
The Love Of A Wish[Lee Taemin]

Minho took a step back in shock at seeing my face. "He does look like a girl more than Taemin.." He tried whispering, but we all could hear it. Taemin sighed at this statement hearing it for about the third time, it was getting pretty old. Minho ran up to both of us, completely ignoring Jonghyun who was trying to stiffle a laugh.

"Taemin why didn't you introduce us to you're friend sooner?" Minho said, slightly hurt. "Actually we just met today so.." Taemin told him.

"Oh, so you guys are perfect for each other, since you became instant friends in just one day." Minho said, not realizing the situation we were in.

"This might be better to explain the situation to everyone at the same time instead of explaining it four times." I said. "I believe you're right." Taemin said in agreement. He guided me up in to the dorm of the SHINee's residence. Minho was behind us staring confused at me then at Taemin, but soon just shook it off following us into the dorm. Though the outside looked traditional, the inside was much more modern. When we walked in, I started stripping off my shoes that I was wearing. I never noticed how tight they were, curse my manly feet. They didn't really fit in to my shoes when I was a girl. This chance for me staying here is all I have to win on. I don't have anything here, clothes, food, money... I'll need to get a job and at least save up money to go back to America.

"You could have told me you needed to borrow some shoes, I had an extra pair at my house." Taemin said examining my feet that were red and starting to blister. "I didn't want to burden you more than I already am." I have become such a moocher off of him, I need to repay his kindness somehow.

"You idiot, I wouldn't have minded." Taemin said, flicking my forehead. "It's going to be more of a burden to take care of you're feet now with those blisters."

"Sorry.." I said defeated. "Would you like us to show you a tour around the house?" Minho asked popping his head from behind my back because of his tall stature.  "Yes please." I called. 

"Well right when you walk in to the left here is the living room." Minho pointed out. We got a quick glance of it, though it didn't have much, a low table, a couch, and a TV. The space was nice though, and I could see it lead up to an open kitchen.

"That's the kitchen where we rarely use. I'm really the only one that uses that." Minho said easily, laughing.

"I'm okay at cooking, but all I know is American food..." I told him. "That would be awesome! Onew, Key, and I really like American food, all of us really enjoy it most of the time." Taemin said excited as Minho nodded in agreement.

"It would be nice if once in awhile someone else cooked. You officially have my approval to stay." He laughed, I smiled widely in return.

"Thank you Minho!" I said a little to excited and jumped up and hugged him. Surprised, he stood there with me holding on. I quickly realized the situation and let go.

"Sorry, American habit." I told him embarrassed. "Th-that's fine. I just didn't see it coming was all." He laughed nervously.

"You didn't hug me when I even told you the idea of the dorms..." Taemin whispered to himself. "I-I'm sorry! Do you want a hug?" I asked opening my arms. He turned his head away, "It's not a real sincere hug if it's like that..." I ran up to him and hugged him jumping up in down.

"Thank you so much Taemin for everything you're doing for me." He was surprised and bobbing up and down like a doll in my arms, but soon smiled.

"No problem, you owe me though." He said hugging me back. His arms tightened to much and it soon became a bear grip. He smirked at me, I smirked back returning the fierce grip. He then picked me off the ground squeezing the guts out of me.

"I give! I give! Let Go!" I cried. He dropped me and started a triumphant laugh.

"That's so not fair! You're taller than me!" I whined to him. "Height has nothing to do with. It's all skill..." He said, the smile on his face stayed on the rest of the tour.

Instead of going left to the living room we went right introducing the bedroom. It was just a big open space. "We all just sleep here in our futons, so if you get to stay here you can just sleep with us." Taemin told me making me back away. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

"I'm not so good with sleeping with other people." I said nervously. Sleeping with five gorgeous people, not to mention all guys. "I toss and turn really bad." I told them lying.

"Don't worry. So does Minho, he always lays on top of me. We're already used to it." He laughed. "I do not!" Minho said.

"Yes you do. There is even proof on the internet." Taemin told him. Minho just pouted, making me laugh.

"Whatever.. The bathroom is that door over there. Okay the tours over, I'm going to get Onew." Minho said defeated leaving the room. Taemin looked over at me with a side smile.

"I know this might be really overwhelming for you, but I hope you have fun while you're here." He said. "Thank you, I'll try my hardest to earn my stay here." I said determined. He gave me full smile.

"Levi, fighting!" "Fighting!" I responded laughing.

"Noo! Don't make me go! I don't care!.." We heard a whining voice come just from outside the door. I'd know that voice anywhere. Suddenly the door burst open. Key was holding the door open as Jonghyun and Minho was dragging Onew by the arms into the room. Onew was fighting pretty hard, but he was not as athletic as Minho was. They threw him towards me. "Say hi!" They yelled at him.

Onew brushed off the pretend dust from his clothes and looked over at me nervously. "Hi, Levi. It's nice to finally meet you." He said nervously and shy towards me. I was startled of how cute he could be.

"Thank you. It's an honor to meet you Onew." I said smiling sticking out my hand to shake. He slowly lifted his hand and barely held onto my hand as I fiercely grabbed it and shook his hand. This must be a beautiful dream I'm having where I can't wake up, I told myself. 


Longest chapter I have so far. Woot! haha! hope you enjoy :D leave a comment and subscribe!

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e'thpbsj'sdpfaitgpaok!!! Thank you guys so much! I never thought my story would get over a thousand views! I thought it wouldn't past 100 actually... *cough* *clear throat* *cough*^^' Thank you all so much! You're all wonderful people, just remember that! <3
Dagmar #2
Chapter 20: You're a really good writer
Chapter 20: typing out the next chapter out for you guys! I'll have it done by supper time, my time. Soo... 7hours lol. I have classes to go to now sorry XD
Love ya guys~!<3
hayaz3 #4
Chapter 18: update soon pleeeeeeaaaasssseeee
Chapter 19: lol will they ever find out she is actually a girl? and if so what will happen?

lol anyways great update I loved it
Chapter 18: Awwww :) Taeminnie ish so sweet~~♡ lol these kinda fluff make me more emo x.x
Chapter 18: wow I just found this story and I must say this story is great.
Hi ^^! New reader here :) This is such a fun fic xD I read all the chapters at once hehe :3
I hope you update soon! :D
Chapter 15: I'm sorry I brought your hopes up lol XD I wanted to keep that part secret ;) at least for a little time longer.