Chapter 14- Eavesdropping.

Sungmin's Fail Magic (The Siwon, Yoona, Eunye & Kyuhyun's epic love story)

“Waahh~~ look, it’s the young prince, prince Siwon~” he said completely amazed on what he’s seeing, as Eunhyuk heard it, he looked at the area where Kangin’s looking, once he saw it, he saw Siwon talking on the phone. “Oh! You’re right he is Siwon…” Eunhyuk said being all mesmerized. “Oh boy, he is so gorgeous, I mean not only girls like him, but boys too, I so envy him…” “Yeah.. me too..” Eunhyuk said agreeing and  starting to drool. “Come on~ let’s take a picture with him..” Kangin suggested. “Okay!” Eunhyuk said cheerfully. As they was starting to walk towards Siwon, someone immediately went beside Siwon, making them stop and hide at the behind statue again. “Oppa~!” the person said as she gave Siwon a back hug from behind. “Aish!” Siwon said as he looked on who was it. “You again? I thought I got rid of you already!” Siwon said complaining and irritated on what he’s looking right now. “Oppa, leaving me on a boat at the middle of the South China Sea is not going to stop me going beside you..” she said as she hugs Siwon completely. “Aish! This girl! Yah! Im Yoona!!!” Siwon shouted making her scared. “Oppa, why? Don’t you know it’s bad to shout at your girlfriend?” she said. “Girlfriend?! You?! Puahaha!! You must be kidding right?!” Siwon said being pissed out, he put his hands beside his waist and looked at Yoona. “Yoona, the only girlfriend that I will have is Eunye! Alright?!” he said. “Eunye!! Eunye!! That’s all you’ve ever think of! Why not think about me just once!” she said jumping again as she hugs Siwon with a smile. “Aish! Yah! Get off!” HE said pushing Yoona making her drop at the floor. As she was pushed and fell on the gorund, she squeeked a little bit, being shock, but after a moment, she smiled again and looked at Siwon, she stood up again as she hugs him again. “Yah!! You’re so irritating!!” he said pushing her again. “Why are you even here?!” Siwon said looking at her madly. “Well…” Yoona started as she holds her hands together. As Eunhyuk and Kangin watched, they started to became bored with the quarrel the two is having. “This conversation isn’t going anywhere…” Kangin said yawning. “Yeah. Let’s go..” Eunhyuk agreed. As the two of the was about to leave… “I know where Eunye and Kyuhyun’s hiding..” she said. As the two heard it, they immediately paused, and looked at each other, as soon as they know their thinking of the same thing, they immediately went back to their same position again. “What? What are you saying?” Siwon said as he crossed his arms, starting to calm and listen attentively to her.

Yoona: I mean I really know where she’s hiding…

Siwon: And you’re sure she’s with that poor guy?

YN: *nods* 100% sure..

SW: And how did you know about this?

YN: They went at my house..

SW: They went at you house?

YN: *nods* they really need my help, they really need a place to stay…

SW: And?

YN: Of course I told them they can’t stay at my house.. so I told them to just go to a place where no one will see them…

SW: And you’re sure no one knows where their hiding right now?

YN: *nods*

SW:  Good. No one should learn about this, even the king should not know about it, they need to know I really deserve to be the next heir once they knew that the young prince saved their daughter’s life. Going back, where is that place your saying?

YN: *smirks*


“Esmeree Forest?!” Eunhyuk and Kangin said in unison at the bathroom. “How could we find them in that kind of haunted place!?” Eunhyuk said. “I know! Even though we already know the place how can we start finding her there!” “I know it’s too dangerous!” Eunhyuk agreed. “I’m sure the members won’t agree to this kind of stuff!” he continued. “Aish! Of all the places she recommend the princess it’s this one!?” Kangin said shouting at the bathroom. “ Yeah.. I know… but we have no choice..” Eunhyuk said calming down. “W-what? Are you sick? We-we can’t…” he argued. “We have to..” he said. “Are you going to sacrifice yourself just for that?!” “Well—“ as Eunhyuk was about to say something, someone opened the door, as they looked on who was it, their faces became shock all at once.

“What the heck’s your reaction for?” he said being all confused on their reaction. “Young prince~” Youngwoon said starting to become really frozen again. “Yes?” Siwon said as he raised his eye brow. “N-nothing..” Kangin continued. “Is there any problem?” he asked. “Nothing young prince, will be going…” Eunhyuk said as he tried to move the frozen Kangin. “Can I have your autograph?” Kangin said softly as he was being dragged away. “Let’s go..” Eunhyuk said making him move outside leaving Siwon confused of the reaction of the two. 


Wow~ thank God Kangin's a fan of horsey, finally they got a lead on how they're going to start...will the members agree knowing that the place is abandoned...????? hmmmm....comment and subscribe!!!! >.<cheeky

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donghae #1
yes i am, but im really busy :D haha
-ximini #2
Are you going to continue this?
Update soon please!! I really curious with the update! ><
My baby <3
donghae #5
@YOONWON_imARA: thank you so much for reading my story :)
mxsfits #6
Im Yoona is definitely a goddess! yoonwon pls! :D
I Love You <33
donghae #8
@WandererShEeP and all my readers: mom, i can't update... sorry to you and to everyone, i'm really busy in this school year..sorry~
Mommy's here! *____________*<br />
Update! <3
Aww :3 My Pretty Kyu~~ <br />
OMG! Another pretty-but-badass-boy Siwonnie ^^ LUST?! O.o <br />
I warned you!! And I knew this would happen! And I cried T^T<br />
I'm not happy anymore~~ I'm sad!! *hits hard on the floor*<br />