
Exotic Love 2: Earth's Survival
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Thank you @LoveKpopBoyBand for the veeery beautiful poster! I love it very much! xD

She'z - U U



Reena looked around the glass building. A big portion of it was a field for growing vegetables. It looked like the NU’EST boys had put a lot of effort into it. She admired their little space and thought they were very clever for making this.

“Why don’t you create one big enough for everyone? So they can have sun.” She asked, straightening her legs from kneeling in front of the crops.

Jonghyun, who preferred to be called JR, lazily looked at her. “Do you think we have enough glass for that?”

“You could make some of it out of tin.” She offered, walking towards him.

He stood up and glowered at her. “Listen. I don’t take advice from an alien. Especially since our planet was destroyed because of you freaks.”

Reena frowned. She really didn’t think it was because of the aliens that the earth was this way. But, that didn’t mean she knew what caused this.

“Where are your parents?”

The boys stopped whatever they were doing. Baekho was the one who answered. “Our families were infected by the bad air. They’re dead.”

Reena sadly looked at the ground. “Forgive me. I didn’t know.”

No one said anything else.

Aron was the one to try and brighten the mood. “There’s always been one thing I’ve been curious about.” Reena looked at him, waiting on him to continue. “Why did you leave your planet and come here?”

Reena smiled. “It’s…a long story.”

“What else is there to do?” Mihyun asked.

She laughed. “Alright. Well…my planet was called EXO planet. It was destroyed, that’s how I ended up here.”

Ren nodded for her to continue.

Reena began to relay her story to the boys, leaving out the romance and just giving the basics.


“Thank you for your help.” Kai stood and pocketed the crumpled red flower. He knew of three other planets that had one of the red flowered trees.

The witch caught his arm before Kai could teleport out. “Listen. There’s more going on that you don’t know about. Earth is the least of your worries.”

Kai furrowed his eyebrows. “Is Reena in danger?”

The witch scoffed. “She’s nothing now. You’re lucky the Tree gave her back.”

“I…don’t understand.”

“I’ve already said too much. Go. Go find your flying friend. You may want to gather others if you want to survive what’s to come.”

She started shoving Kai out of her house and locked it when he was successfully out. Kai was just standing there, blankly staring at nothing in particular. What…was she talking about?


Kris landed on Earth and started for the underground station with all the humans. He had to tell Lay and Suho about his unsuccessful trip. He didn’t know where else to look now or what else could save the humans. Before going down underground he stopped by the Tree.

“Reena.” He softly whispered. Kris placed his hand on the trunk for a moment before going down to the humans.


Ren, Minhyun, and Baekho were sitting in front of Reena like small children while she told her story. Aron was trying not to laugh at his dongsaengs while JR just glared at the scene.

Aron tapped his arm with his elbow. “You have to give the alien props though. She’s seems so much like a mother.”

JR’s face darkened. “I don’t care what she is. I don’t trust her.”

Aron sighed. “But look at the kids. Their excited about something for once. It’s nice to see.”

JR turned his face away. He started putting on his

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Chapter 22: Himchan still doesn't get her
Chapter 22: Niceeee...I thought you were gonna be evil and make a sad ending....so yeah..I like this happy ending better..xp glad exo returns back to living...does Jr knows he's related somehow to Reena? Lol..I
had a feeling that Jr have some sort of a crush on her...so...Reena's powers still with her? Since she killed the tree and stuff would the 13 of them still be immortals? And would the Matorians still be immortals? Omo...sooo many questions..sorry Im just a curious cat..xp
Chapter 22: This is so sad yet good TT
Chapter 14: Nonono!!!
I like Himchan but right now I want him to just disappear as mean as it sounds.
Chapter 2: It's chapter 2 and I can't wait for EXO to show up!!!
Where are EXO boys?! I miss them!
Chapter 22: SO.... NICE. I looooooove your stories author nim~~~:3
Chapter 22: i couldn't stop reading this... so i read this in three hours... because i just... just... I LOVE IT <3
you really made me cry again~ the whole story was awesome
It's one of the best stories i have ever read^^
EXOticsInspirit #8
Chapter 22: ahhhhh,i love this story so much!!!!!great job,authornim!!
OhKrisus #9
Chapter 15: Author-sshi~ I dunno about crying, but my heart was definitely ripped out as well~ Aish. T^T I guess I just have to keep reading till the happy ending.