Chapter 6- Yoona

Sungmin's Fail Magic (The Siwon, Yoona, Eunye & Kyuhyun's epic love story)




“Here’s your coffee…” Clavel said, the friendly and trusty maid of Eunye, they’re the same age, but Clavel’s parents abandoned her and was raised all by her grand father, now she’s old enough, she decided to work at the mansion. “Yes. That’s it thank you…” she said as she sat down at her bed reading a book. “And can I ask why did you asked coffee in the middle of the night rather than your milk?” she asked. “Nothing, for a change?” she said making an alibi. “Okay, but~ you can’t sleep if you drink coffee…” she said warning her. “Yes I know Clavel, thank you..” she said as she gestures Clavel to leave the room. “Okay, call me when you need me..” she said as she close the door. As she was all alone, she looked at the clock, it was 11:57 in the midnight.  “ Three more minutes…” she said to herself as she waits the clock to struck at midnight.

As minutes passed by, at last! Midnight struck! As all the mansion closes their lights, Clavel went to Eunye’s room for one last time. “Your highness, lights off..” she said softly. “Okay, goodnight Clavel” she said smiling as she snuggled at her bed and turns off the lights. As Clavel closed the door…


She immediately opened her lights again and took of her blanket revealing that she wasn’t in her silky night gown,  she was all dressed up like an average girl does, as she stood up, she looked under her bed, also revealing a suitcase. As she pulled it coming towards her, she lifted it up and took her blanket tying it up really tightly at the end of the window. She opened the whole window and threw the other end of the blanket out of the window. Once it was out, she checked if it was securely tight, she threw the suitcase softly down outside the window, good thin no one noticed. She went out of the window being careful not to be seen by anyone. She slowly went down the window and passed by a huge glass window with people not looking at it. She was so nervous she might get caught, but she slowly slit down until she completely passed down the window. Finally, she reached the ground. She took her suitcase and ran behind the big bushes still being careful not to be caught. As she reached the dungeon, two guards were guarding it. ‘Aishhh… why now? What to do?’ she thought to herself. Until suddenly, she saw a rock. A big rock, then she got an idea… she threw the rock as far away as possible until it reached the head of one of the guards. As soon as the guard got hit. “Ah!” he said as he touches his head with blood dripping on it. “Dude, what’s the problem?” another guard said. “I got hit in the head!” he said as he touches his head with pain all over his head. “Wait! I’ll go check it out…” the guard said leaving. “I’ll go inside the palace and get some help with my pain…” he said also leaving the dungeon. As no one was now looking out for the dungeon, she now went and made her move. She went silently but fast inside the dungeon and saw Kyuhyun. “Yah…” she said. “Eunye…” he said. “I’m going to get you out of here okay…” she said. “Okay, but how?” he asked. “And that’s the part I forgot to think about..” she said not knowing what to do. “Great…” he said. As she thinks of something, she heard a voice… “Princess?” someone said, as she looked who was it. “Clavel…” she said being all shocked. “Why are you here? And what are you doing?” she said getting all shocked. “Look, I know this sounds crazy… but I’m running away with Kyu..” “What? Are you crazy?” “And you have to help me…” she said holding her hand. “I can’t. You know your parents will get mad at me…” she said. “They won’t know…please help me, I don’t have a key… you have to help me…” she said. “But—“ “please… you’re my only hope… you know what I feel in this kind of jail house, you know I don’t want to marry that Siwon…” she said getting teary. “Please..” she said softly. “Okay…” she said lowering her head down. “Thank you!” she said being all happy. “I so don’t wanna do this…” she said as she reached at her pocket revealing a key. “Thank you Clavel..thank you..” she said as she looks at her who’s opening the door. As she opened it, Kyuhyun went out and hugged Eunye really tight. “Thank you…” he said as he bowed at her. “No problem…” she said. “But how will I explain that you and he is gone to the king and queen?” she said. “I know they are not dumb not think that we ran away right? So just don’t speak and just pretend you didn’t know anything…” she said. “Okay, my princess, be safe…” she said with a half smile. “Thank you…” she said as she and Kyuhyun left. As they both reached the edge of the gate, they both climb up and ran away as fast as possible. As they left the mansion….



5 hours later.



‘Ttok Ttok’… Eunye knocked at the house of her friend. As her friend opened it, Eunye got shocked seeing her friend all teary and just crying all over the place. “Yoona? Why are you crying?” she said being all bothered. “Waaahhhh~!” Yoona said as she cried and cried with a bit of tissue on her nostrils and tissue on her hand.



So do you think Yoona will be a big help to these two??? tell me everything about it, comment and subscribe!!!

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donghae #1
yes i am, but im really busy :D haha
-ximini #2
Are you going to continue this?
Update soon please!! I really curious with the update! ><
My baby <3
donghae #5
@YOONWON_imARA: thank you so much for reading my story :)
mxsfits #6
Im Yoona is definitely a goddess! yoonwon pls! :D
I Love You <33
donghae #8
@WandererShEeP and all my readers: mom, i can't update... sorry to you and to everyone, i'm really busy in this school year..sorry~
Mommy's here! *____________*<br />
Update! <3
Aww :3 My Pretty Kyu~~ <br />
OMG! Another pretty-but-badass-boy Siwonnie ^^ LUST?! O.o <br />
I warned you!! And I knew this would happen! And I cried T^T<br />
I'm not happy anymore~~ I'm sad!! *hits hard on the floor*<br />