..’ he thought as he walked. Finally, he reached the room where the king is waiting. As the man in black with shades opened it, he immediately went inside and started to stare at King Heechul who was busy coming his side burns. As Heechul stopped and saw Eunhyuk staring at him… “Well?” Heechul said as he raised his eye brows. “Well?” he replied back. “Uh!” he said can’t believe what Eunhyuk just said. “I am the king! What should you do?!” Heechul said banging on the chair as he stood up. “How should I know? You’re the king, tell me what to do..” he said confidently. “Bow.” The man in black said jumping in the conversation. “Mr. Man in Black, say it the way that I would say it!” Heechul whined. “Sorry your highness.” The man in black said. “Bow to the Royal great Highness you dumb twit!” he said shouting and acting like Heechul. As soon as Heechul saw it, he smiled cutely.



“Kkkk~ Thank you Mr. Man in black…” he said, then he turned again to Eunhyuk and made a blank face. “Well?” he said. “Oh yes right!” Eunhyuk said finally knew what to do. “Hello your Royal great Highness” he said as he bows. “Great.” He said as he finally calmed and sat again at his throne.


HC: I heard you were going to climb my wall is that correct?

EH: Yes your majesty but I did that for a reason…

HC: And what’s your reason?

EH: I want my troupe to perform in your castle…

HC: *holds his laughter* I’m sorry..wait… (turns his head) wait, wait for a second…

EH: Is there any problem your highness?

HC: (turns his head at Eunhyuk) I’m sorry, it’s just that… (crossed legs) you put your in here just to invite me to your play?

EH: Well I was hoping..yes.. is there any problem?..your highness?

HC: Oh no.. nothing.. it’s just, I like your confidence, you're like me…

EH: What?! Bwo?! Are you serious?! Ahahah… I under stand if you compare me to Brad Pitt or as smart as Einstein but you? Whoahhh~~ That’s really…


But before he could finish, he realize that the king was now in the level of madness in everything he said. “So are you saying that I’m stupid and not handsome!!!!!!????” he said as he stood up again slowly while Eunhyuk saw in his eyes Heechul with horns and a tail with a fire background in his head. “No! No! Your handsome!” he said as he crossed his heart swearing that everything he said was real. “But your saying I’m dumb?!” he said having his voice louder as he stood up higher and higher and Eunhyuk getting smaller and smaller. But Eunhyuk didn’t say anything and just covered his face. As the area was silent for a moment… “Well?!” Heechul said waiting for his answer. “Umm..” Eunhyuk said. “Answer me!” he shouted once more. “Kinda?” Eunhyuk said softly. Once Heechul heard it, his eyes became fire and his horns became longer. “That’s it!! To the head crusher!!!” he said as he pointed Eunhyuk.

“BWO??!!!” Eunhyuk said really really shocked, his eyes were so wide! He didn’t expect that it was going to be this way, making him fall onto the ground, and as for Heechul, an evil smirk was seen on his face, and I mean really evil…



Waahhh~~~ Eunhyuk's head!! No! He just got his Birthday yesterday now this?! kkk~ sorry for not updating, but here you go, it's all about Hyukjae, Happy Birthday Hyukjae!!! All your fans loves you!! Especially me, kkkkk~ comment and subscriber!!!cheeky

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donghae #1
yes i am, but im really busy :D haha
-ximini #2
Are you going to continue this?
Update soon please!! I really curious with the update! ><
My baby <3
donghae #5
@YOONWON_imARA: thank you so much for reading my story :)
mxsfits #6
Im Yoona is definitely a goddess! yoonwon pls! :D
I Love You <33
donghae #8
@WandererShEeP and all my readers: mom, i can't update... sorry to you and to everyone, i'm really busy in this school year..sorry~
Mommy's here! *____________*<br />
Update! <3
Aww :3 My Pretty Kyu~~ <br />
OMG! Another pretty-but-badass-boy Siwonnie ^^ LUST?! O.o <br />
I warned you!! And I knew this would happen! And I cried T^T<br />
I'm not happy anymore~~ I'm sad!! *hits hard on the floor*<br />