Haunt Me

What would you have of me today?

Hyung Jun had died in a car crash.  But now, Jung Min had to live his life still, taking care of their child and being strong for her.  

It was strange for Hyung Jun when it happened, because of his family, he was still tied to this world. And thus, still stuck between, in limbo.  Ever since the event Hyung Jun had managed to find a way to haunt Jung Min.  Or maybe not so much haunt as in look over him.

Those nights when it got too hard for Jung Min to bare that his husband was gone and would just silently cry in his bed, Hyung Jun would go there and try his best to the love of his life and apparent after life's head.

At first, it didn't succeed his hand just slid on through and he had to desperately watch as his husband cried himself to sleep on a nightly basis.  If Hyung Jun had tears to cry he would have cried with him. But it was not possible in this state.

He worried about Jung Min's health too, he seemed so thin and he was never getting any sleep due to having to take care of their daughter alone.

I guess one thing good that came out of this way, Hyung Jun didn't need to sleep so any time Eungi was upset he would be able to be right there.  And Eungi, she could tell Hyung Jun was there, so she would calm down easily if it was just for attention.

Once Hyung Jun got the hang of touching physical things he would help Jung Min by taking care of Eungi while he slept, changing diapers, feeding her, whatever he could do.  Jung Min seemed to be getting better, but he still cried himself to sleep.  And Hyung Jun didn't want to completely risk touching him that it freaked him out.

One day though, he caught Jung Min on the phone speaking about how sad he felt, that he didn't feel like he should even go on anymore.

That night Hyung Jun hugged Jung Min and found that his sixth sense wasn't so great that it didn't scare him off it was just comforting to him.  Hyung Jun smiled to himself when his husband didn't start crying so hard this time.  So he just held him until he was asleep.  It seemed the most peaceful sleep that Jung Min had since his death.

After a time Hyung Jun continued this on a daily basis, slowly leaving breaks in the days and watching how Jung Min reacted.  He noticed the change where as time progressed Jung Min slept well without him more.

When finally it seemed Jung Min could go on without him, Hyung Jun kissed the lips of his husband and smiled, "I love you. Live happily, please meet me when you are old."  With those last words, Hyung Jun passed from limbo into whatever was waiting for him.

A/N: I see that you guys want me to do the fighting one but I have no clue what the plot for that should be. I tried one thing and scrapped it because it was just bleh.  So if you have suggestions.  I am up to hear them.

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Chapter 5: the mourn me chapter made me cry. :"( its so sad!!
Chapter 10: "just don't mess it up honey.." <- EPIC! xD
Chapter 1: Oh your writing is awesome. I cant even.
OMG I just read it... this story is now complete ... ah now what am I going to read...
are u going to make another minion story I can't wait for it Wegmans u do. This was awesome and it ended so well.
Chapter 22: Oh so jung min HAD the baby... you know I never got that. :(
I still like it tho. XD
It was so sweet... it made me smile.
Chapter 21: O.O
Is it hot in herd or is it just me..?
That's was smokin. Heart the last part where jung min rides him and him going two octave s higher lmao that was funny. XD awesomeness
Chapter 20: Ooooo a hotel... hehehehe until next chapter ahhhhh can't wait.
Chapter 18: Hehehehe wow okay that's make since now... yay so that means that one wasn't finished yay!!!
This was cute ... hyung Jun actually spending money ... what!
I liked it.
you updating so fast. okay brb..

i will read 11 chapter in one go