Wake Up SHINee!

The Love Of A Wish[Lee Taemin]

I woke up with a strong smell of lavender and a hint of citrus fill my nose. I opened my eyes to see none other than a close up of p-jay tops. I looked up to see the face of the person I was cuddling up to, making my eyes widen and my body freeze.

Having been so close to him in the dark wasn't so bad because I couldn't really see his features. Now however, was a different story. How could you not hold your breath and just stare at his perfect face?

His soft brown hair was in his eyes and disheveled from sleep, as his eyes were gently closed showing his long eye lashes. His nose came down at an angle to then show his plump pink lips that were there as such a temptation to most girls.

I swallowed hard carefully and quietly getting out of his bear grip. I don't even know how I got out without waking him up, but I did. I silently crept out of the room and moved into the kitchen to cook everyone breakfast. Last one to go to sleep and first one up, I thought to myself.

I noted the time was 6:30am which is the alarm in my head to wake up. Why so early? I complained to my brain.

I was half way through when Onew came trudging in. His bed head was the best, as the right side of his hair was sticking straight up. I chuckled to myself.

"Good morning, Onew-hyung~!" I tried saying in my most cheerful voice. He just shrugged it off, scratching his bare stomach under his p-jays.

"What... Are you making?" He said sluggishly before leaning on the counter beside me. 

"Bacon, scrambled eggs with ham, and toast. Nothing special." I told him. He walked over and placed his head on my shoulder to look down at what I was making. I jumped by his touch and looked down at his face that was so close to mine. His hair that was standing straight up tickled my cheek on my face. 

"Hyung... Your hair." I said as an excuse trying to push his hair down away from my face.

"I'll take a shower after we eat." He said slowly lifting his head from my shoulder. At that moment Jonghyun and key came in the living room. Jonghyun looked worse than what Onew did as he had his arms around Key's shoulder, who was carrying him to the couch.

"Good morning?" I asked questioning what was going on.

"Revi... Be nice to hyung and feed me.." Jonghyun slurred out opening his mouth to no one. Key left him there on the couch and came into the kitchen with us. 

"I don't even know what's wrong with him... He's usually not this bad in the morning." Key said a little worried.

"Maybe he just needs some food to wake him up. I'm like that sometimes as well." I told him shrugging putting the cooked eggs into a clean plate. "Breakfast is ready anyway." Onew and Key helped carry in the food to the table.

"Hey Levi, would you get Minho and Taemin up? They'll sleep the whole day away if you don't." Key asked me grabbing the eggs away from my hands.

"Uh. Sure, no problem." I said going back into the bed room seeing Minho's leg flailed across Taemin. That wasn't on him before was it? I decided to get them both up at the same time. Here we go, the best way to get people up. I took Minho's leg away and pushed myself in between them.

"Good morning, Sunshine~!" I sang out rolling on top of them and pushing my way around them. "Time to wake up~! Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows everything that-" a hand clasped over my mouth interrupting my singing. I looked over to see Minho's face right next to mine. He brought his other hand to his lips as to say 'shh.' He looked a little ticked off with his hair messed up and covering most of his face and eyes.

"Ugghh!.." I heard from the other side as Taemin rolled over away from us, wrapping his blankets over his face. "No.. Not yet.." He whined softly. I pulled Minho's hand away from my mouth as he already had fallen back asleep.

"Minho! My friend. It's time to get up and eat yummy food I made!" I yelled at him playfully pulling off his covers and pushing and pulling at him. He grumbled trying to roll away. I stood up and straddled him inbetween my legs and sat right on top of him. 

"Come on Minho! Wake up! It's time to eat food! Let's put a smile on that face and be happy~!" I started bursting out in song again this time bouncing on him pulling his frown on his face to make it look like he was smiling. He swatted my hand away and pushed me off standing up quickly.

He kicked me away again and like a little kid he stomped away mad into the living room to eat grumbling to himself. I laughed to myself. Okay, Taemin's turn.

I tried to be nice this time and I laid right beside him cuddling him like when we were sleeping. I patted his hip and whispered in his ear softly. 

"Hey Taemin... It's time to get up~..." He moved like an inch worm away from me, wrapping his covers over his head tighter.

"Taemin! If you don't get up now I'm gonna start singing again!" I yelled towards him getting closer. 

"Wakey wakey, silly sil-" My singing was stopped again by him pulling me into him. He pushed my head into his gut as to muffle out my singing. I tried pushing away, but his grip was not letting go, as my face was stuck onto his stomach feeling the hardness of his abs hurting my face.

"Shut up..." He said still half asleep. He then took his legs and wrapped them around my waist to stop me from flailing around to get him off me. 

"Mhff.. mouff.. mmeeyy...myuh vmhh vthuumm!!" I yelled into his gut. Finally Taemin opened his eyes and loosened his grip on my head and looked down at me..

"What?" He asked. I took a big breath.

"I said, get off me I can't breath!" I yelled at him pushing his arms away from my face. He shrugged and closed his eyes again, this time wrapping his arms right around my chest. 

"Go to sleep..." He muffled in my neck. I shivered from his hot breath and was frozen for a second.

"What's taking you guys so long... Ah. I see now." Onew said coming in looking at my situation.

"Help me! He won't let go!" I yelled annoyed hiding my actual embarrassment of having someone walk in on this position I was stuck in.

"Key should have warned you, Taemin likes to cling a lot if you try and wake him up.." Onew said bending down and prying off Taemin's arms away from me. 

"Help me drag him to the table." He told me as we wrapped his arms around our shoulders and started carrying him literally all the way to the table, before throwing him down on his seat. He moaned before slowly sitting up and staring with his eyes squinted at the food before him.

"Levi made breakfast, so eat up while it's still warm!" Key yelled at him. Taemin opened his eyes more and scratched his head before slowly digging into his plate of food....



:O I had so much fun with this chapter! lol <3 Please comment and subscribe if you want more! I do know that Minho and Onew are hard to get up, but I think I did exaggerate Taemin's part a bit haha! My bad ^^'


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e'thpbsj'sdpfaitgpaok!!! Thank you guys so much! I never thought my story would get over a thousand views! I thought it wouldn't past 100 actually... *cough* *clear throat* *cough*^^' Thank you all so much! You're all wonderful people, just remember that! <3
Dagmar #2
Chapter 20: You're a really good writer
Chapter 20: typing out the next chapter out for you guys! I'll have it done by supper time, my time. Soo... 7hours lol. I have classes to go to now sorry XD
Love ya guys~!<3
hayaz3 #4
Chapter 18: update soon pleeeeeeaaaasssseeee
Chapter 19: lol will they ever find out she is actually a girl? and if so what will happen?

lol anyways great update I loved it
Chapter 18: Awwww :) Taeminnie ish so sweet~~♡ lol these kinda fluff make me more emo x.x
Chapter 18: wow I just found this story and I must say this story is great.
Hi ^^! New reader here :) This is such a fun fic xD I read all the chapters at once hehe :3
I hope you update soon! :D
Chapter 15: I'm sorry I brought your hopes up lol XD I wanted to keep that part secret ;) at least for a little time longer.