SHINee's Choice

The Love Of A Wish[Lee Taemin]

"An Ho-honor?" Onew stumbled out. "Yes, I have great respect for you and how much work and hassle it is to be an idol of the whole nation, well even internationaly. So you have my respect." I told him, broading it to the rest of the SHINee members as well.

"Th-thank you!" Onew said gaining more confidence with himself.

"This kid sure knows how to up." Jonghyun laughed. "You can say that again." Key responded.

"Well since we're all here, this would be the perfect time to explain why Levi is here." Taemin said. I nodded with the others, as both Taemin and I explained everything that we knew and what their manager said about me staying here.

"Is this the kind of reality you all wanted?" Jonghyun asked no one in general, laughing at the situation they all where placed in.

"Well.." Minho finally spoke up, "I guess I already agreed to you staying here, my answer still remains the same." Minho winked at me, I smiled back nodding a thank you.

"I did as well and my statement still remains the same too..." Key said eyeing me. I swallowed hard and nodded, he is still scary... Taemin looked over at Jonghyun who gave a sigh.

"Since I'm your hyung I gotta say yes, don't I?" He asked retorically, I smiled towards him nodding a thank you. One last person, Onew.

"Onew, is it all right if Levi stays here for awhile?" Taemin asked. Everyone's eyes rested on Onew.

"I-I don't mind... As long as I can eat some American fried chicken." He looked up at me having a side smile. I laughed at this.

"If you want Onew, I will fix you some fried chicken for supper today even!" I told him. He got a huge smile on his face and nodded. "Yes please! I agree to Levi staying then."  Everyone laughed at Onew's way of thinking. I won people over with cooking, I thought laughing to myself even more.

"Which reminds me, what are we doing for lunch?" Key asked holding his stomach. I looked at the time, it was already 1:00.

"Take out, anyone?" Jonghyun asked. "Fine with me, and then we could have a welcoming party for the new comer to the dorms." Minho added in. We all agreed on this plan and decided on ordering some kimchi and soup.

While we were there hanging out and talking something hit me like a rock on the head. Bathroom. I stood up as fast as a lightening bolt and squeezed my legs together. I have no idea how to hold it! I started prancing around in a circle before darting out of the living room to the bathroom. As I was sprinting I heard them say:

"Haha! Was that supposed to be a dance?"

"What's wrong Levi?"

"Do you think he drank to much water?"

I closed the bathroom door behind me and stared down at the toilet. Okay... Just remember how they did it in the movies..

"Hey Levi, are you in there?" Jonghyun asked from outside the door.

"Ye-yes! I just had to go to the bahroom real bad is all sorry!" I said zipping up my pants and scrubbing my hands clean as hard as I could in the sink. I'm so glad I am a CNA or I would not have been able to do that. I sighed to myself as I exited out of the bathroom, almost colliading into Jonghyun who was just right there.

"Whoa partner slow down." Jonghyun said catching me by the shoulders, "I have a question to ask you." I looked over at him and cocked my head to side.

"Yes? What is it?" I asked. He bent down low, bringing his lips to my ear. Again my body gave off a chill that went down my spine.

"Are you really a boy?" My eyes shot open as I looked over at his serious face...



Omo! What is Alexis/Levi going to say?! :O I'm just happy I got all of SHINee in here, haha! Hope you enjoyed!

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e'thpbsj'sdpfaitgpaok!!! Thank you guys so much! I never thought my story would get over a thousand views! I thought it wouldn't past 100 actually... *cough* *clear throat* *cough*^^' Thank you all so much! You're all wonderful people, just remember that! <3
Dagmar #2
Chapter 20: You're a really good writer
Chapter 20: typing out the next chapter out for you guys! I'll have it done by supper time, my time. Soo... 7hours lol. I have classes to go to now sorry XD
Love ya guys~!<3
hayaz3 #4
Chapter 18: update soon pleeeeeeaaaasssseeee
Chapter 19: lol will they ever find out she is actually a girl? and if so what will happen?

lol anyways great update I loved it
Chapter 18: Awwww :) Taeminnie ish so sweet~~♡ lol these kinda fluff make me more emo x.x
Chapter 18: wow I just found this story and I must say this story is great.
Hi ^^! New reader here :) This is such a fun fic xD I read all the chapters at once hehe :3
I hope you update soon! :D
Chapter 15: I'm sorry I brought your hopes up lol XD I wanted to keep that part secret ;) at least for a little time longer.