~~:Chapter 9:~~

It's Forbidden You Know?

After Jonghyun had finished helping his father, we walked back to the first floor. "So this is the first floor. Over there," I pointed to the left farthest room. "Is the bathroom, supplies room, and the library. One the right side of the room, that's the study hall, laundry and the dining hall. Before you enter the dining hall, there is a little art gallary in there. My umma collects beautiful pieces of art."

Jonghyun looked at me in a weird way but he smirked. "You're really straight forward aren't you? You didn't even let me have a chance to introduce myself!" He laughed. I shook my head in disappointment. "I already know what I need to know about you." I told him. He looked at me smiling. "How? By looking at my entire body with your eyes?" I blushed and turned away quickly. "I have my rights!!" I argued. He walked up to me looking at me face-to-face.

"Isn't that against the law Kibum-ah? Staring at one's body?" He smiled.

"Yah! Be quiet! It's not against the law! I was just observing you!" I slammed my hand on my forehead. That sounded really wrong.... I heard him laughing away. Wait a moment, did he call me -ah?? He looks younger than me! "Jonghyun, introduce yourself right now." I turned around and demanded. "Yes your highness," He bowed smiling. "My name is Kim Jonghyun.I am 22 years old. I am also from Seoul. When I am old enough, I hope to be a successful scribe just like my father." 

22 ?!? "Gomawo, Jonghyun-hyung!" He seemed pleased when I caled him that. "Anyways, shall we continue?" He followed me up. "Yes your highness." he answered. "Here on the second floor we have," I started on the nearest right room to me and went down the rooms. "An art room, a music room, and a spare bedroom for guests.On the other side there's another library, a training room, and another guest room." I finished and Jonghyun looked confused once again.

"What is it?" I asked him. He shrugged, "Just how many books do you actually read?" He asked. "Well I use  them for my studies or reading for pleasure. My family's has been collecting books for generations. That's why there's a lot." I answered him. Personally the second floor was my favorite. I like the shiny floor when I walked on it and I especially love the interior decorating. It was very elegant. Jonghyun replied with his mouth formed into an "Oh." Do you still want to continue?"

I asked. I had to get this tour finished as soon as possible. I still have my studies to attend to. I headed up the next flight of stairs before I noticed Jonghyun wasn't following me. I turned around quickly to see he was the staring at me now! "Yah!! What are you doing? Weren't you the one who said it was against the law?!"

I placed my hands on my hips and I felt my face burning. "Well I have my rights don't I?" He smirked as he walked past me. I imitated him behind his back and I mouthed "I have my rights." Then I hurried up the stairs after him.

Once we eached the top floor, I pointed to the left. "That room is the records room. We keep ou most important files there. Next to that room is my parent's room. Across the room from them is my room and that room next to the stairs is basically an empty room. Except for a spare bed in there, other than that no one goes in that room. So any questions?" I asked him.

"One, where do you get those fountains? Its been in the middle of every floor we've been on." Jonghyun asked as he pointed and walked towards the fountain. "Well, I guess it completes the whole room." I answered. Jonghyun didn't say anything, he just sat nea the fountain. I walked over and took a seat myself.

I smiled. I liked having company once in a while. No one except Taemin-ah and relatives visits me. I looked over to Jonghyun who was smiling into the water. I let out a small giggle. "What's so funny?" He asked. "You look like a child when you do that." I told him, making him smile as well. "Pleasure doing business with you Mr.Kim!" I heard my father say after he and Mr.Kim-sshi came out of the records room.

I stood up "Well, it's been a pleasure meeting you Jonghyun." I stuck out my hand. "Same here Kibum-ah." He shook my hand smiling. I felt my heart race as he held my hand. We all went down to the first floor to say goodbye to the Kim's. Once they were on their horse carriage I waved to them goodbye until they couldn't see me anymore.

Then I wondered to myself if I'll ever see Jonghyun again.....
A/N: Phew~ Another long chapter but Its worth it ^-^b Please don't forget to subscribe!

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Chapter 29: i really like this story! :) i just started read it but it´s really good and sweet and everything :) i´m curious what will happen next. i would seriously kick Key´s father´s a.ss. he is terrible! and i would like to know more about 2MIn :) really curious.i enjoyed it :) u did great job and i´m looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
Author-nim~ Your story is amazing! I love it! <3
HWAITING!! -Fist in the air-
Chapter 29: Omo.! Jong saved kibum . He came back for kibum
You must be brave to face everything
Minho and taemin are also in relationship , right?
Then whay not Jong nd Kibum
Minho. You need to help them
Chapter 29: Yay he came.back!! But hes forbidden :(
Key and Jjongie should just run away!!!
Chapter 28: Kibum what are you doing? I thought we were gonna wait for jong? Whatever just don't get to liking him TOO much.
Chapter 27: Tae and minho are together now..

Wow! Bummie what are you thinking?
Just wait for jong ..
Are you thinking about relaxing with thst new guys?
Chapter 1: This is certainly an interesting concept! I like it. Kibums perfect for that role :b
Chapter 25: Wow wow wow!! Taemin?!! Please update soon!
Chapter 24: Woah woah. Why would you send your sons best friend to something like that for one. And why would you be so cruel to ruin your sons happiness.
Chapter 23: NOOOOOOOOO
Don't make my Bummie suffer..
YAH.. bummie's appa.. don't try to sepreate my jong and bummie apart..

Let them be together...


Can't wait for next chapter