A burden

Is he my Angel?

note: sorry i cant change the color anymore so the '  ' are the thoughts sorry :(

Eunhee Pov:

--In her dreams--

"Oh shisus this hurts! I think I sprained or broke my ankle." I get up and start limping and night quickly comes, my stomach growls. "Man, I haven't eaten since 7am and that's including the hospital food." I sit on a nearby bench to think. ' If I go back to the hospital they'll start asking questions and I really dont want to be in that kind of situation.'

"You're fired!" That yell interrupted my thoughts. I look up to see this man yelling at a woman, who looks like a bartender? They start getting closer and closer to me without even noticing me. I notice the guy looks at me out of the corner of his eye then he points at me and starts yellign again.

"I bet that girl can do better then what you did in a million years!" The woman only gives me a glance before she starts yelling again when she turns back around I scoff. 'Hurtful much'

"Oh yeah, well then why don't you hire her and we'll see who you come crawling back to?! I'll talk to you when you've made up your mind." He looks at her then back at me.

"Well get ready to talk because she's way prettier then you and she's what like twelve?! Not only that but why don't we make a deadline if my sales don't increase by 5% then you win and I give you back your position, if they do then don't bother me for the rest of your worthless life!"

---Two Weeks Later---

"Help! Somebody help!" I hear someone laugh but it's so dark I can't see who.

"Nobody is going to save you. Now before I kill you do you  need to say anything? Not that it matters." I stare at the guy as he finally reveals himself he looks famliar but I don't have time I need to think of something. 'He's close to me and I can maove my legs...I got it! I'm not gonna die today!' I smirk at him he's confused but quickly smiles again.

"I see you do have something to say."

"Yes, I used to do kickboxing." Before he can ask why I said that I get up and kick him in the face. 'Ok, right now my situation is I have a chair tied to me and that guy is not happy and is coming closer to me.Help~'

"You shouldn't have done that little girl. I guess your not all looks maybe I can have some fun with you before I kill you." i shiver and notice that he's right behind me. I turn around making sure the chair legs hit him in the stomach then I lifted up my knee to hit his face...I succeeded. I took the oppurtunity to run out but when I was running out the door hit this bottle when it fell down it exploded! I jumped as far as I could but I still felt it. The house abandoned house caught on fire. 'That man has to come out, he has to come out. Did I just kill him? I'm not a killer, I'm not like my parents he has to come out.' He didn't come out even when the firefighters and police come he never came out. One of the cops see me and walks to me.

"Are you okay?" I look up at him, tears threatening to fall.

---End of dream---

I wake up with tears falling, I look around and notice nobody's with me. 'I'm alone? No, don't do this to me! Please!' I rip out all the IV's and things connected to me. 'You can't do this to me. You promised, you said you loved me. I promise I'll dp better.' I get off the bed and fall down immediatly, I'm bleeding from where the IV's and other needles used to be. 'Please don't do this to me! I'll do better.' I struggle to my feet tears streaming down my face. 'I'm so weak! How could I fall down?!'

I hear a faint voice in the back of my head speaking. 'Yes, you are weak. That's why they all left you, you aren't needed. You're a burden to them. Your holding them back. They don't love you they never did.' I'm now running down the hallways looking for them.

"Your wrong they won't let to me, would they?" I see a cart full of stuff for surgery and stop in front of it. 'They did lie to you. You care about them right?'

"Yes, with all my pathetic heart." 'You are pathetic but you can give them happiness.

"How?" 'Stop being a burden, see that scapel?

"Yes" I grab it. 'End it, end it all,end your life.'

"Ending my life will give them happiness?" 'Yes end your pathetic life!'

"If that's what it takes." I place the scapel near a vain that I know is important, but suddenly somebody snatches it from me. I look up to see daddy Heechul.

"What do you think your doing?!"

"Giving you happiness! I'll end my pathetic life so I won't be a burden to you!"

"What?!" I take the scapel and stab my stomach even though it hurts I smile. 'If this is what it takes I'll do it.'

"Heechul I'm doing this for you and my daddys and friends. I won't be a...burden." I fall.


HIIIIIII im sorry:( for not updating I hope your still alive^^ but at least we got a new computer so I can update more^^

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My tablet ismactinf weird and deleted what i was typing so I will update tomorrow sorry~~


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Chapter 23: OMGing. HAHHAHA. I was just like..xDD SEQUEL Pwease? :))
(And OH~ Eun-Soo Hwaiting~!! >< ;Sorry I making pairings. HAHAHA)
^^, I Love, Love, Love Your Story I really wished a sequel :D ^^,
Have a nice day author-nim! >< ^^ nyaahhh~ ^^ //puppyeyes.
Chapter 22: OH..WAAHHHHH...>< Teukiee, Teukiee, Teukiee, Eeteuk~ OMGing. Please bring back Eunhee to her normal self! >< ^^,
update pwease >< DAEBAKK~^^
Chapter 21: OHH! Who is Eto? Sorryy...(CURIOSITY!) *screams. and it seems that Eunhee is being posses by Eto? Am I right? and IF I GOT IT WRONG... I think I'm being crazy...The Feels are peeling me off. HAHAHAHA~!! Please update! >< ^^
update please? :D
Chapter 19: Yeyyy~!! :D I'll definitely wait for the update :D
Chapter 18: OMG...Daddy Yeye is panicking..xDD Please Update~!! I want to know what's gonna happen next... >_______<
Chapter 17: Comment again (Sorry..I just freaking love your story!! ><).
OMGing..I really feel Eunhee. (she already ...GAHH! //TheFeels.)
Chapter 16: I kind of feel sad but..still I was just like Jung-soo...BROKEN-HEARTED..T^T. >__<
(hugging my teddy bear like so tight) ;___;