
The Love Of A Wish[Lee Taemin]

I was in the bathroom when Minho already left for the bedroom. I drained the water that was already in there from Taemin. I sighed feeling the cold water run through my fingers and exit into the drain, so much for getting to bed early.

Plugging the hole back up, I the hot water to extreme. While the tub was starting to fill up, I began undressing myself, feeling almost insecure about being in this body, about being in a new house, heck! To be in a whole different country.

I looked over in the mirror at my new body. Thankfully my face, for the most part, stayed the same. My eye's were still their deep turquoise blue-green mixture that changed colors ever so slightly with the season. My hair was still a nice golden brown and had it's short length I had before turning into a boy. Though for a guy this length would be considered long, I don't think I have the courage to cut it any shorter.

I awkwardly got in the bath, shutting off the hot steaming water. The bathroom was already fogged up to were you couldn't see anything, which is exactly what I wanted. Even though I could still feel everything.

I shivered at my own touch on this different body, it's not the same as my normal skin. It's not as soft and my body was bigger, tall wise and muscle mass wise. I grabbed both sides of my arms and started crying. I couldn't help it, this was to much of a drastic change for me not to cry, and I was finally alone. Finally alone to let my feelings go and let out all the stress I was carrying. From lying about who I was, to trying to get over the fact that I might not ever become a girl again.

I don't know how long I stayed there in the bath tub crying, but when I stopped the water was already getting cool. I wiped away the tears after finishing up. When I got out of the tub, I wrapped the towel around my waist and went back to the mirror.

I rubbed off the condensation on the mirror with my forearm and stared down at myself. I pointed.

"You are no longer Miss Alexis, the girl that is afraid of everything. You are now Levi, the guy who is courageous and strong and will never let anyone know that you were a girl. That girl is gone. This will be the last time Alexis, the girl cries." I nodded towards myself in the mirror, building up my courage for the following days ahead. I rubbed away the residue from the tears off my cheeks, and shook off all the bad things in my mind.

I looked over and there in the corner of the bathroom were some badly folded pairs of pajamas. I smiled to myself.

Poor Taemin, he tried so hard. I unfolded the pajamas with red, blue, and purple plaid print on them and put them on, crossing my fingers they would fit. Thankfully they did, well in all actuality they were a little big, but only because of our height difference.

I put the sleeves up to my face and took in a big breath in through my nose. Getting a whiff of lavender and a slight scent of citrus. 

So this is what Taemin smells like.. I thought smiling, taking in another breath of it. For some reason the smell of it helped calm me down to were I could fully become relaxed. 

I quietly exited out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to see five sleeping members of SHINee. They were literally sleeping in sleeping bags on the ground. Aren't they pop stars? Wouldn't they at least have a proper bed? I quietly passed by them one by one, gazing at them and their sleeping habits.

The first to pass was Jonghyun, who was spread out as much as he could in his sleeping bag, snoring like an old man. I stifled a laugh, seeing Key sleeping next beside him, again spread out as far as his sleeping bag would allow. His hand was so far out it was hitting Onew in the face, the poor guy. Onew was struggling inbetween Key punching him and Minho trying to cuddle with him.

Minho sound asleep was switching back in forth between Onew and Taemin, each pushing him off when he tried to cuddle with them. I could hardly contain my laughter at this point, occasionally adding a snort and chuckle here and there.

Taemin was at the end of the line cuddled up by himself in a tight ball with his hands by his face, sleeping like a little kid. The way his face looked, made him look almost like an angel, so pure and innocent looking.

There beside him by the wall was another quickly put together sleeping bag. I guess this one is mine.. I sunk into it trying to make the least bit of noise and closed my eyes. Today has been a long day. And after that, I drifted off to sleep.

Unfortunately, my sleep was cut short, as I was awoken by arms wrapping around me. My eyes burst open as I saw Taemin centimeters from my face, pushing his way closer, trying to get out of reach of Minho. I started to scream, but quickly muffled it with my hands.

This can't be happening, can it?! I yelled in my mind, trying to figure out what in the world I was supposed to do at this point. Taemin's arms were completely around me into a hug, while my head was right there on his relaxed shoulder. It was like he was trying to comfort me subconsciously, with out even knowing what was all happening to me. I couldn't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside, cuddling in closer into his warm embrace. I quickly soon after this, fell into a peaceful sleep...



Yo guys! I hope you've been enjoying the story so far. I'm thinking about adding to the story with the other's point of view, cause I noticed you're going to be missing a lot of information if I don't add them... But it's up to you. Comment and let me know what you think. If you want I can even create a second story in SHINee's point of view, let me know! ;) Bye~!<3

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e'thpbsj'sdpfaitgpaok!!! Thank you guys so much! I never thought my story would get over a thousand views! I thought it wouldn't past 100 actually... *cough* *clear throat* *cough*^^' Thank you all so much! You're all wonderful people, just remember that! <3
Dagmar #2
Chapter 20: You're a really good writer
Chapter 20: typing out the next chapter out for you guys! I'll have it done by supper time, my time. Soo... 7hours lol. I have classes to go to now sorry XD
Love ya guys~!<3
hayaz3 #4
Chapter 18: update soon pleeeeeeaaaasssseeee
Chapter 19: lol will they ever find out she is actually a girl? and if so what will happen?

lol anyways great update I loved it
Chapter 18: Awwww :) Taeminnie ish so sweet~~♡ lol these kinda fluff make me more emo x.x
Chapter 18: wow I just found this story and I must say this story is great.
Hi ^^! New reader here :) This is such a fun fic xD I read all the chapters at once hehe :3
I hope you update soon! :D
Chapter 15: I'm sorry I brought your hopes up lol XD I wanted to keep that part secret ;) at least for a little time longer.