South Korea

The Love Of A Wish[Lee Taemin]

Okay Alexis just calm down, most guys wouldn't fangirl over a boys kpop band. Deep breathes, deep breathes... But my favorite member is right before my eyes! I don't know why I didn't recognize him from the start! Wait. How am I seeing him now? Taemin is from Korea, and I'm from Illinois, southern Illinois at that. I'm pretty sure Taemin doesn't have a house in the middle of no where in the United States.

"Where exactly am I?" I asked curiously.

"You're at my house. We found you passed out right at our front door. Could we ask you why you were traveling alone with your fever that high?" The woman asked.

"How could I have been outside your front door when I was in the parking lot from my work..." I mumbled to myself. Both Taemin and his mother leaned in trying to hear what I said. "I guess the fever messed my thinking up, but I don't really remember anything.. I know this might sound strange, but what country am I in?" I asked them getting ready for the worst. Both of them looked at each other concerned

"You're in South Korea at the capital Seoul." The woman said. I became light headed, nope I wasn't ready. "So may I ask why are you all speaking such fluent English?" They both again looked at each other.

"We're not speaking English, Levi. I was going to tell you how good you were at speaking Korean." Taemin spoke up. Wait a second, if I'm speaking Korean when I think I'm speaking English, how do I speak English?

"Annyong." Taemin laughed. "There you go that's your English." What in the world is going on here?

"Do you think we should take him to the hospital real quick to see if he didn't hit his head or something?" Taemin asked his mother.

"I'm fine really, just half asleep is all." I exaggerated a really long yawn.

"If you want we can take you home. Where is it at?" His mother asked me. Oh.. How am I going to do this? My home is in America, and even with that I don't speak very well in Korean, I only know a few basic words. My parents wouldn't even recognize me since I'm a guy now. What should I do?

"I actually don't have a home, my parents don't even know who I am, and this is the first time I've been to Korea." I spoke as honestly as I could.

"You poor thing! That must be why you were out on the streets with that cold. Oh Taemin, what do we do?" The woman asked turning towards her son.

"Well, he might be able to stay over at our dorm if the manager will allow it. I can go ask him now." He said as she nodded towards him. Taemin exited out of the room taking out his cell phone. I felt awkward, not knowing what I should do in this kind of situation. You would think I watched enough Korean dramas to know what to do by now. All I can remember is not to let anyone find out that I'm really a girl, until this disease or curse, what ever it is goes away. I hope I can pull it off okay. I think I'm pretty manly, the only thing I'm scared of is bugs that can bite or sting. That's not to bad. Anyway, I always wanted to be in Korea and learn more about it's culture and everything. The door suddenly opened and in came Taemin.

"He said yes, if everyone of the members is okay with it." Taemin said. I will get to live in the dorm with SHINee?!



Okay! Finally got this thing moving! Onto where the real story begins :D Hope you enjoyed it!<3

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e'thpbsj'sdpfaitgpaok!!! Thank you guys so much! I never thought my story would get over a thousand views! I thought it wouldn't past 100 actually... *cough* *clear throat* *cough*^^' Thank you all so much! You're all wonderful people, just remember that! <3
Dagmar #2
Chapter 20: You're a really good writer
Chapter 20: typing out the next chapter out for you guys! I'll have it done by supper time, my time. Soo... 7hours lol. I have classes to go to now sorry XD
Love ya guys~!<3
hayaz3 #4
Chapter 18: update soon pleeeeeeaaaasssseeee
Chapter 19: lol will they ever find out she is actually a girl? and if so what will happen?

lol anyways great update I loved it
Chapter 18: Awwww :) Taeminnie ish so sweet~~♡ lol these kinda fluff make me more emo x.x
Chapter 18: wow I just found this story and I must say this story is great.
Hi ^^! New reader here :) This is such a fun fic xD I read all the chapters at once hehe :3
I hope you update soon! :D
Chapter 15: I'm sorry I brought your hopes up lol XD I wanted to keep that part secret ;) at least for a little time longer.