
The only exception.

Onew's POV

*Haish...why is there just so many lessons on my first day in school?? Hmm...maths, geography, english... Oh no! Its close to 7 already!*

"Tae baby!! Wake up! It's time for school!" I said knocking on Taeyeon's room.

*No answer? Hmm... Just what is that sleepyhead doing?? Didn't her alarm clock ring?*

"Tae Baby! Are you really planning to be late for school?! Aish! I'm coming in now!" I walked in glancing at Taeyeon's bed, she curled up under her duvets, burrowing her dead in her pillow...shaking it vigorously.

*Eh? What's going on? Oh no! Is she crying? Don't tell me...that pabo(fool)*

"Tae Baby, what's wrong? Don't tell me it's one of those heartbreakers in your school?? I will kill them if that's the case, I will throttle them and tie them by their hair upside down, for three! 3 years!!" I asked her cuddling her head to my chest.

"Aniyo..oppa... Its..." Taeyeon said slowly...

"Yes?" I asked. *Hehe...she looks so cute when her hair is so messy...wait till she complains about the tangles in her hair....haha, such a cute pouty face... But then again what's wrong with her?"

"Look," Taeyeon said pointing to her face, pouting." There is a pimple."

"What! Just a small pimple and you refused to get up? Really?" I asked what she was raging about was so small. After all it's just one small red spot on her perfect baby face...right?

Then I saw her face and realised that it really meant a lot to her... Girls...I thought. They are just so...I looked at Taeyeon, cute. Haish...just seeing that baby changed my whole perception...I wanted to say exasperating... "Tae Baby, you look perfect. It's just a small red dot. Look at how big your face is.. just kidding",I hurriedly added after seeing her pout,"but..." I added warningly,"you are really going to be in a mess when you are late for school and when i start scolding you for getting out of bed late and not sleeping earlier the night before..."

"Mianhae...oppa! I will quickly get ready for school, okay? Quick get out of my room before you scold me...and i want to change! Palli!"Taeyeon said in a hurry.


Taeyeon's POV

"Yum Yum!" You cook really well oppa!" I said in between mouthfuls of toasts and eggs.

"Eat more than! And for school later on... Hwaiting!!" Onew said chuckling to himself.

*Hehe...that so caring oppa I have...*

"Oppa you too! Hwaiting!! It's your first day in a new school! Don't start falling for a pretty girl, okay? YOu still have one to take care of!"

Onew's POV

*That cute girl! It's going to be a new day and a new beginning...wonder if there is anything exciting in store for me...*



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Chapter 1: update soon please
2NE1minzyforever #2
kyuminnielove16 #3
Chapter 22: nice cliffhanger .....
Chapter 22: Yay! You updated! (:
Thanks for updating! hehe^^
Chapter 21: Cliffhanger~ Lol. Have a nice vacay and update asap! :)
2NE1minzyforever #7
Chapter 20: just sarted reading this:)so good:)
Chapter 20: Have fun overseas! I really liked the update! :)
LalaLim #9
Chapter 19: Taebabyyy chickenfreak and potatofever dont forget me too D:
Chapter 20: awwwww chickfreak im gonna kill you for not attending !! :( whatever tho. so glad we r ganna be in the same class next year. i expect 2 more years of friendship with potatofever LOL I enjoy your update. fighting!!