Her house and the confession

Is he my Angel?

Jungsoo Pov:

Suddenly Eunhee falls down. An angel fell. Jongwoon picks her up. "She's having another seizure we need to get her home." He touches her forehead and almost immediatly pulls his hand away. "She's burning up! She's coming down with a high fever we need to ger her home before she gets worse!" Her group of friends or daddys nod and leave but I can't just let them leave like that. I run and catch up to them and follow. Seizure? He said another one this isn't her first one? I need answers! I was following a guy that had short hair that was a bit spiked up. He turns around and glares at me.

"Stop following us!!" "No, I need to know what's wrong with her." "She isn't any of your concern!" 

"Now she is." I turn to see Hyukjae with me. 

"Listen I just need to know what's wrong with her, maybe I can help?" "You help? Don't even joke like that. Now stop following us!" He leaves and catches up with the rest of his friends. "Make me!" 

I run up to my car with Hyukjae. "I'm going with you." "Fine, whatever just get in!" He obeys we follow along the way Hyukjae pulls out his phone and calls Siwon to tell them what are we doing. I follow them to a house. It's pretty big and when they finally pull into the driveway amd come out of the car they notice me. 

The kid that was yelling at me before walks up to me. Great, another round of yells for me.  

"What do you want?" "To see Eunhee." "Heck no!" "You have to. My name is Jungsoo and-" He puts his hand up to stop me from saying anything else. "Wait, your Jungsoo?" "Yeah?" "Then of couse you can come in!" He smiles. "Really?! Well then-" He puts his hand back up again. "You didn't let me finish. Of course you can come in over my dead y body!" 



Then another guy comes his hair is an orange color. "What's the problem Henry? We really need to get to Eunhee."

His name is Henry? He must be a foreigner. "Donghae this guy wants to see Eunhee." "Who is he?" "Jungsoo" "Heck no" He turns to me. "Like heck are you even setting hair no air into this house." "Why not?" "You broke our daughters heart that's why!" Here's the whole daughter situation again. They look around my age my even younger but they call her their daughter! I need to firgure it out. But not right now. I shrug and whisper in Hyukjae's ear. He nods and I get ready.

"Go!!" I shout then I run into the house while Hyukjae stops Henry and Donghae from catching me. I run through the big doors. When I get inside I see light blue walls with white doors and stairs that lead to the next floor. It smelled so nice and refreshing like fresh air. Bur I had to find Eunhee, I run up the stairs past this guy who was slightly chubby. "I'm sorry Hankyung I gave you trouble again. You too daddy Heechul, daddy Yesung I'm really sorry." That sweet voice only belongs to Eunhee.

She's in the room next to me. My heart is racing maybe this wasn't such a good idea? No! All ny efforts won't  be wasted I will see her! I open the door and walk in and see some familiar faces. I sit next to a shocked Eunhee. "Ju-Jungsoo? What are you doing here?" "Friends take care of friends, right?" "I-I suppose so."

Eunhee Pov: 

What in the name of unicorns and rainbows is Jungsoo doing here?! I got over him right? Yeah we're friends just friends. Heechul gets up with an angry expression. Oh no this isn't good. "What are you doing here?!" Jungsoo ignores him. Heechul doesn't like being ignored it would of been if he answered him.

"Daddy Heechul it's alright I said we could be friends." He looks at me and smiles but his words are cold. "But he also needs all of our approvals too." "But-" Daddy Hankyung shoves a lollipop into my mouth. "This should help you wake up. Listen my daughter I agree with Heechul on this." "Me too we don't know how he is and we need to protect you." Daddy Yesung says. I nod my head slowly and turn to daddy Heechul. "Alright daddy Heechul you can do what you want." I was going to do it anyways." Heechul smirks. 

"Eunhee..." I turn to Jungsoo. "Yes?" Then I get pulled up by daddy Yesung and he puts his hand on my mouth so I won't talk. Heechul turns to Jungsoo. "We need to interrogate you now."


"Are you deaf?"


"Are you abusive?"


"Are you blind?"

"I'm looking at you."

"Are you blind?"

"I just said no!"

"Are you mean?"

"Not really. Some people say I'm angelic."

"No your not am I pretty?"

"Yeah you look like a girl."

"Get out"


"I said get out and never get close to our daughter again!"

"Fine but I need to Eunhee something."

"Don't ask if you can stay."

"I won't"

"Then say your last words." He turns to me. "I love you." My eyes widen and Yesung drops his hand in surprise. "What?" "I said I love you and will you be my girlfriend?" What?! Did he just confess to me?! Heechul decides to step in taking advantage of my shocked state. "It's only been a day and now your confessing?! Then why did you reject her in the first place?!" Daddy Heechul starts yelling. "Yes" I whisper with my head down to hide my blushing. God, why can't i speak up?! "What did you say?" "Yes!" He smiles his perfect dimple and hugs me.

Jungsoo Pov: Yes! She said yes! I've never been so happy in my life to hear those words.


There! School tomorrow :( But the story isn't over just becuase they're together doesn't mean things can happen^^

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My tablet ismactinf weird and deleted what i was typing so I will update tomorrow sorry~~


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Chapter 23: OMGing. HAHHAHA. I was just like..xDD SEQUEL Pwease? :))
(And OH~ Eun-Soo Hwaiting~!! >< ;Sorry I making pairings. HAHAHA)
^^, I Love, Love, Love Your Story I really wished a sequel :D ^^,
Have a nice day author-nim! >< ^^ nyaahhh~ ^^ //puppyeyes.
Chapter 22: OH..WAAHHHHH...>< Teukiee, Teukiee, Teukiee, Eeteuk~ OMGing. Please bring back Eunhee to her normal self! >< ^^,
update pwease >< DAEBAKK~^^
Chapter 21: OHH! Who is Eto? Sorryy...(CURIOSITY!) *screams. and it seems that Eunhee is being posses by Eto? Am I right? and IF I GOT IT WRONG... I think I'm being crazy...The Feels are peeling me off. HAHAHAHA~!! Please update! >< ^^
update please? :D
Chapter 19: Yeyyy~!! :D I'll definitely wait for the update :D
Chapter 18: OMG...Daddy Yeye is panicking..xDD Please Update~!! I want to know what's gonna happen next... >_______<
Chapter 17: Comment again (Sorry..I just freaking love your story!! ><).
OMGing..I really feel Eunhee. (she already ...GAHH! //TheFeels.)
Chapter 16: I kind of feel sad but..still I was just like Jung-soo...BROKEN-HEARTED..T^T. >__<
(hugging my teddy bear like so tight) ;___;