
Is he my Angel?

---Time Leap(a few months later)---

Eunhee Pov: 

Jungsoo has been acting pretty distant lately. Is it because my daddys still don't like him? 

Jungsoo walks in. "Jungsoo are you mad at me?" "What? No, of course not." "Then why? Why are you acting so distant?" I choke out the last part because the tears start flowing down. He sighs and sits down next to me on the couch. Well his couch since we're at his house.

"Lately your starting to faint and have more seizures. Your so called daddys know what to do but I don't. Do you know how it feels to have the most precious and important person in your life, your angel faint and have seizures? It's like burning in an inferno I don't know if that's your last breath or what so in short I feel like I don't belong." I feel like I don't belong? But you do! Don't let me expect the worse don't break me anymore help me heal just please don't say what I think you're going to say.


"Maybe you can tell me what happened-"



"It-it's too much."

"What is?"

I don't reply but the tears flow even more. He stares at me before talking again. He said he said those cursed words. The words that sent my world crashing down. 

"Listen, let's just take a break, okay?" I feel my heart break in two.

"If...if that's what you want." I say between tears. I always knew I was never good enough for him. He deserves better than me. A girl who's broken but I know I won't ever be the same. I can feel myself crack! The darkness will consume again but this time I don't think my daddys will be able to save me. I have to stay strong at least long enough for him not to see me break. I will suffer again but he is worth it. His happiness is more important, right?

"Alright, I should go my daddys are probably worried about me." I get up and walk to the door. I open the door but before I leave I smile back at him. I hope he can't see what I'm hiding.

"Bye, I'll see you around!" I didn't know back them but I wouldn't see him the same way for a long time. I walk out of the house for what I vowed to be the last time. I had no more control my tears were coming with so much force that they blurred my vision. But somehow I made it to the street. The light changed when I wasn't looking and a car was coming towards me.

I saw it but was so shocked with images hitting my head that I couldn't move at all. I closed my eyes and wanted to get it over with.


I turn to see daddy Yesung but before I could say or do anything there was black. Only black but I heard it. The all to familiar sounds the screams, the screech, and the smell of metalic which I remembered it to be was my blood.

Yesung Pov:

She got hit! I run up to my precious daughter. I lift her up gently. Her eyes flutter open and she she smiles but her voice was weak. There was blood dripping down to the ground from her head, her white shirt was now a crimson red. She began to talk.

"Tell Jungsoo I'm...sorry. I'm sor...sorry I couldn't tell him." I feel a tear drip to my hand then she closes her eyes. "No! Wake up I promise I won't kill Jungsoo if you do please!" I cry but slowly pick her up and start running towards the hospital while craddeling her in my arms. This can't be happening! What did Jungsoo do to her?! I'm gonna freakin castarate that guy!!!

I run through the door making sure I'm not hitting her. "Somebody help! She just went through a car accident!" Doctors rush with a stretcher and lift her off my arms and rush her out. I try to follow but got stopped by a nurse.

"Please go inside the waiting room sir." "Is she going to be alright?" "Yes now go sit down." I do and pull out my phone.


"Yesung you better have a good reason to call me-"

"Heechul listen! Eunhee got in a car accident!"


"Come to the hospital right now! And call the rest of the family right now!"

"Okay and I'll kill you later for yelling at me!" A nurse comes to me.

"A nurse is here bye Heechul!"

I put my phone away and stare at the nurse. "Are you her gaurdian?" "Yes I'm her father and her other six will be here soon?" "Six?" "Yes now what do you have to say?"


Yay!!! First subscriber!!! *cheers and throws confetti* hope you guys like this im trying suspense and i fail at it :( sowwy but ooh what do you think she's gonna say about Eunhee??? o.O Please Comment and Subscribe^^

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My tablet ismactinf weird and deleted what i was typing so I will update tomorrow sorry~~


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Chapter 23: OMGing. HAHHAHA. I was just like..xDD SEQUEL Pwease? :))
(And OH~ Eun-Soo Hwaiting~!! >< ;Sorry I making pairings. HAHAHA)
^^, I Love, Love, Love Your Story I really wished a sequel :D ^^,
Have a nice day author-nim! >< ^^ nyaahhh~ ^^ //puppyeyes.
Chapter 22: OH..WAAHHHHH...>< Teukiee, Teukiee, Teukiee, Eeteuk~ OMGing. Please bring back Eunhee to her normal self! >< ^^,
update pwease >< DAEBAKK~^^
Chapter 21: OHH! Who is Eto? Sorryy...(CURIOSITY!) *screams. and it seems that Eunhee is being posses by Eto? Am I right? and IF I GOT IT WRONG... I think I'm being crazy...The Feels are peeling me off. HAHAHAHA~!! Please update! >< ^^
update please? :D
Chapter 19: Yeyyy~!! :D I'll definitely wait for the update :D
Chapter 18: OMG...Daddy Yeye is panicking..xDD Please Update~!! I want to know what's gonna happen next... >_______<
Chapter 17: Comment again (Sorry..I just freaking love your story!! ><).
OMGing..I really feel Eunhee. (she already ...GAHH! //TheFeels.)
Chapter 16: I kind of feel sad but..still I was just like Jung-soo...BROKEN-HEARTED..T^T. >__<
(hugging my teddy bear like so tight) ;___;