The Morning After

Playing for His Heart


            Luhan was the first to awake after that night’s…..well, he didn’t know what to call it. From behind closed eyes, he relished in the feeling of Sehun’s warm body on his, and longed to stay there forever. However, that phone call couldn’t escape him for long, even if it was able to for just a few hours. Luhan cracked open his eyes with difficulty, and blinked furiously to adjust his vision to the light coming in from the window.

            Not too far from his own nose was a sleeping Sehun. The younger’s hair was tossed astray like a madman’s, but his serene face clashed cutely with the mess. His flawless complexion was so fascinating to Luhan. The older adjusted in his spot, inch by inch, as to not awake Sehun. With a soft shove, he lifted himself into a sitting position upon the bed, and took in his surroundings.

            It was the first time Luhan had truly looked at Sehun’s room. They were never usually in it, for Sehun often came over to his own apartment. Luhan did know the general lay out of this room, but, for example, he had never noticed what was in the picture frames on his walls, or the fact that there was a light crack near the south wall, extending up on the ceiling.

            Luhan’s curiosity of Sehun’s room rid his mind of the thoughts that were plaguing him, and allowed him an escape once again. Sliding out from underneath the covers, Luhan quietly dressed himself and then went to explore. He strolled on the pads of his feet, stopping from time to time to observe a funny picture of Sehun, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol, or to glance at a stray object on the ground.

            Luhan approached Sehun’s closet, that was always shut. He glanced back at Sehun, to make sure he hadn’t woken up. He smiled gently as Sehun tossed over on to his stomach, his head buried into a pillow. With a slight turn of the doorknob, the closet opened.

            There was nothing special to be found. Just some shirts, pants, and shoes. There were some other things and useless – probably – memorabilia, but one thing in particular caught his eye. Luhan was able to retrieve the object with minimal sound – only from the hanger from which he removed it from. He held in his hands, Sehun’s high school uniform jacket. He smiled down at it and opened it up, feeling the inside. He wondered what Sehun would’ve looked like in high school. Would he if he have looked the same? Hanging the jacket back up in the closet, Luhan then moved to Sehun’s desk at the window.

            The desk was like any other, with books and writing utensils on top. There was a desk lamp turned upward on the left corner, a pile of books, and notebook set neatly in front with a cluster of pens and pencils beside it. Luhan scanned the spines of the books, and smiled when a title caught his eye – it was Sehun’s yearbook, bingo!

            Luhan slid it out expertly without disrupting the order of the other books. He held the waxy cover in his hands, and…..there wasn’t something right. The name of the high school was familiar, for Sehun had told him the name before, but the class year wasn’t….

            Luhan opened up the book in confusion, and flipped through the pages, looking for Sehun. He started from where the third year classes might be, but he couldn’t find his lover. A twinge poked Luhan in his stomach. What was….? Luhan began to flip the pages hurriedly.

            Sehun was now beginning to awake. He could no longer feel the warmth of Luhan beside him, and longed to hold him once again. Flipping over on to his back, Sehun rubbed the sleep out of his eyes with a closed fist. He sat up in bed, and stretched. Luhan was no where to be seen. He looked left, then right – aha, there he was.

            “Luhan,” Sehun called to the blonde, whose back was to him.

            Luhan didn’t move. He seemed to be a statue, his finger fixed on a page, and his eyes trained on a specific spot. The blonde snapped his head towards Sehun, panic in his eyes. Sehun was about to question the look, but he saw what his lover was holding, and his blood ran cold.

            “Sehun, why, in this yearbook, does it have you as a second year?” Luhan asked. His senses were dumbing, and blood was rushing to his head. He felt like he was going to fall over any second. First that, and now this….?

            Sehun didn’t respond at first. A wave of regret, guilt, and sorrow overcame him. It must’ve been evident on his face, for that’s all it took for Luhan to close the book, and toss it on the ground. Luhan shook his head.

            “Why,” Luhan’s fists clenched white, “does the book say you were in high school, last year?”

            “Luhan, I-” Sehun choked.

            “You lied to me,” Luhan’s breathing increased to a point where it could be considered on the edge of hyperventilation, “You’ve been lying to me this whole time, haven’t you?!” Tears clouded his vision, “How old are you?”


            Luhan hid his face in his hands. The tears were now streaming down his face, and he couldn’t control the gasps that escaped. Two warm hands wrapped around his own, and he violently lashed back, sending him and Sehun feet apart. Sehun, standing there in his form, was dead to Luhan.

            “What kind of sick joke is this?!” Luhan yelled. His neck was taught, and cheeks were red, “You’re ing seventeen?!”

            “Luhan, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Sehun’s voice quivered. He weakly tried to reach for him, but was too overcome with defeat.

            “How long did you think this was going to go on before I found out!” Luhan spat back angrily, “this is illegal!”

            “I love you, Luhan,” Was the only thing Sehun could say. He was crying now too, more so than Luhan, who was fuming.

            The confession rattled Luhan slightly. He truly did love Sehun, but, after this….what was true anymore?

            “Is that the truth? What else did you lie about, huh?” Luhan shook his head, “Was it just to use me, like all the others?!” He threw his arms out in exasperation.

            “Everything else is the truth,” Sehun cried, “I love you, I really do!”

            “Stupid kid,” Luhan sneered. That sent a jab painfully through Sehun’s heart. Sehun grasped at Luhan’s arm, which Luhan threw off. He stalked off towards the door, when Sehun sobbed out:

            “Don’t you love me?”

            The hesitation Luhan made before grabbing the doorknob allowed Sehun to catch up. Sehun turned Luhan around and attached his mouth to his in a passionate kiss. Luhan felt weak at that moment, but came to his senses and pushed Sehun off.

            “Don’t follow me,” Luhan threatened, opened the door, and stormed out. Sehun watched him run with a broken heart. He crumbled the moment the other was out of sight and fell to the wooden floor. Sobs racked his body, and the only thing he could cry out was Luhan’s name.

            Chanyeol’s hand rested at the handle of his door in the room next door. He sighed. The yelling had subsided, and all that was left to be heard was Sehun’s broken hearted crying. He looked towards Baekhyun, who was sitting in bed, sadly staring at the wall that separated the two rooms.

            “He told Luhan the truth,” Baekhyun stated.

            “Yeah,” Chanyeol murmured.


            “We knew this would happen one day,” Tao commented, “but I can’t believe that it had to happen like this.”

            The gang had all been brought together upon Baekhyun’s request. He hadn’t told them anything on the phone, but when each person entered the apartment, they all seemed to know the gist of the situation.

            “How was he afterwards?” Joonmyeon inquired.

            “Horrible,” Chanyeol sighed and clasped his hands together between his legs. Baekhyun rubbed the giant’s back gently, “I had to help him get dressed. He wouldn’t talk, or move much.”

            “He still won’t,” Yixing exited Sehun’s room with a heavy heart. He plopped down on the couch adjacent to the one Baekhyun and Chanyeol were sitting on, and held Joonmyeon’s hand.

            Kyungsoo and Minseok were in with Sehun, trying their best to console him. Sehun’s head rested limply on Kyungsoo’s chest, and his glassy eyes stared into nothing. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Kyungsoo, who had Sehun’s head rested against him, Sehun’s hair gently. Minseok also sat next to them on the bed and held Sehun’s hand, whispering soft and loving words of assurance.

            Jong In and Jongdae were in the kitchen together, sipping coffee. The two were equally as depressed as the others, but couldn’t bear to see the sight of Sehun. Just a glance at the boy from far away was too much for them to handle. Due to this they stayed in the kitchen, out of sight.

            The door to the apartment opened, and in came Wu Fan. Tao rose from his spot next to Yixing and Joonmyeon, and greeted his boyfriend with a gentle squeeze of the hand. Wu Fan nodded at Tao. Tao bit his lower lip, and nudged his head off in the direction of Sehun’s room. Wu Fan chastely kissed Tao’s forehead, and walked off to Sehun’s bedroom.

            It hurt Wu Fan as well to see the kid in this state. Sehun resembled a rag doll in the way he lifelessly lied there. Wu Fan edged his big frame on to the small bed and sighed, scanning the fragile looking creature.

            “Sehun,” Wu Fan’s deep voice rang out. Sehun continued to lay there, as if he hadn’t heard him. Wu Fan continued on, “look at me.” Again, nothing.

            “Look at me,” Wu Fan commanded again. Still, nothing.

            “Wu Fan-sshi,” Kyungsoo protested, but then Wu Fan grabbed Sehun by the collar of his shirt, forcing the younger’s limp body to rise up towards his ex-teacher’s.

            Sehun’s shallow orbs connected with Wu Fan’s, but there was still no true recognition beneath the surface. Wu Fan felt frustrated, but mostly depressed.

            “Wu Fan,” Sehun croaked out slowly and softly, “He….hates me.”

            “No,” Wu Fan replied back firmly, “he doesn’t. Now you listen to me,”

            Minseok and Kyungsoo were both a little afraid of the terse tone Wu Fan was using with Sehun, but they knew better than to interfere. It was the same for the rest of the crew, who could hear Wu Fan extremely clearly in the silent house.

            “I want you to promise me something. I want you to promise me that you will not give up on Luhan. Do you understand?” Wu Fan ordered.

            I should not give up, thought Sehun. It was just like that time, when Tao was distraught over the conflict with Wu Fan. Luhan’s dedicated and persevering actions flooded his memory. That too, and also the time when Sehun and Luhan vowed to not give up on one another that night when he nearly kissed that girl. A tear ran down Sehun’s cheek, and if his face could register it, he would’ve been in a sobbing fit once again.

             The tear dropped down on to Wu Fan’s hand that was still tightly clutching Sehun’s shirt. He wrestled down the rock forming in his throat, and let go of Sehun, releasing the younger back on to Kyungsoo. Wu Fan abruptly rose from the bed and exited the room.

              Those who were on the couch rose to their feet. Tao looked to Wu Fan for an explanation, and Wu Fan shook his head ‘no.’ Jong In and Jongdae, too, joined the group from the kitchen.

              “I’m off,” Wu Fan announced, “Don’t wait for me. I’ll call if anything goes wrong.”

             “Where are you going?” Jongdae asked.

             “I think you all know,” Wu Fan answered, then left the apartment.


              A/N: Well, there you have it....

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Chapter 21: Really really really loved this... especially kris!!! Please... update the epilogue soon!!!
Chapter 21: Love thissss huhuhu oh please post the epilogue soon!
Chapter 21: I'm crying this is so beautiful
IheartKPopandJPop #4
Chapter 21: Omigawdd so good!! I love this story so much!!!
I'm such soccer trash
this is probably the best Hunhan I've ever read sos
hunhannies #7
kpopismaharmartia #8
Chapter 21: Oh My Dear Baby Jesus Christ!
(not intending to offend anyone by taking the Lords name in vain n stuff)
Unnie, this is an absolutely beautiful fic - can't wait for the epilogue!
I'm pretty sure all your readers will agree...
- A cheery dongsaeng~
twinnovation #9
omg this fanfiction ;-;
it's so well written, you did a really good job!
can't wait for the epilogue! ;-;
HeeSicaLin #10
Chapter 21: I can't wait for the epilogue!!!!