Get close to her...

A Whisper


No one's POV

     “You bought two apartments?” I ask as he opens the door and invites me. “I thought you said we would be living in the same place.”

     “We are.” He says with a smile.

     “Huh?” I ask confused. He smiles and grabs my hand. I blush as he leads me down the hall and into the bedroom. He lets go of my hand and motions both hands to an empty wall.

     “What?” I ask after a few seconds of silence. He walks over and touches a few places in the wall and all of a sudden it moves upward.

     My eyes and mouth go wide open as I watch the wall disappear and reveal a spiral staircase leading upwards.

     He walks over to the stairs and gestures towards them.

     “If you would.” He says motioning for me to climb up them. I slowly walk over and climb. I reach the top and wait for him to come up too. When he reaches he touches the wall in some places and it starts to lower. I can’t help myself as air leaves my lungs.


     What is this Hogwarts?


     The wall lowers revealing another bedroom. He takes my hand and leads me out and into another apartment. Only this one was more extravagant than the one bellow.


     “Do you like it?”

     “Where do you get the money for all of this?” I ask amazed.

     “My parents…”

     “But, I thought they were dead…”

     “They are… They had a lot of money and left it all to me in a secret account.”

     “How did you find that out?”

     He smiles with a hint of sadness.

     “Another day… Let’s get settled in.” he says and goes to the kitchen.

     I wanted to ask more about it but decided not to… It looks like it is a painful memory…



No one’s POV

     “We have no leads. None of the people we talked to seem to know him or his whereabouts.”

     Joohyun says while looking through some papers. Sunny was laying back in her chair with her legs up on the desk and her eyes glued to the computer screen playing some fighter game. Joohyun momentarily glances up at her and scoffs before looking back at her papers.


     Needless to say Joohyun didn’t like Sunny… at all.


     Lay had his gaze fixed on Taemin who seemed to be lost in thought.

     “What are you thinking about Taemin?” he finally decides to ask.


     “There’s this girl I questioned… She was his neighbor.”

     “We cleared everyone who lived in his building.” Joohyun says.

     “I know… but there’s something about her that feels familiar…”

     They all look at him with confusion. Even Sunny, who doesn’t react to anything looks at him with some confusion.


     “What do you mean? Have you met her before?”


     He sits in silence for a few moments as if he’s trying to recall a memory but can’t.


    “I’m not sure…” there were a few more moments of silence before he speaks again. “I think I should get close to her. When I questioned others in the building they all said that her and Baekhyun seemed to be close, and maybe even dating.”

     “Do you think she was covering for him?” Joohyun asks.

     “She claims that he was her tutor…”

     “You can’t tell whether she was lying or not?” Lay asks.


     “Maybe she’s a good liar.” He says while smiling and stands up.


     “Where are you going?” He asks.

     “She said she was moving. I’m going to find out where.”

     “And do what?” Joohyun asks. Taemin smirks.


     “Get close to her.”



     He leaves the room. As soon as the door closes Sunny stands up and follows after him.


     Joohyun sighs and look over at Lay.


     “What the hell is he going to gain by becoming “close” to her? Does he think by doing that Baekhyun will magically show up?”

     “I don’t think this is about finding Baekhyun.”

     “What do you mean?”

     “I think ice king grew some kind of crush.”

     “What? That’s insane.” She says and shakes her head.


     “That’s just what I think. He clearly recognized her in some way. Maybe he knew her before he came here. Maybe they knew each other when they were kids. Maybe they’re cousins… I don’t know, but that’s not the point. Clearly there is a blank part of his past that he’s trying to recover.”


     Lay turns his attention back to his work as Joohyun still looks at him in confusion. She sighs and goes back to her work as well. She’s not sure if she believes that’s the reason but if it is true, then what exactly is he trying to recover?



     Sunny catches up to him and grabs his arm. She stares at him intensely with slightly furrowed brows.

     He smiles at her.

     “I definitely know her from somewhere Sunny. She might even be the person I have been looking for.”

     Instantly her brows unfurrow and she nods her head.




     “Baekhyun!” Bomi yells as she runs into the kitchen which was filled with smoke.


     She knew she shouldn’t have let him cook the dinner but he insisted.

     Baekhyun may be good at everything but the one thing he isn’t good at… is cooking.


     “Back away!” She yells as she tries to find a lid to throw on it.

     Meanwhile Baekhyun was filling a bucket of water.


     Bomi finally found the lid.

     “BAEKHYUN NO!!!” she yells but was too late and he throws the bucket of water in the pan and instantly the place fills with steam along with yelps from Bomi as some of the contents splatter on her legs.

     “Bomi!” he yells and runs to her.


     “YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO THROW WATER ON IT! IT CAN SPREAD THE FIRE!” She yells as he lifts her up and carried her out of the room.

     He puts her on the couch in the living room and goes back to make sure it was put out, which luckily it did. Then he instantly opens the windows and then runs back to Bomi and picks her up again and goes straight to the bathroom and places her in the tub and turns on the water.


     “BAEKHYUN! IT’S FREEZING!” She yells and tries to get out but he doesn’t let her.

     “No! You were burnt!” he yells.

     “Baekhyun I’m fine…”

     “No you aren’t!” He yells clearly upset that he injured her. His eyebrows were furrowed and he was breathing heavily.

     “I’m so sorry Bomi… I’m such an idiot!” he says and sighs heavily.


     She watches as he inspects her wounds while continuously sighing.

     “Baekhyun really… I’ll die of pneumonia before I die of these small burns.” She says.

     He finally looks up at her and notices that she was shaking from the cold. He immediately turns the water off.

     “I’m sorry.” He says. She starts to giggle at him. “What?”

     She shakes her head and smiles.

     “I’ve never seen you so flustered… it’s cute.” She says and giggles.

     His face immediately goes a little pink.


     “Take your clothes off.”


     “What?!” she yells and stops smiling. “You can really be erted about this?!” she yells.


     “One, that’s not what I meant! You’re going to get sick if you keep your wet clothes on. And Two… Even if I was being erted, can you really blame me? You are wearing a white shirt…” he says and looks down slightly. She whips her head down and instantly becomes red and covers herself up.




     “Are you seriously still gonna be all shy about it?” he asks as he blow dries her hair on the couch. She was still feeling embarrassed from what happened in the bathroom.

     “It’s not like I haven’t seen it before. I changed you when you were unconscious that one time remember? And besides… It’s not like there’s…”

     “Yeah Yeah! It’s not like there’s anything to see! I get your point so can we just drop it?” she asks not wanting to talk about it anymore.


     “Well… I wasn’t going to say that… I definitely liked what I saw, I mean… you’re not exactly flat…”


     “Yah!” she yells as her face becomes bright red. He laughs and turns off the dryer.

     “All done.” He says.

     “Good!” she yells and tries to get up and leave but can’t because Baekhyun wraps his arms around her and places his chin on her shoulder.

     “Yah! What are you doing?” She asks and tries to get up again.


     “Just for a little bit.” He says.


     “Yeah right ert!” she says and tries to get up again.


     “I’m not trying to be erted… so please, just let me.” he says and tightens his grip and turns his head to let it lay on her shoulder and then he closes his eyes.


      Bomi’s heart rate increased as she allowed him to continue back hugging her.



     “You found a new job right?” Baekhyun asks as he eats some toast.

     “Yes, I took one at the bookstore in the mall.”

     He nods his head.

     “Good choice. We can’t risk them going to your old job.”


     “Alright I got to get going before I’m late.”

     “Okay. Remember to always leave and return in the apartment down stairs so that no one knows that you really live in this one.”

     She nods her head and turns to leave.




     She turns around to look at him and is suddenly hugged.

     “Be safe.” He says and kisses her cheek which causes her face to burn red.

     She turns and leaves while placing her hand over her heart that was beating way to fast.




     “Mr. Lee sir! We weren’t expecting to see you! T-This is so sudden!”

     Taemin was walking through the halls in the upper part of the mall followed by two men.

     “Don’t be so nervous guys. It’s not like you’re in trouble.” He says with a reassuring smile. “Like I said, I thought it was about time I stopped being a kid and finally take over my father’s business.”

     “Y-Yes sir! We didn’t even know that the President had a son.”

     Taemin smiles.

     “Neither did he…” he says with a smirk.


     “Neh?” the man asks but doesn’t get answered.



     “Bomi, I am so glad that you took this job. It may not seem like it but this place can get pretty busy.”

     Bomi smiles at her new co-worker, Naeun, as they rearrange a shelf of books.

     “It’s especially crazy around her because of the President’s son suddenly showing up and taking over. From what I hear he is extremely handsome! And free! Which is why I am dressed so nicely today!”


     Bomi smiles along with her while mentally rolling her eyes. Naeun takes a look at Bomi and scans her up and down.


     “At least I don’t have to worry about you being my competition with the way you are dressed.”

     I mentally scoff at her bluntness.

     “Don’t get me wrong! You’re not dressed badly! The clothes really suit you!”

     I just nod my head and pretend like I don’t want to hit her.


     “Ommo! There he is!” She squeals and runs over to the window. I roll my eyes and continue to stack the books not interested in seeing who he is.

     I hear some more squeals at the door.



     “Bomi-shi?” I hear someone say and I turn to see who it is.




     I feel like my heart stops when I see Taemin standing in front of me with a friendly smile on his face.




     What am I supposed to do now?



To be continued...




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MissTopakin #1
Chapter 20: Please update even if its been so long! Im dying to read moree!
Byungchan_angel #3
Chapter 20: Please update soon!!
Eririn #4
Chapter 20: I can't decide on which pairing I prefer. Thank you for updating.
lolly98 #6
Chapter 19: Update soon pls.. baekmi
thinkinfree23 #7
I guess Baekhyun should be with Bomi but I really want Bomi and Taemin to be together! I know it won't happen but can you make a one shot of Taemi if Baekmi's gonna happen?
LoverKpoper #8
So far its a great story! plz update soon! take your time! keep the great job
blackmyungeun #9
Chapter 19: Update sooooon. I wanna see baekhyun bomi moments again.